After 25 years of phimosis I managed to fix it and pull my foreskin back due to stretching...

After 25 years of phimosis I managed to fix it and pull my foreskin back due to stretching, I can somehow roll it back like paper now. The problem is the sensitivity of the glands, it's too much, I cannot stimulate by rubbing it and anything. Can you give me helpful tips for reducing it? Please thanks.

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Stimulate it and with time the sensibility will be reduced.
Start with something easy like water

Try rubbing your frenulum with the skin back. It will probably take a lot of jerking session and just time for it to become less sensitive

it will go away in time

Plastic pussy.

Like others have said, just stimulate it a little bit. You'll get used to it in time. It'll still be sensitive as fuck when you touch it with skin rolled back though. Enjoy your healthy unmutilated cock user

I'm perfectly fine with water, both warm, hot and cold, the gland it's completely used to it like anything.

I always jerked off with the foreskin on, without even touching it, it's something completely alien to me stimulating the gland directly...

I've still got phimosis and I'm slowly working to get rid of it. Progress is painfully slow...

Try using some lube while touching it. Lightly tap on it or something. That's what I've been doing to every new part I uncover.

How do you retards even get phimosis? Did you not start masterbating at 13?

I actually started masturbating at 8, I think phimosis is something kinda like congenital to some men.

Why do you want to ruin sensitivity?

Ipersensitivity is painful you retard, you cannot touch your penis literally, that's why it has to be fixed.

Congrats you're a man now

I just work around it, the head is sensitive but that's why there is skin over it.

Not him but I also usually jerk off with foreskin on
Sometimes i pull it back when i'm video chatting with the gf

Also should I get the foreskin tip cut anyway nonetheless? It will put away the phimotic ring and maybe reduce the sensitivity a bit directly.

Just masturbate excessively and it will get loose.

Do you also make sex with your video gf?

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It is already loose, but it's still there and it's useless I think.

I've also made real sex with her too
tfw lost my powers to her

Her body is unironically similar to that girl's. gf's boobs are smaller though

You have no idea what you're talking about. I've been masturbating every day for the last 10 years and nothing has changed.

Cutting it off will reduce sensitivity, but only because your penis will be rubbing against stuff. Stretch the foreskin some more until your glans can be out without the foreskin choking your dick. Keep your glans out and let them rub off on stuff. It'll be the same, but without you cutting a part of your dick off.

Never get cut, you fucking mongoloid

>You have no idea what you're talking about. I've been masturbating every day for the last 10 years and nothing has changed.
You have no idea what your'e talking about. I've been masturbating for the last 10 years and mine's loosened up

Sorry for not being helpful at all, but could you describe how you managed to fix it yourself?
I'd really like starting to fix it at home since I'm unlikely to ever work up the courage to return to the doctor...

>Never get cut, you fucking mongoloid

I was talking about cutting away the phimotic ring away. Also I might have frenulum breve, there's a point where I cannot pull the foreskin back anymore.

Why the fuck nature was thinking all of this was evolutionary? For what purpose all this issues?

Basically daily stretching under warm water, It took years literally...

You don't need to pull the foreskin all the way back (or at all) to have sex, though it certainly helps.
Also minor deformities do exist and maybe you have one. And it sounds like yours isn't too bad anyway and its more aesthetic shit than functional

How did you stretch it? Did you visit a doctor? I just lost my virginity this year like a month after I turned 21, and boy was it fucking painful. It was like getting stabbed im the dick with nails. No pleasure at all, I dont even know how I managed to force myself to continue the act. The skin needed a couple of days stretch out to cover my dick again. I jacked off the day after with a sock just to check if I still had feels there, and boy it was ten times better than a normal orgasm.

At least you loose virginity user, I'm a 25 khv with no sexual experience at all, you're lucky.

How/When did you stretch it? I've been able to retract mine for a couple of years now, purely through furious masturbation, but it's still tighter than it should be and sort of chokes my glans

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Nah man, it was to a whore. Half group pressure, half not wanting to die as a virgin. Im glad it happened tho, nownI know I have a problem although Im too embarrassed to visit a doctor. I always suspected that somethimg was wrong with my dick since I have always been overly sensitive there especially to pulling the skin back (it makes me uncomfortable to even write "pull back"). It took her like foir tries to get the condom on, my dick was purple-reddish for hours.

Now, four*
Damn phone.

OP, you fking idiot, you don't directly stimulate the glans, except with the inside of a vageen and the inside of your foreskin. Masturbate by moving the foreskin back and forth over your glans.

Luck bastard, you still have your foreskin! I was robbed at birth, and have had difficulty climaxing or feeling much since I started masturbating.

Fck circumcision.

>mfw a cutfag knows exactly how i fap
p-pls no bully
But more seriously, this is true - fap with your foreskin on OP

Many articles also recommend using betamethasone as apparently it speeds up the process and increases the chance of success

See original truly

I have no interest in sexual pleasure, I want to function, I envy all of you because you are functional, that is the only thing that matters which able you to have relationship, things that I hadn't ever.

What the fuck am I reading
You're not even OP

Listen user, I got rid of the phimosis when I was 17 (now I'm 33). It was a simple surgery - NOT circumsition. I have my WHOLE foreskin like a normal dude, the surgeon did just a minor cut to widen the opening. I was at the hospital for 2 days and that was it. The wound healed itself in 2 weeks or so. Right after that I was able to pull back my foreskin smoothly without any trouble or pain and finally fuck my gf like a normal man. Ask your doctor about this procedure and don't worry, they will NOT cut your foreskin off, just widen the opening. You will retain all the sensitivity because your foreskin will still be there covering the tip. Good luck.

Did you have scarring at the top?

Thanks for the advice, I think I'll do it when I'm ready user.

when i was a pre teen like 11 to 13 years when i jack off i pushed the skin and it was very sensitive around the head of the dick. i just keep pulling it till it was good enough.
why you do not do that op? it will fix itself i think so.

No problem. And don't be afraid of the procedure, you will be sleeping and won't feel a thing. It was one of the best decisions in my life.

I'm not implicating OP of anything, but does anyone else think phimosis is being pushed on Jow Forums because of Jow Forums's anti-circumcision stance? It's rare, but I see it brought up extremely often here. In fact this is the only place I've ever seen it brought up.

Anti circumcision has been a thing on Jow Forums for years
fucking newfaggotry

I thought they use local anesthetic to do that, so do they use total anesthesia to do this?

Yes, I was in total anesthesia for the whole duration of the procedure (not long). I asked the doctor and he said the pain would be too great to endure in local anesthesia.

Wear tight underwear, my mates say that's what he did