Without memeing, why is weed still illegal in many places while tobacco isn't?
Without memeing, why is weed still illegal in many places while tobacco isn't?
because weed is a drug
Because it'll upset the legal drug market and reduce gang violence which would lower funding for federal law enforcement
so is cigarettes and alcohol and caffeine
Nicotine also is, and it's incredibly addictive and cigarettes are the major cause for preventable cancer. Not even a weedfag, I'm a smoker who just can't quit and I hate it
you don't crash your care after smoking cigarettes
smoke a cigarette then smoke a weed, notice the difference?
Neither do you with weed idiot. Smoking doesn't make it any harder to drive
>make all drugs legal for private use in your home
>must be 21 to buy
>have to be bought from a licensed store
>if bought illegally, automatic 10 years in jail, no exceptions
>if used in the house where a minor is home, automatic 1000 fine, 2nd offense is 5000 fine, 3rd offense is 1 year in jail without parole
>if used in public, 1000 fine and destruction of all drugs on your person
>tfw I drive stoned all the time and have a perfect record
haha get fucked
You're right. We should ban tobacco.
Damn, you must really like the taste of boots
Its really just memes.
That said, tobacco, nicotine, alcohol should be illegal as well.
I consider myself pretty liberal, but with tobacco I honestly don't know, man. It's pretty much only legal at this point because the lobby still has its foot in the door. At least alcohol doesn't get you hooked almost immediately
Tobacco isn't mind altering
Tobacco doesn't impair judgment
>Neither do you with weed idiot. Smoking doesn't make it any harder to drive
have you ever been high?
>when OP is sooo retarded he can't argue his point.
One can smoke a cigar and fucking drive or do other important shit. While on weed you would crash or do other stupid shit.
Next time me compare weed to alcohol you fucking autist.
because it can cure cancer so the big companys dont want to sell it to make more money out of the sick people
no fucking clue what that even means
Tobbaco itself is mildly obnoxious becuase of the smell but using it doesn't automatically turn a person into an obnoxious retard.
Your post couldn't have sounded any more statist
Because most drugs were made illegal during a time when chemicals were feared and misunderstood. Also, cigarettes were already a symbol of sophistication while weed was more of a fun drug that seemed too "loose".
alcohol does both of these things to a greater extent than weed
*blocks your argument*
*forces you to become a complete retard after too much intake*
lol my father smokes and if he doesnt get his cigarretes he is pissed off all day long
Except in Colorado, car accidents where weed is present is skyrocketing while drunk driving is dropping. Same shit, different drug.
yea and i know plenty of niggers that drink and drive and have a perfect records.
haha get fucked by gays cause their in the minority as well.
lol this
>uncle forgets lighter when we go bike riding
>goes on a rant about how my grandfather made him forget it
>pissed until we reach a convenience store where he buys a lighter
Want drugs legalized, heavily regulate and criminalize it. Any use around minors should have heavy punishment.
Ban alcohol too. Being a degenerate is never acceptable.
Tobacco is too widespread to ban effectively. The US tried with alcohol and look how that turned out. Weed stays illegal because it didn't have the economy of an entire state relying on it.
Alcohol only alters the mind temporarily unless you become an addict, and most places are certainly against alcoholism. Weed, however, really allows the brain to more freely move out of established systems of thought, which can be a problem for the stability of a society.
To be fair that's not from the substance itself, that's the addiction.
Which is caused by the substance....
Okay bud, criminalizing substances and the war on drugs has been so successful so far
Because weed turns you into a fucking zombie.
This guy smoked one joint and now walks around like he's been assfucked and can't walk anymore.
>ban effectively
That's a good one. Weed is illegal yet when I was a minor I could get it easier than I could get alcohol.
Alcohol turns you into a stumbling klutz but it's still legal
This is pretty retarded, even for r9k
Weed affects the brain very little compared to alcohol. Drinking and driving leads to thousands of needless deaths every year. Weed just relaxes people and makes them sleepy in large amounts. Most smokers will not want to drive after smoking and would rather make the safer choice of staying put. You're full of shit, weed is not destabilizing society. California, Washington, Oregon, Maine, Vermont, etc are not crumbling despite having fully legalized weed. The country of Uruguay seems to be doing fine as well
>implying it's not only the elites who have power to do anything
Drugs are good for the capitalists, so expect full legalization of all drugs in a few years
>compares substance addiction to habitual addiction
are you even trying?
It's not an effect of the drug itself, it's from the lack of it. Alcohol, weed or any other drug addict will act in the same way in that situation.
I'm all for banning it.
Same as stimulants and cigarettes.
Statistics say otherwise, that car wrecks of all kinds are at an all time low
Hence why I'd make all drugs legal is purchased from a licensed store and only used in your own home. Sorry, can't have kids around drug users and addicts. Private businesses would still have the right to drug test and not hire based on positive tests.
People are making money out of it, so I guess they see no reason to stop.
No one is saying that weed is bad or should be ilegal u mongol, people are just pointing out how retarded it is to compare tabaco to weed.
nicotine is a drug you tardigrade, so is coffee, so is anything that crosses the blood-brain barrier
That's what we have in legal states and the illicit market is still alive because underage people still want to buy it. As long as there's demand there will be supply.
>stop smoking weed for a week because I'm visiting a friend in another state
>nothing happens
>continue to abstain from weed for a month to get my tolerance back down
no, you're a tardigrade
This'll be the level of violence you reach soon just for the next hit.
>he unironically believes there's an actual war on drugs
Ever wondered why it's so hard to find onions for cp but there's like a million drug store onions you can choose from? It's almost like one law is enforced while the other isn't at all...
Yeah for about the past 8 years. Driving while high is not difficult. Driving while drunk is another story
because rj Reynolds et al and the tobacco industry in general was an established industry from long before laws against drugs got put into place. weed didn't have that
Keep posting the meme images, I've been toking for five years and this has never happened to me in public.
Probably because you've been smoking weak stuff like a teen instead of shit from source.
Because as much as people like to think it's some miracle plant it has well documented side effects, vomiting paranioa, physically impairs you by making you lethargic and sleepy. Prolonged use can cause mental health issues. Inb4 your uncle smoked it every day for years and his amputated arm grew back. It's has it's pros and cons but everyone loves to hype it up.
Weed smells bad. Cigarettes smell bad but not as bad as weed. Plus cigarettes stimulate you while weed makes you an unmotivated couch potato. Cigarettes also give you cancer so you don't have to suffer long years of life.
Dude weed lmaofags btfo
Nigger I live in California, all my shit is indoor grown fire. You remind me of the autistic JROTC kids who believed D.A.R.E. propaganda in the 12th grade.
>Inb4 your uncle smoked it every day for years and his amputated arm grew back
i swear to god it really happened
Why is tobacco associated with high class and weed just trash bums?
(((Hollywood))), but back then they associated tobacco with succesful people, now they're doing it with weed
> He grows it indoors
> Thinks its like source
>Why is tobacco associated with high class
it isn't desu. everyone smokes so it's not high class if anything it's as common as eating fastfood .
and marichuana is assosiated with societies lowest because it's illegal
What does source mean here?
>high class
That's a funny way to spell trailer trash
Because of history. Weed has historically been with black and Mexican men. It wouldn't be a problem if it were contained to these communities but white girls also liked weed and women getting high around men oftentimes leads to sex. White gays didn't like this.
Fucking this fucking this fucking this
Because then blacks will literally be smoking weed everywhere they are and you wont be able to go to a liquor store without getting a contact high
90% of the shit on this board is bait fyi
are you fucking stupid? so many people already smoke you can't just ban it and then have htem quit. they won't quit, in many cases tobacco is literally the only thing which gives these poor souls a reason to continue living.
>get you hooked almost immediately
well with all of the medicinal effects of tobacco, they are just self-medicating with it
So you'd rather inhale chemicals? What's wrong with a little contact high?
Looks like someone's been on the spice.
Right from source. Straight from the mouth. No dealers or middlemen involved. Not grown in some tub in your yard when your mom isn't watching.
I'm not baiting. This is a serious issue. You don't want to end up like pic related.
It's "Weed" maaaaan.
weed is infinitely worse than tobacco.
smoke a weed then drink a alcohol, notice the difference?
the alcohol didnt inebriate me.
Because of old ass boomers who still believe the propaganda that they saw when they were kids. Don't worry, it'll be legal everywhere soon as the boomers die off.
>9 states recreational
>26 states medical
Boomers were the ones doing weed in the 60s
Sorry, I meant whoever the old people currently dying are. I've only spoken to one awesome 87 year old that said it should be legal, because freedom is what we were founded on. All the others just go off on a rant. Including a bunch of former hippies that changed their tune when they had kids.
Fucking zoomers dude I swear. Fuck you.
Tax codes. Uncle Sam does not yet have the infastructure in place to make bank off of weed, and he'll be damned if some small business fucko gets to the profits before his lobbyist buddies.
doesn't matter
Moot point. It doesn't matter if weed has a different effect, weed isn't harming you, weed isn't harming anyone else. Tobacco harms you, and tobacco can harm others. Weed should be legalized if tobacco is.
Becuz gubment gay
>smoke weed
>poor eye-hand coordination
>often sedated but also possibly agitated
>effects last for hours
>smoke cigarette
>feel light headed for maybe 3 min
>mental acuity slightly increased (I read a study somewhere that smoking found smoking before an IQ type test increased socres several points.)
>look like shit faster and possibly get cancer 40 years later
Fucking anti smoker fags it's my lungs and I hate myself and everyone around me I am the cancer nigger deal with it
I should get a 1k fine for smoking a cigarette in public?
>Ever wondered why it's so hard to find onions for cp
No, actually, I have never fucking wondered that.
>Ever wondered why it's so hard to find onions for cp but there's like a million drug store onions you can choose from? It's almost like one law is enforced while the other isn't at all...
user its really not hard to find that. I found a few by accident I would say I found the same amount of drug stores that I did that other thing.
Hell at that point I'd prefer the situation we have now.
Why tax weed more than any other product?
Partly it's because weed is more psychoactive.
But mainly it's for historical reasons: DuPont realised they'd have less competition if there wasn't so much hemp around, so they successfully lobbied congress to ban it.
it's illegal because jobs depend on it being illegal. that's it, the rest is propaganda.
smoking one right now lads, the fact that it enrages hippy dude weed lmao faggots makes it even better
stay mad, in a way cigarette smokers are cucking dude weed lmaos
Is the robot now changing something other than S O Y into onions now?
>Be me
>Live in second rate American city
>Throughout highschool a lot of friends got bored and started smoking weed
>They started doing dumb shit, most of them dropped out and started selling drugs to get by
>Many people I meet tell me something similar when it come up in conversation
>they're now dead in the water with no diploma, selling drugs out of run down houses acting like fuckwits
>Be any number of people I know who smoke cigarettes
>Have actual job, benefits, fairly decent career. It might not be amazing but it's a career
>Slowly damage your health but still aren't complete deadbeat
>I've never seen anyone drop out of school because of cigarettes
I get what you're trying to say, but the reality most of the crap you see in those anti smoking campaigns are not wholly accurate. They can be addictive and harmful, but so can just about anything. On top of that, you used American Spirits as a picture when they are some of the least vile on the market, completely organic with no additives
Simple fact is puffing on a cigarette every so often won't hurt you, I sometimes buy a pack and it'll last me a few weeks, but I only buy them when I'm extremely stressed, a lot of people are the same
People who smoke weed however are not as likely to do it in moderation, and it can be harmful to an underdeveloped brain, further despite legality, a employer will not allow someone to work while under the influence of any drugs, so a lot of (not all, I grant you, but a lot) agressive pot smokers don't have jobs and sit on their ass all day to get high
Society doesn't need to change to accept people who smoke marijuana, people who smoke marijuana need to grow up and accept that.
Weed, more than anything makes people even more useless. And sadly its the legalization campaigns I've seen that make me firm in wanting to keep if off the streets. More than half of them aren't useful members of society and they parade around with things like "These veterans killed themselves!" What, because they couldn't smoke weed? "Weed is only illegal because of the hemp industry" Except the potheads don't give a rat's ass about hemp. Medical benefits I can remotely buy, but we have non-opiod painkillers, we have anti-depressants, and we have fucking xanax. If Xanax doesn't work for your anxiety but weed does, I'm calling bullshit.