Tips to kill someone/myself

If youre just going to enter the thread to call this bait
Fuck off go somewhere else
I need people who will legitimately help me
Fucking tired of everything
Im just a piece of shit failure who never amounts to shit
No one gives two shits about me
Everyone is a cunt
I want to commit suicide
I want to go out and bring people down with me
More specifically my father
Ive grown so tired of it all
Hes sleeping right now
I want to kill him
I almost brought myself to stab him to death in his sleep a few days ago
I regret not going through with it
I want it to seem natural
Seem like its not my fault
I dont want police and shit looking for me
I just want to kill him
Commit suicide somewhere
Which I also need help on
Im Poor as fuck and cant buy shit like a gun or whatever
I need a way to end myself
Help me out robots

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take some ketamine
it's supposed to be an instant antidepressant

Use a boiling lye + water mix to dissolve the body, scrub your finger prints with ammonia.

Also why do you want him dead

Fuck off CIA/FBI/NSA/other alphabet nigger agencies, 4chinz is an Indonesian feline acupuncture forum of peace that has never and will never condone unironic violence.

What dideedoo?

Hes been incredibly abusive to me and my brother all our lives
Im fresh out of high school and he expects me to be a fucking ceo of a company already
Every day he gets back from work he throws tantrums in my room saying Im not worth shit and that Im a disgrace to our family
Our family isnt even shit to begin with theyre all undocumented spics that Id kill too if they lived with me
Hes an alcoholic as well
Theres not a single day I get a break from him
He was threatening to beat the shit out of me again just now because he caught me watching tv
Which I havent done all summer
Literally watched like 20 minutes of top gun
Then he came storming in screaming at the top of his lungs how Im garbage and not worth shit because all I do is lay around watching tv
I have nothing to live for anyways
No one cares about me
I havent had friends since elementary
I just want him to die painfully and for me to die peacefully right now

Ive been able to endure beatings
The only smidget of happiness I had left was a girl I met that I was together with for over a year right after I graduated
Then I learned the truth about women
She cheated on me with her ex last week
Probably longer than just last week
I happened to find out last week

All women are the same
Dont listen to anyone tell you different

Sorry that im typing weird
Jow Forums doesnt recognize any characters I use other than letters
Not even apostrophes
So I cant greentext or use commas

Don't kill him. It will make you look bad, just look for a job and move out. He's probably an old dude that's highly egoistic but deep down cares about people. If you neg him enough he might show care or even some kind of regret

I feel your pain bro. I would think that just offing yourself would already do damage to a family that is already unstable. My family is the same way. The smallest issue and everybody goes into a free for all.

For me I chose Option 2 and relocated to another part of the country. Im currently wagecucking and holding down my own fort with whatever I have at hand to make sure it stays that way.

But I will leave the decision up to you

PS Option 1 only requires a rope

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I already have a job
I dont have shit saved up yet so I cant move out
Ive been thinking about living in a car but I cant afford that or maintain a job being stinky living as a bum in a car all day with no shower
Why work and move out
I dont see a point
Just to live by myself and be a neet for a decade before I kill myself?
No thanks

Not him but I doubt that

People who attack random dudes for no reason are usually already messed up the second they were born

Ok so get a job and save to move out. Ask another family member about moving in with them and tell them your current situation and how verbally abusive your dad is.

Do you really want to kill him and then kill yourself? Or is it maybe a temporary thing that can he overcome? Do you never plan on finding a job anyway? Because then I could understand if you have no inclination of ever improving your situation.

If your dad was a piece of shit he will pay for it in time, no need to ruin your life over it.

Get a gym membership and use their showers. Chill at the library in your free time. Sleeping in your car could raise suspicion of law enforcement but I would just park in places for only a few hours at a time maybe.

Karma is a myth, but youre half right

Kind of like a powder keg wanting to blow and the best thing I did was to get as far away from the blast as possible

And when I mean blow I mean this

Op would still have to find income

I just hitchhiked to a good city and found a shelter and career center

That way I wouldnt have felt with filling out 300 applications with no replies because the career place I was with helped me find a vacant position on the spot

>karma is a myth

prove it

>Myself, myself, myself...
Stop being such an attention whore.

I see what you mean

Its more than just leaving but also a lack of connection and companionship with good people

Im not much of a guy like that but my older brother is

doesn't prove a thing mate

It actually does. Bad things can happen to good people and bad people can walk away without a scratch

You can say karma exists in the afterlife but here on earth whoever can stay ahead of Mother Natures arms race gets the upper hand

Listen carefully you dumb fucking idiot: to kill is to damn yourself. You'll improve nothing. You'll acomplish your worse nightmare and you'll going to regret it. I'll only tell you it once. You're not a piece of shit. You're human. You have ups and downs. Try to balance your life. If you're alive, you still have chance. Nobody can chance the past, but you still can make a changes and make a new ending to yourself. Do not let your hate guide your moves. You reap what you sow.

fuck if I care user, everyone else is "helping" to only make themself feel better, awww im such a good person tehehehe, fuck them if they walked past you as a homeless guy not one will do shit

Stab him and then yourself. Easy

Can you not type like a retard?