>flirting with multiple horny guys on discord like a good sissy bitch
Making guys cum is the only thing I'm good at, might as well embrace it
Flirting with multiple horny guys on discord like a good sissy bitch
Son, please come back, your mother and I miss you
Leave me alone losers
Glad you've found your true calling OP, sounds fun.
lol home of sexual
why dont you try to actually try to get somewhere in life?
Thanks, hoping I can help others find it too.
Too much work
wait until alex and the others hear about this HAHA
Do you send them pics of your boipussy?
If we've had multiple sessions
Proofs that gays never create anything of value.
So what other kind of degenerate stuff are you into sissy
I want to eat out that ass and fuck it. How do I even get a bf? Feels impossible no matter what.
who r u?
If you're looking handsome and have a big dick, the door of this kind of bf are open for you user.
Fun meme, this is robot. I am not handsome, just plain and my dick is plain to.
posting anime doesn't really help your case
also i bet you're ugly af
mostly everything
I especially love tons of pubic hair and unwashed dick
>wants gay sex
try a gay bar you faggot
You should post discord OP, a lot of horny customers here
>try a gay bar you faggot
If there was some less manlier guys there who like to be girly and such. I would done that.
I wanna do the same thing but I don't have any discord people who are into this kinda stuff
Just join some lewd discords
source of OP image
>lewd discords
Enjoy your furry porn, drama trannies and political bullshit. Why it's so hard to find a place to be lewds without all of this?
just lurk and find people to fuck
dm them
>just find people to fuck
just find the lewdest guys and message them, it's easy
Oh you like that nasty dick stuff that's alright
Stop talking like a nigger
>complete sissy faggot
>really submissive
>no one to do dom RP with and jerk off with
send discords
>dom RP
It won't be roleplay, you sissy bitch. I'll completely ruin your holes until you can only think about cum
Where are you from I want to fuck you irl
Whatever you want you call it
Australia, but I'd be to shy to meet and fuck
No let me larp as Jamal he got a big dick
>Australia, but I'd be to shy to meet and fuck
I am sadly in sweden ;_;
u cute?
It's 1am if not 3am for you east coast faggots
I know you're only posting because you think no ausfags are on right now
you're wrong
Well If you ever want to do discord sex hmu
Yea I guess, I've been told I do
it's 1 PM for east coast you idiot
>Yea I guess, I've been told I do
lmao stop lying ugly bitch
>Well If you ever want to do discord sex hmu
Give me your discord, do you send nice pictures or?
Forgot to mention that I'm a masochist so I get off to you insulting me. thanks
No, again I'm shy id be to scared to post picks dootood#8154
Alex who?
>tfw at work so cant get in on this
Fuck man, I need to bust a nut its been days
What's the matter girl? Want some cock?
Dont, We need YOU SOLDIER Q_Q
no one cares about you mentally ill fantasies. i wish hell was real so you tranny faggots could burn in it for all eternity.
Seems like alot of people care itt.
No one cares about your genocidal beta rage, Jow Forumslet. No matter how many freaks you purge from society the normals will still never accept you as one of them.
just ignore them, they'll convert over soon
Keep dreaming you obese faggot
I am 186cm and weight 72kg. Wonder if that's obese...
Fuck I used to talk dirty while the slut showed me pictures to help me blow my load. Came buckets everytime
Hot. How big are you?
Good thing my dick is thick
Would worship it like a good whore
Hot. My dick hasnt been washed in a week, or shaved my pubes in a couple years and its really fucked up. I'd ask for your discord to lewd the fuck out of you if i hadn't just committed to 3 tabs of acid.
Holy shit that sounds amazing. How big is your cock? I want you to fucking rub it all over my face while I beg for you to shove it in me
Would love to have someone catch my semen I cum. Alot of it is wasted.
why don't you sluts just make a discord
Pushing close to 7 inches, with close to 5.5in girth.
A good slut like you would be lots of fun to tease, for sure. That begging would take you awhile.
Forget my acid though, pls post discord.
discord is literally brimming with traps and trannies and slutty homos
>Suicide attempts are alarmingly common among transgender individuals such as Lampe; 41% try to kill themselves at some point in their lives, compared with 4.6% of the general public. The numbers come from a study by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the Williams Institute, which analyzed results from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Researchers are preparing to launch another version of the online survey on Wednesday.
i'll take solace in the fact that you're almost a coin flip away from killing yourself.
L-looking for real men to serve....
God I just want to get pounded by robots. Chads are alright but nothing turns me on more than fat and sweaty men in line to pound my bussy all night and never let me have a fucking break from their cocks and cum
I made a server for sluts like you guys
How do I find a qt sissyboi bf that will stay with me even though I'm ugly?
>Making guys cum is the only thing I'm good at
you arent good at it thirsty fuckwits on discord will nut to anything
You don't, you find a ugly sissy bf.
stop posting my ID you faggot
Join it now
turn off everyone being able to send friend requests you retard
I want to suck a robots dick so bad, Jow Forums..