Tfw 5 inch dick

>tfw 5 inch dick

Literally 1 more inch and I could have had a normal life. Does God find humor in bringing me so close yet keeping me on the other side of the fence?

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is that bone pressed? at least you dont have gyno like me. you can still make it

No, why the fuck would you press it aginst your bone? It's not like dick under your pelvis skin is gonna be useful.

>5 inch dick
>webbed scrotum
>penis on shaft

I don't believe in God anymore. This has to be the biggest joke a loving person can play on someone. I literally can't have sex unless I have prep time. I had to decline fucking on 6 different occasions because that shit looked so gross.
Man, fuck god. Where do I sign up to sell my soul.

And I have gyno and stretch marks with bacne.
Suicide pact when?

If by the time you get a girl to know your dick size you haven't guaranteed yourself sex regardless of it you've already fucked up.

>webbed scrotum
>penis on shaft

Are u making up words? tf bro

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>tfw 7 inch dick

Attached: I NEED PICTURES.jpg (400x300, 25K)

>barely 5.5 inch dick and very soft erections
end me now

Shit, I meant hair on shaft!
The webbed scrotum is legit though. Aka turkey dick.

>It's not like dick under your pelvis skin is gonna be useful
it would be if you lost weight fat boy.