Can we get and end of summer update on your situation, improvements or deterioration.
THE ROBOT TEST (end of summer edition)
Hunter Young
Owen Cox
Ill start off with mine. An improvement up to 115 following moving out and getting a car.
Elijah Smith
okay okay i'll leave this site.
Owen Davis
>doing decent
>get to social
>get 1 point
>get to accomplishments
>get 0 points
>end up with 48
Austin Ramirez
35 at least i belong somewhere right?
Juan Phillips
38 points I win
Christopher Kelly
Slowly but surely that number will rise.
Julian Gomez
I couldn't lie my way to get NEETbux so I had to get a job
Easton Johnson
T-thanks for texting me, mom
Ethan Lopez
Fell pretty hard on the latter 2, but did well in first 3 to make up for it.
I'll pack my bags and go now, lads