>r3ddit spacing(inb4 im here since 2008 and we used it all the time)
>normalkikes that write 40 lines of text instead of greentexting it
>normalniggers who start their sentances with So...
Things that really grind your gears on Jow Forums
You forgot discord, faggot.
>inb4 im here since 2008 and we used it all the time
imagine being this much of a retarded newfaggot that you refuse to believe that """LE REDDITSPACING""" has actually always been a thing here
>discord is shit because normalfags use it
discord is the only place I can actually talk to people and socialise, it's a fucking gem.
Unironically underage, return to reddit.
>discord retards (the people who make threads dedicated entirely to discord)
>reddit spacing
Want to know how I know you're new here faggot?
>people posting pictures of people they knows (themselves/girls/whoever)
>OPs that ask a bunch of questions that aren't relevant to anyone except the person answering them and won't start a conversation (i.e. surveys)
>threads where people show too much of their life (e.g. their texts)
>threads where people fill out their interests on a template image or others of similar ilk
>potentially really femanons not being told to fuck off
>obvious fake LARP femanons not being ignored
Half of this is just what I would call social shit. People just want to share a bunch of random uninteresting shit about themselves and not greentext and experience or share an idea they had (these are actually intimate things not hurr durr these are a bunch of pre-set identities which one defines you best user xd like ). idc if that's not what thread is about btw, it's too boring for me to work out what the actual fuck is the point of it
>Reddit spacing
I think I started coming to Jow Forums between 2008 and 2009. I've always put spaces between my paragraphs, even when they're unconventionally short. Only in the past year or two have people begun accusing me of "LE REDDIT SPACING."
Unironically and originally underage, return to reddit.