Robot bf breaks up with me

>robot bf breaks up with me
>a week later he sends me pictures of him fucking another girl
>a week after that he texts me about how sorry he is and wants me back

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Thots can be either gender.

>manages to convince two girls they should have sex with him

he's not a robot

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a robot may not be good with normal girls, but he can be good with damaged girls. It doesn't make him a Chad.

l wish this happened to me.

Don't give in to him, he'll probably do it again or it'll stick in your mind unless you're a saint.

A robot would idealise a girl that showed interest in him to the point of self-deprivation. Wouldn't start fucking another girl lol

This, sorry OP. He's not a robot, because he can actually get girls. So what the fuck did you expect?

t. Normie.

>implying robots are stable enough to even think about getting a girl

That's not the point... if the opportunity did present itself...

>robot bf
You picked a Brad.

No no no. Girls are highly dangerous socially, theres ALWAYS drama involved that robots dont have the phychological utility to handle.

Ask yourself: what kind of community do I partake in? What sort of people do I interact with on here? What sense of depression and illness infest and attract the people that willingly come here?

And then ask yourself one more thing: why would I want to date someone who calls this cycle of hell "home"?

I just wanted a boyfriend who has a history of depression and anxiety that will understand me.

Everyone here has a history of depression and anxiety. I have a history of depression and anxiety. While this makes us understanding, it doesn't necessarily mean we're worth dating.

Do yourself and your sanity a favor and date someone off a more socially stable website. Tumblr, or whatever. Just not here.

>robot bf
Why do I even get on here anymore?

Most human beings have been depressed or anxious at some point. It's normal shit.

But yeah block your abusive sociopath of an ex boyfriend and try to move on from this. I can relate to having the Jow Forums ex who is a wreck of a human being.

can I be your bf instead

>I just wanted a boyfriend who has a history of depression and anxiety that will understand me.

I understand this feeling, femanon.

don't go back, find a better robot bf that won't be this mean.

i tried to date a femanon here for the same reason. she ended up not being able to handle my cocktail of mental illnesses and walked away. i cant blame her, but im saying this because you need to know there's only room for one mentally ill person in a relationship. date a norman who can support you and lift you up, not someone like me who will leech what little strength you have left until you're left a husk.

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I know what you mean, but I'm pretty much over my problems now.
I just wanted a gf who has had similar life experience, who I could hopefully support to get through her own issues.
Whether or not depression and loneliness is affecting my life any more, it still served as a formative experience for me, it's hard to relate to anybody who hasn't gone though something similar.

Ok don't date a tumblrina. They're just as messed up as robots, but usually have a massive entitlement proem, and a superiority complex

Well. I don't know if I want to argue with you, because I did date a Tumblr girl and she ended up being a complete sociopath. But she never pulled anything as shitty as what OP described. So.

Exactly. They're like robots but with absolutely no humility.

>a robot may not be good with normal girls, but he can be good with damaged girls. It doesn't make him a Chad.
No, but it makes him alt- Chad. A robot is not good with women period.

The same advice I would give any male
block & remove all forms of contact

Additional advice
dont date/friend anyone from here male or female, dont date/friend people just because they can relate to your mental illness

>tfw you will never fix the fembot

Will you give me a shot OP?

I wanna get married and have kids with my best friend around age 30. Are you the one OP? Owo

OP, your boyfriend loves you but you probably hurt him so he did something awful so you two wouldn't ever get back together.
But this faggot loves you too much.
I don't know. Do what you feel you want to do.
I would probably take my girl back if she did that. That's just life.

>robot bf
stopped reading there roast flaps.

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