ITT things you feel bad about

>made my then best friend lose his virginity to a fat and ugly black prostitute
>told that one kid he was using his father's death to gain sympathy
>sent my aunt and email asking for nudes
>got my friend's gf to send me pics of her in a bikini
>being a disruptive cunt in school
>being racist
>not respecting my mom enough

Attached: 1534433178285.jpg (412x351, 42K)

>Putting a cat in a microwave

>Being too nice

Animal abusers are subhuman scum, do the world a favour and kill yourself.

Experimentation in the name of SCIENCE! is not abuse. That future knowledge could save cats lives.

Becoming an edgelord weeb metalhead when I was 12. I still cringe thinking about stuff I did back then.

>sent my aunt and email asking for nudes

And how did that go, user?

> constantly fapping to hentai while crying

>human brothers

Attached: laughing whores.png (449x401, 490K)

Making fun of seizures with my cousin, the day after my cousin got diagnosed with epilepsy. Didn't know though.

Killing a baby bird because it fell out of its nest

Stomping a chick til it died. :(

>killing a few animals
>allowing a person to be raped
>using drugs
>confessing to my cousin
>becoming a bad person

>allowing a person to be raped


I was young and my girlfriend cheated on me, I allowed my "friends" to rape her for it. Never spoke again.

like a women chick?

cant tell if thats some real nigga shit or some loco cracka shit, probably the later since you dont talk about it real niggas ont give a fuck

>abusing women
>sending people gore to fuck their minds forever(i don't do this anymore)
>failing at committing suicide and getting the carpets covered in blood(should have gotten a tarp)

>joking around with guy who has crazy lazy eye
>draw him
>make eyes look retarded
>"that's really mean"
It got quiet. I feel like an asshole.

Monkeys are fond of gang-rape, are they not?

>i was mean and disrespectful to my mom during my teens
>i ghosted an online friend for several weeks cause i didnt know how to comfort him for his mom being hospitalized

Why tho? I see so many people say that their chuuni phases were "cringey" but never explain why it is.
To me I always found that phase to be genuinely endearing. You're still a kid when you're 12 but since you're close to growing up and more emotional you think all violence and negativity would make you look mature. That black/white mentality is silly and I love it to bits, much more innocent than what normie teens do nowadays

>traits of being a psycho
>being a bad person

No need to say it twice my man

Sorry man, I try.

>sending gore
>fuck their minds forever

Who were you sending that to, literally babies?

Fuck off dude. Psychos wouldn't feel bad about it.

>Monkeys are fond of gang-rape, are they not?
White young adults in the south who've got nothing to do other than heroin? They sure do.

I mostly wonder if I could've handled it differently.

being racist is NOT something you should feel bad about. you did the right thing.