Friday night

Friday night drinking thread - Home alone edition.

Sit down, get comfy and grab a drink.

Tell me about your day, share a story, share music, whatever crosses your mind

There is enough room for everybody
>tfw my new job starts at Monday

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Other urls found in this thread:

What job?

Also, what would you recommend as a last drink?

Fire safety technician

Last drink? That is a tought one, i'd say that it highly depends on what drink you like the most, or enjoy drinking the most

Please dont let this thread die, you guys are my only company for tonight.

I don't have any interesting stories since just a spergjet. However, I can provide these links. I like to play both of those videos at the same time-- sometimes with a bottle of whiskey. Pic related

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I'm trying really hard to not drink tonight.
I'm an alcohol and need to stop drinking alone... I bought a 18 pack of beer the other night and drank it over 2 days for no reason.
Sick of running out of money a week after I get it, then having to go 3 weeks without or borrowing to get drunk again.

That fireplace creates a really comfy atmosphere, and the music counds very good from my quick observation, thank you for sharing, I will have an evening in your style.

I feel your pain and struggle, it takes really strong willpower to quit something that has been helping me to get through life for many years. Atleast thats my case, if you want to share your story, you always can

Ayy bartendie, gonna be friday night here soon. Start my new job Sunday. Nervous as absolute fuck.

So am I. Which field are you going to work in?


No problem, Mr. user. I hope you and everyone here haves a wonderful evening.

Going to Italy tomorrow. You guys have fine girls there?

Lmao "field" like I'm starting a career or some shit. Just gonna be a prep/dishwasher in a kitchen at senior living home. How about you?

Just got shitted at for doing a poor work on my job, worst thing is I know I'm on the wrong but just don't have the energy to make an effort.
I'm looking forward for Path of Exile new league coming in a couple hours so I can go into escapism and inexistence.

Also good luck on your new job, take it from me and try to not get sloppy, it's a slippery slope from there

Good on you for having and effort instead of just being NEET forever, godspeed. You are going to make it

Thanks you for your advice I will do my best, also good luck in new PoE league, clear your mind, you deserve it

So I'm starting college on monday, wonder how that'll go, considering I'm as social as a rock on fucking pluto. In other news, I'm going to play a HOI4 multiplayer in like an hour where we're playing as Scandinavian fascists

I hope that it will go well for you, in the end, you dont have to be social to pull it through, right?
I wish you all the luck with you education, you attempted something that some of us hadn't, and never will

I've got some random bottom shelf scotch that I make Old Fashioned's with. I've already drank 5 today because I'm just a stupid alcoholic.

University starts again on Tuesday. Since I'm Finnish we have mandatory Swedish courses and it's stressing me the hell out since I've hated the language for as long as I've been studying it and am absolutely garbage at it.

Also I'm supposed to start writing my bachelors thesis. I still have no clue what I'm gonna write about.

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Swedish should be very similiar to Finnish, isnt it?
Enjoy your last few days, ill pour one to you

Oh no, really big no. Swedish is a Germanic language, which is in the Indo-European language family along with the majority of Europe. Meanwhile, Finnish is a Finno-Ugric language, which has no connection at all to the Indo-European language family. I'm not the Finnish dude btw

Friends and I were arguing all day, with them using shit like "I have a job/gf, you're a manchild for not going out' as well as being hypocritical fucks. Feels real bad, we still talk but I'm just going to keep it formal

Thank you for the correction, my central European ass has just assumed that those languages should be similiar.

"Friends"? Doesnt sound like true friends to me.
Is your self worth determined by what they think?
Depends on how old you are, but still I hope that you have a lot of time to get things fixed.

Swedish is completely different from Finnish, but it's one of the closest languages to English
He shouldn't have much of a problem since he already speaks English, but maybe he's just shit at languages in general

>Swedish should be very similiar to Finnish, isnt it?
Not really. It's a part of a whole different language family. Honestly it's closer to English and even German than it is to Finnish.

My self worth is definitely not determined by them. I'm 22, so I'm still a bit young at least. My friends are older though and constantly lord this over me. I can tell between bants and being a cunt, they're being cunts

Get new friends, if they're older than 22 and still think age is such a big issue, they're dicks honestly

How much do they mean to you? wouldn't you be better without them?

Alright,alright guys i get it , Swedish and Finnish are different.

>but maybe he's just shit at languages in general
Unfortunately yeah. My English has been learned through an entire lifetime of media, games, internet and media. I can write and speak it pretty well, but if you were to ask me literally anything about the rules behind why and how I couldn't tell you to save my life.

That's the thing, we're all very close but it was only today all this personal stuff started flying. So now I'm not sure about the entire friendship

everyone in my family is at my sister's wedding and i'm drinking alone at home

i didn't get invited because of my drinking

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I think that that's the case of most of the people that has grown up on internet and medie using mostly English, They(we) just have the rules and phrases hardwired to our brain. We use them? Yes we do, but why? We have no idea

That's good user, weddings are terrible and boring

True, only upsides are the food and drinks, which you can get at home as well, but besides that? Boredom.

true but i feel left out. and they;re gonna take family photos with me absent

Just finished Zelda on the NES, first time I played on the actual hardware, good purchase. Ganon was very anticlimactic, beat him with only 2 hearts, I kept thinking I was gonna need a potion, but nope

That sounds really comfy user.
I got a switch for the sake of the eventually coming retro library.
The retro gaming scene doesn't really exist in this country so finding old consoles is really hard or it's expensive as hell.

>I got a switch for the sake of the eventually coming retro library.
I've got bad news for you son. That's not gonna happen, they want everyone to buy the NES and SNES mini
>The retro gaming scene doesn't really exist in this country so finding old consoles is really hard or it's expensive as hell.
I get my stuff from ebay

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>they want everyone to buy the NES and SNES mini
It's very possible, but one can always hope. Maybe someday, when they're been out long enough.

I'm going with a glass of red wine, you choose which.

I don't know where I'm going anymore.
I'm a med student nearly at the end of his career (only 7 more exams to go) and after all these year I'm starting to realise that maybe I'm not cut for it. My memory is shit, I didn't have much experience with patients yet...I don't know, I don't feel ready.
I'm currently going through what are probably the last days of a five years relationship with a girl I love but who I'm starting to think never really loved me back and yet it's enough pain to block me in every aspect of my life: study, "friends", hobbies...
I can't help myself, how can I hope to be the one who can help other people?

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Tom Collins please. Working full time and going to school full time and already burning out just one week in. I'm always physically and mentally drained and won't be able to better myself in any way because I have no time or motivation. I wish I could quit and just enjoy school but working is what's keeping me afloat as I have no support from my family. It's all just so tiresome

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Im sorry to hear that guys, i wish i was able to help you in some way.
Ill pour one for both of you and wish you the best in the future

>tfw you still have your NES and SNES from when you were a kid

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Everything is just shit. Everything either bothers me or makes me just plain angry. I fucking hate this state of mind. Please give me something to relieve this

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I used to have a bootleg nes from the days communism fell in Eastern Europe, but my cousins broke it. It looked exactly like a famicom. I miss that old thing, so many memories

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Had my last day in work today. i hoped i could go out with friends to get wasted but they seem to ignore me...

sitting in dark alone dunno what to do

i feel really

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Started uni and finally gained a female friend in my 19 years of life..
We got close but she told me I was too young for her (she's 22) and it wouldnt work between us because of that

We talk a ton every day and now she got asked by one of her classmates out and she went with him right now, and it hurts so fucking bad

For the first time in 8 years being a total loner with no friends I gained the feelings I worked so hard to remove, and its crashing down on me hard. For the first fucking time in years I feel sadness and sorrow, happiness and longing.

I don't know how to bear this boys, thinking im just gonna get shitfaced on vodka to forget it all for tonight.

i live every single the same way,no job no friends no nothing so i have no story to share
but here's a song:

single day*

Yeah, getting shitfacet is the best temporary solution. But look at the bright side, you made female friend, you talk a lot everyday etc. etc.
If you've managed to get close to this one, you can get close to many, many more

Thank you, beautiful song

I wish i could give you something, I wish i knew somethin that helps.

I'm drinking 5% white claw seltzer just like I do everyday. Usually move onto wine in the evening. I haven't done one single thing all year, just get drunk every day and night. NEET, 28 year old virgin, all friends are gone because we all moved, and I never have contact with anyone other than my parents and their 60+ year old friends.
I've been drinking for 10 years now and went to detox and an outpatient program as well as AA for a few months 2 years ago. Ultimately just kept drinking. 1 year ago I did stop buying spirits for the house though and haven't went back so at least there's that.

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I'm getting my night started with bud light like usual because I'm poor as fuck.

Got 3 weeks vacation from my boss, becouse i did not take any vacation's or days off this year, post your favorite song by the way, i'm interested.

Today I'm telling myself that I really shouldn't get drunk/high like every other night from the past couple weeks but I have such bad self-control. I guess I'll see how the evening goes


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I'm super nervous, I start university again on Thursday but, I'm going into First Year and I'm 21. I've been a NEET for 3 years and I'm nervous if i'll get along with people. Any advice bros?

I'll take a Heineken, thanks.

I chose this life. I could put myself out of comfort zone but I'd rather not. I'm too focused on work to want anything else.

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Just finished roofing for the day. Elbow hurts. Coworker was yelling at his 8 year old girl all day. Made me sad.

Cleaning out the rental I was at. Living with parents for 6 months or a year to save up to put a trailer or something on some land I bought.

Drinking some nice cold pbr. For some reason I've been avoiding my friends. I seem to sort of dissappear for a few months a year. Not sure why. Summer is just as oppressing as winter to me. I love fall through.

>Swedish should be very similiar to Finnish
Are you serious?

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I ended up at the shop 4 hours later now I'm sat drinking strong horrible Polish beer.

Do they still work user?

I recently figured why I am the way I am. It turns out there is absolutely nothing wrong with me, just that instead of being person I'm a tool. Nothing more.

>Since I'm Finnish we have mandatory Swedish courses
Why the FUCK would they make you do that? Seems a bit backward desu.

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because Swedish elite and apathetic politicians enforce it because "muh nordic co-operation" and "we're backwards rednecks if we dont" Only politicians and fenno swedes say this, 90% of the Finnish population hate Swedish

Alcohol is a poison for the mind and the body and a money sinkhole. You're better without it.

I start my new job on Monday, too.

The entirety of 2018 has kicked my ass to the point I tried to voluntarily admit myself to a psychiatric hospital, so I hope this is the beginning of some stability for me.