Being confronted by the people I've hurt

>being confronted by the people I've hurt

"did you ever think about the lies you pushed into his bed? Do you never think about the nights he wishes he were dead? and after all you done to him he never once thought you were the one to blame?!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mind tell me, what happen? maybe by talking about it, the pain can be at ease.

Sister of ex-boyfriend got mad at me because I cheated on her brother and he had an emotional break down.

I see, I can't give any good advice but at I can at least listen to your trouble, so go ahead vent all your trouble to me.

I went out with my friend because he's been really lonely. He was 22 years old and still a virgin. I became his first girlfriend. Took his virginity. I told him I loved him when I didn't. I cheated on him and word got out. He started cutting himself and his sister and family got super pissed at me. I apologized, but I left a permanent scar on my best friend's arm and thighs.

>your trouble
>I'm here to listen!
It's a cheating roastie, you basedlord.

Nice going, destroying someone you once loved. Don't really know the context, but cheaters never deserve happiness.

Wht do 3d girls do this?!?!?!?

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Nothing to see in this thread, just another stacy realizing she's a hoe

do the world a favor, die.

I wanted to make my friend happy. He was just so lonely. But I wasn't going to be happy by just staying with only him. I need someone who is independent and knows what he wants to do with his life. I love my friend, but I don't see him as boyfriend material... at least not for me. He's too nice for his own good.

You could have at least broke up with him and didn't have to cheat on him, but noooo.

I actually pray for your death every night. Please jump off a bridge cheating roastie

>too nice for his own good.
Either you're an ultimate larping incel or a degenerate roastie. People who think like this after hurting others sincerely needs to kill themselves.

You wanna know what hurts? Working your ass off toward a future with your gf only to get a call midshift with her revealing that she cheated on you. Not only did she lie to me, she smoked weed which I was heavily against at the time. How about when you find out she didn't even cheat? That she lied because 2 years to me was nothing to her. She ruined me, she destroyed my trust for years. You wanna know what you did to deserve any of this? You fucking betrayed someone, and you deserve no sympathy. Your worth as a person was washed away when you decided to ruin someone the way you did. You deserve it all.

Yet you decided to not break it off normally like a decent human being would if they no longer wanted the relationship.

there are a 1000 places for you, this is the place where u are least welcome

Seriously, who the fuck moderates this board? Banning robots for shit while letting normies do what they want. This is the last straw, im going to eightchan.

You loved him for real. It was just not meant to be forever.
Everything you did was out of love, even what made the break-up happen.

You are loved unconditionally for being exactly who you are.

Other people are just a bit shy and scared, so they pretend they can't feel unconditional love.
It will all work out fine in the end.

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>did you ever think about the lies you pushed into his bed? Do you never think about the nights he wishes he were dead?
aha that rhymes

the word would be a better place if you stopped keeping ur wrists closed OP

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I really like that bands sound but their songs get way too cuck for me to the point where I can't listen to it without laughing

>women not understanding the power they have over men

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Oof. That's rough.

You shouldn't have done that. I get why you would. Lots of people do a lot worse for shittier reasons. Pity is a hell of a thing and it can influence you to do stupid shit. And I'm guessing you're super young, too. But it was wrong and hurtful.

That said, it's done and you need to find a way to move on. There's probably nothing you can do for your friend right now, unfortunately, so concentrate on yourself. You can't take back what you did but you can try to be better, do good in the world in in other ways. And there are people out there who can help you to be ok with yourself. This is not a good place to find them, though.

I'm kinda curious why you'd come here in the first place.. actually makes a good point. All you're likely to get here is abuse and that'll help no one. It won't even make us robots feel better, really. Not in any way that matters.

The most likely explanation is that you're trolling, like says, but I wanted to respond as though it was serious just in case.

>cheated on him and word got out.


You should absolutly feel bad you unironic whore, Hope your ex gets better he should the one making the thread and Hope you get worse

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>unironically this
You fucked up. Shit sucks. Everybody hates you and they're justified in doing so. It's not the end of the fucking world, so don't pretend like it is. I know things feel rough, but pull yourself together and move on. Learn from this and don't make the wrong decisions again.

That's women for you. Even when they are at fault, they mentalgymanstic into beig the victim. They could stab some random person for no reason, and then break down and be "le helpless victim" because the deathscreams of the actual victim traumatized them. Women are truly something lower than animals.

Oh, come on now. Greater men do not hold women to the same standards as men. I blame this modern age, just as Evola had. Still, she had nobody to blame but herself, given the state of things.

You reap what you sow. Do not sow shit again in your life, please.

that's a really, really good album OP. it's not often i see it referenced, or even find someone who knows about it

lmao fucking cucked retard

How did the new dick feel when compared to his?

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I feel like there's a difference between being a cuck and trying to keep someone up. We will never fucking interact with this person. Never. Why tell her what she already knows? She comes here for some kind of advice, I figure reminding her that she was a slut and fucking failed as a human being is redundant. God only knows that I would never go back to a woman who did this to me, but as a random asshole on the internet, I figure telling her how things really should be is the only option. She needs to pick herself up, learn from her mistake, and move on.

Ok I don't want to be as hostile as those above.... but don't act like you don't deserve it. I understand you were trying to be nice to the guy but you can't just do something like that to someone, I hope you have given him the most grovelling apology even though I know that wont fix this

You know what, a lot of people feel this way even without the confrontation. It's natural and it's somewhat empathetic.

But you have to realise that hurting yourself is feeding someone elses vindictive desires. In order for you to live your life you need to move on and live it as fast as possible.

By all means take the time to think about this kind of stuff, just be constructive about it. How do I prevent myself from hurting peoples feelings, then just realise that when it comes to relationships these things happen and those people are just sore losers.

Good bait. Best bait 11/10.
If you're any serious for some random reason,try making this thread somewhere else.
The best advice I can give you is:

Talk to someone about it irl. Your ex seems to be really insecure,so asking him for forgiveness will make things worse. Talk to his sister instead,make sure she acknowledges how much you regret cheating,offer your time and support. Ease things for them.

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>knows some guy is pretty insecure, fragile and lonely
>puts on some big act to get free food, affection and other things OP didn't tell us from the dude at the cost of sex once in a while
>gains his trust
>does this for XY amount of time, probably a few months
>dude probably had the time of his life, finally being valued as a human being and finally having a girl that """"loves"""" him
>proceeds to ruin the guys life in one of the worst ways imaginable
>paints herself as the victim

What the actual, unironic, original fuck is wrong with you OP?

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Hey op, I know how you feel with the guilt of being a cheater
Maybe next time you should shut it down, like, tell them you have a partner and you shouldn't betray them? And tell your partner everything, avoid situations where you might cheat

All of this helped for me, but Im single now and my partner broke up with me for complete unrelated reasons

>all that work for nothing hahaha

>5 years myself
>did one big dumb thing
> along other little shit things
>both ways
>she leaves me because oh it's ruined now
>woosh gone forever
>no fixing it
>no talking
>she hates me

So now I'm voluntarily celibate and working on myself.

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Pretty good. It's nice having sex with someone who knows what they are doing rather than someone trying to fulfill their sexual desires.

Cheaters get the rope

What's the bad thing you did?
Mine was sending nudes and flirting with other people, now I'm smart and only feel attraction to my partner while I'm in a relationship

I wanted to break up with him without him knowing I cheated. I feel like 6 months was a good length for our relationship. I never meant for him to get hurt. It was supposed to be a mutual break up.

anybody who cheats is a horrible person I hope you live a life full of loneliness

It kind of was obvious I was going to cheat, I just didn't expect to be spotted by his family. I was planning on breaking up with my friend but that plan failed.

you must be retarded if you think that is ok, you must have a cuck fetish

reminds me of a girlfriend i had a few months ago. talked to one of her friends i met on instagram that i had no idea knew her, made me talk to her again and i was villified. blocked the ex. haven't talked to her since.

some people this bitch doesn't deserve your pity or your advice

No one cares if it was obvious or not its the fact that you cheated you think its ok because you weren't gonna get caught, eat shit, you deserve loneliness

OP sounds like a narcissistic bitch.
>oh no my plans didnt work, now people are angry at me
Fuck off. People arent pawns for you to map out, any semblance of basic human empathy and common sense should have told you to actually talk to your partner and end things in a normal fucking way. Stay out of peoples lives and go to a fucking therapist.