Say something nice about normalfags.
Say something nice about normalfags
They can have conversations
They pay taxes for my NEETbux
I like it when they stay inside during the winter or at night, very thoughtfull.
Or when they're dead in the ground, very polite
They make excellent targets
they can persist at monotonous meaningless tasks without questioning their motive
some of them have nice perfume/cologne
pseudo-intellectualism opinion on normies.
>theyre not woke enough like me, a le gentleman superior xDDD!!!!
Their laughter is quite infectious when internet tough guys start spewing shit like this...
they make pretty corpses
their pelts make nice rugs
niguh you all normal fags
They try
I like how they're seemingly happy with their lives. Puts things in perspective.
they defended me from bullies
Word of the wise, never meet a 4channer irl. Some of us are legit psychos man, you don't wanna go down that rabbit hole, man. I've seen things I can't unsee
I actually had a few chads stand up for me back in high school.
>pretty good grades but fail out of my foreign language class
>in senior year to make up the credits I have to sit in a classroom full of normies doing piss easy quizzes on a computer to make up credit
>help some wigger sitting next to me with his algebra-2 and marine science work because he was really struggling
>he and a bunch of other people start calling me "slick" (don't know why)
>despite being a scrawny socially awkward faggot in a class full of barbarians who would often fight one another nobody messed with me at all
Chads are okay as long as there's no woman around for them to try to impress
My only friend is a normalfag, although he pretends to be a robot.
They deal with other normalfags so I don't have to.
They maintain the pipes which keep my water running.
Metalheads are the best normans
>Be me in vocational college
>Whole class full of chads, some skinny guys and two girls
>Some of the guys give off bully vibes
>Feel like this will be living hell for me
>Sit down next to huge russian chad
>That's when I see him
>The messiah
>A short, yet broad metalfan comes into the class
>While in introduction round he explains that he's an ex marine, who served for 9 years
>Silently follow him and his group of familiars around, they quickly begin to like my calmness
>Now the metalhead (turns out he's also a nationalist) is my friend
>None of the chads fuck with me now
Thanks Sven :]
Most of them look beautiful.
That's really cute user congrats.