Back in 8th grade there was a bully and everyone was afraid to stand up to him cause his older brother by time had some...

Back in 8th grade there was a bully and everyone was afraid to stand up to him cause his older brother by time had some connections to drug dealing business. He usually along with his 3 buddies picked on me and 8 other guys separately punching us till we said that we are retarded or homos in front of girls. They once even took down mine and other dude's pants in front of girls. One day I had enough and while we were playing basketball I pushed him over the ledge of stairs. He broke his arm. First I was satisfied but next day over 20 dudes of his brother came after school and beat me up then forced me to call girl from class and tell her I'm gay like her older brother and that I want to date him. They all made laugh of me and teachers did nothing to stop it. After finishing primary I finally went to highschool and got rid of them and I was at peace for 6 years. 2 years ago in city during night out saw one of 3 guys who bullied me beating his gf to pulp in alley which I saw so I reported to police to testify along with few others. They also charged him for bag of coke, bag of meth and hand grenades they found in his house. He spent a year in prison and he even got stabbed there but survived. But week ago they told me he is out and he knows I was one of those who testified and that I should be on my toes all the time cause he has many connections over city ready to give me beating of life he hadn't done in school.

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Snitches get stitches OP

Tell the police you're being told that you may be in danger? Don't go out after dark? I dunno seems like a pretty easily solved problem to me dude.

go to police and tell them youre worried


looks like the normie faggot is the one who got the stitches in jail

You should have ended this years ago by bringing a knife or gun to school after breaking that faggot's arm. You would have been well within your right to fire or stab into 20 assailants. You still can prepare by being well armed and vigilant. Albeit you're far better off skipping town or going into the witness protection program. He's not a fucking criminal mastermind it's not like he has the resources or endless time and energy to find you if you leave.

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I know snitching isn't cool but how are you supposed to stop someone doing bad shit?

School cook taking dumps in the pasta sauce? "Snitches get stitches", ok but if I just beat him up his 20 buddies will beat me... so everyone keeps eating his logs for lunch and then what?

No, fuck you, criminal scum.

If he was in possession of hand grenades he's looking at at least 10-20 years minimum. If all they're prepared to do is "give you the beating of a lifetime" you should counter this by slaying each and every assistant with a gunshot to the face or head. The DA won't even look at a case involving low life drug scum and their minions terrorizing innocent people. Kill a few of them if you must to get the message across. Also inform the police that this faggot is calling shots behind bars. They might well take his phone privileges away.

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20 people trying to assault you is a golden opportunity to kill and get off on self defense. I'd relish a situation such as that.

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Its like mafia network. You kill one, all his buddies come after you. Or you put one in prison, others do his dirty work. Also objectively Guys like in OP have hardcore mentality. Only way to stop them is to kill them or fuck them up and make them cripples for life so they as individuals can't cause shit. But then again, his crew comes after you until you die.

They sound like low level drug dealers with too much time and money on their hands. If this faggot was stabbed in prison that shouts out that he's bitch made without much pull. I doubt they're prepared to deal with the brutal bloody horror of murder.