Why has nothing happened this year?

Why has nothing happened this year?
>winter was literally nothing and overstayed its welcome
>spring was just infinity war memes
>this summer has had no huge happenings, just boomer wojaks
What the fuck went wrong?

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Warmest summer in like 200 years guess that's something. But yeah I guess no big political events, terrorist attacks and the like.

because the two thousands are about to graduate high school and are lazy.

Calm before the storm my nigga. Wait for 2020 for the true happening.

>your 2018 can only be good if it is full of maymays and politics
>not even doing things to make you happy or self-improvement, just internet shit dictates the whole year entirely
you deserve to suffer, 2018 was one of the best years for me

There will be a huge happening in the fall.

Imagine living a life so shallow that your best years are decided by some meager self-improvement instead of the overall state of our world

Imagine living a life so shallow that your best years are decided by the state of the world instead of meaningful self-improvement

I'd rather have a boring life than a depressing life, man. I'm too autistic to care about politics and I haven't felt the happiest I am now in years.

Too bad you arent a part of that world

this will probably be a quiet, mostly forgettable year. agree with 2020 is probably when things will really start happening, especially with the turn of the decade and all. things will slowly begin heating up next year

This all the way. I've been working out, learning to socialize, and even got a gf.

You seriously think that self-improvement doesn't matter? Jesus, how far gone are you?

Fall 2018 is where things will heat up.

The less the better.

>Autumn is coming
Thank God, that and winter is the comfiest time of the year

>meaningful self-improvement
Keep lying to yourself. You're as expendable as toilet paper and none of your individual decisions have any impact.

wdyem my dude

>Warmest summer in like 200 years
here in europe there was not a single night warm enough to not be able to sleep. and thats when you know if summer is gonna fuck me in the asss

Late 2018-Early 2019: A big happening will occur and there will be a fun brief ride.

All you do is complain that nothing is happening or no memes have been made. Make things change for the better. Maybe even play a role in society for once and stand up for yourself. However in order to do that you must improve yourself, be more than this.
Here are some ideas:
> YouTube is shit. It favors child friendly content, video game channels, drama channels, music, and how-to channels and censors out meme channels. People have either left YouTube because of this or have made videos that are more monetizable in YouTubes opinion. And while YouTube is stripping some creators of the things they liked, some creators like Logan Paul get off the demonetization hook scot free. He made fun of a dead body in the Japanese suicide forest and all he had to do was put up a video to be okay in YouTubes opinion. Others would probably have been banned. Lets not forget that drama channels and child friendly channels deal with some mature content and say profane things to 9 year old pretty much. Yet this is still okay because it is child friendly. Is this what they want our children to be? Really? Pathetic.
> Angela Merkel bans memes. It is just so against the idea of having freedom of speech so people can express their opinions and maybe be a commentator on things. Goes in the direction of censorship

Also if you disagree that is fine but those are my stances.

The rest of 2019 and early 2020 will be the comfy calm before the storm. Anything after will be part of a ridiculously fun ride.

I guess you niggers from Africa are used to 40C but we white people sure as hell aren't

What kind of madman would hate quiet years?! 2018 being uneventful IS A GOOD THING

Boring faggot.