Salutations! Did you know a greeting can make or break a social interaction before it has formally begun...

Salutations! Did you know a greeting can make or break a social interaction before it has formally begun? A well executed greeting can show your sincerity to the intended party and strengthen relations. So instead of worrying over small talks, give a genuine greeting instead.

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What would you say is a genuine greeting, op? Most greetings are quite generic, like "hi"

Thanks for the advice, OP. Thanks again for making a nice thread, too. I hope you're having a nice day. I'm excited for my (You).

I've always had problems saying greetings and farewells. Like the words are being physically held back from me saying them and if I do say them it's usually in a rushed quiet mumble. I can't stop it.

I hope you get raped by niggers and die of AIDS you fucking faggot

If you genuinely care for someone, single word greetings would be pretty rare. If you were greeting your waifu, you might compliment their immaculate appearances. If you were greeting your colleague, you might inquire their well being. If you were greeting you friends, you might add an in-joke for effect. The thing is, if it was genuine, you will have something more to say.

Always glad to see you too user. Even though I had a long day and feeling famished as ever, it has noticeably improved from your greeting, I hope you have a pleasant day too. Stay cool, stay positive! Here is a very personal (You) from me to you.

All down to familiarity, senpai. The more you do it, the more natural it will roll down your tongue. Start with your parents first for practice, greet them in the mornings and greet them before bed, they are the least likely to be judgemental over your attempts.

I hope you will find someone who will care for you unconditionally, to love you for who you are, so you know the world isn't as cruel as you'd believe. Have a nice day, user.

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Can you use a name for these threads?

Op, what would you say is the best way to handle/counter harassment, rumors, and mean things said about you online? I try my best to ignore it, but sometimes it still gets to me and/or I get pestered/baited by mean and malicious people again.

user hello. I'm scared

ok, but how do I greet someone with just a look?

This is something I have considered before, but if I were to assign a certain tag or name to the threads, people would lump it together with the other /generals/. While I have taken great care in writing an original message everyday, in the original spirit of the board, most Anons tend to have a stale connotation associated with /generals/. Not that I despise those threads, but they tend to attract people who desire recognition more than the discussion of said topics. Should the situation change however, we can always discuss it again. Thank you for your suggestions, user.

In the case of harassment, always ignore if possible, be polite and concise if you ever had to reply. Same goes for rumors, unless you are directly confronted by others for a confirmation, in which case you should answer as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings. Even for these threads, I've had trolls "wishing" all sorts of stuff on me, but I have always replied in kindness. Little do they realise, they have bumped the thread for me when it was lingering on page 8.

Hello to you too, user. Sorry for the slow replies, but I am stuffing my face trying not to die of hunger. What are you scared of? How may I be of help? Please let it out of your chest and vent.

With words, user. Even a simple "Good morning" will do the trick. Sometimes body language can say a lot too, make yourself approachable and maintain eye contact, show that you value the person whom you are speaking to. Inquire their well being, their progress with work and studies, sympathise with their difficulties. A few short sentences can make a lot of differences, user.

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If you don't use a name though then how can you be filtered? Not everyone likes your threads, just like not everyone likes generals. But generals can easily be filtered. If yours can't be then to those who can't, they're worse than generals.

You have made a good point and I agree people should be able to filter these threads if they don't like them. Is it possible to filter by the opening image? Since that is the only thing in common between all the threads I made, the topic is different every time.

Also, would you mind telling me what don't you like about these threads? I hardly think a positive thread without any form of lewds is damaging to the board, at least not when the board is literally flooded with bait threads of all kind, littered with regurgitated content.

I am not trying to offend anyone, but I am very much intrigued. I hope you can reply back, so I can understand your perspective better.

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I am scared of being alone user. No one cares about me I am irrelevant.

how would I maximize a wordless greeting? just a devilishly flirtatious smile?
i'm not good at body language, but can speak well enough.

We are all irrelevant to the big picture, user. In a world with seven billion people, nobody is truly necessary in this society, just disposable parts of a bigger machine. However, this applies to rich and important people too. Richard Garriott might be rich, but I don't know him personally, thus he is irrelevant to my life. Bill Clinton might have been president before, but I don't know him personally, thus he is irrelevant to me too. It doesn't mean they are good or bad, it just means they had little to no impact in my life.

But does this mean we don't matter? Does this mean we are bound to be irrelevant? Not at all. You are related to your parents, thus you are as important to them as they are to you. If you have been genuine to your friends, your well being would mean a great deal of importance to them too. It is all down to connections, and we are never more than six degrees of separation to anybody else. So if you think of it this way, you should rest a little easier, because you will always matter to somebody whether you like it or not. Even right now, you are relevant to me because I am typing a reply to you.

Also, you are never alone, user. We are all brought here together by a common feel, you are among equals here.

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>you are among equals here
Lots of normies here that love to rub their happiness in our faces though

Have you ever walked down a corridor and meet someone you knew along the way? Even a quick nod when passing by would do in this situation, user. Everyone likes to be recognised and to be valued, but it doesn't mean it had to be a overly long drivel every time. Have you ever approached a glass door, just to hold it open for an elderly person before you go through? Even a simple gesture like this would show your sincerity, to substantiate your respect for a stranger. It doesn't have to involve words, sometimes an action would speak for itself.

Everyone likes to be recognised and to be valued, but it doesn't mean it had to be a overly long drivel every time. I am sure there are more examples I can draw, but if you are genuine in your dealings, people will take note of it.

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Most normies don't ever find their way onto this board, user. They might find their way onto this site, but they are probably stuck on the popular boards. Also, if these "normies" are truly happy, then why would they have the time or effort to post here? Do you think a stereotypical Chad would take their time and mingle here with commoners, when they can arrange another date with Stacy? Do you think a stereotypical Stacy would hang around with commoners here when they are busy reapplying their makeup and posting selfie on social media? Do you think a stereotypical wagie would hang around here when they are up to their necks with work and risk undue "promotions"? Do you think a stereotypical millionaire would post here when they are inspecting their investment portfolio, while lighting up a cigar with dollar bills? Nope, most are larpers I'm afraid.

The thing is, most Anons are bored and some Anons are mischievous too. This means they like to larp as the proverbial nemesis of this board to get a reaction out of others. Because most Anons take their baits like idiots on steroids, the roleplayers will continue to make more and more threads for the easy (You)s until the end of days. Pay no heed to the larpers and certainly don't let those posts get to you. We should be in control of our own happiness and we can achieve that in the betterment of ourselves.

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hey it's you! hi op I love seeing your nice threads every day keep it up!!

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Thank you, user. Even if a single person was motivated through these threads, then they would have served their purposes. Please remember we all have the potential to be greater, but we have to believe and we have to work hard in realising it.

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Hey, did you know Elvis Presley had a twin brother? He died at birth and was buried in a shoe box. How messed up is that?

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