I've tried weed for the first time this summer and it has greatly surprised me

I've tried weed for the first time this summer and it has greatly surprised me.

I did not get relaxed quite the opposite.

I started thinking in everything as I did when I was a child. Like analyzing people on a subconscient level.

I also got memories of my childhood about everything I've ever done that was cringy or stupid.

It gave me insights in things I'd never thought about like "wow I'm the only one at work who got yelled at by the boss several times, this is not normal"

Can anyone familiar with weed tell me wether these things are true or just "my imagination"?

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Happend to me plenty of times dont soke so muchin one sitting youll get used to it and only smoke in a good environment and mood ebin:DDD

weed is the best thing you can do

Experienced stoner here. Yeah I feel you. This happens sometimes and its why stoners are viewed as paranoid. Its simple your brain reacting to the drug and weed is gonna make your thoughts very very loud. Its good to have to reflect on but if it continues you might not want to smoke anymore as you could be having small episodes of psychosis.

Weed+anxiety are a bad combo. It'll only relax you if you are relaxed.

Molly is only a hundred times better but okay

Body is still getting used to the effects. I too have times of reflection when I get stoned but I try to listen to good music to help change the vibe.

>picked this shit up for $2 a gram god I love Oregon

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I think of everything cringy and stupid I've ever done while trying to fall asleep. Pretty much every single day.

Legal pot is sprayed with jew chemicals that will give you cancer
I vape grey market shatter instead

I h8 it
it's like that friend who likes to point your flaws everytime
except this friend lives in your brain

You had THC dominant weed. If there is a higher proportion of CBD in the weed it will relax instead of stimulate.

It's a psychedelic which means it makes you more aware. In several religions it is the sacrament cause it's like steroids for meditation.

Moved to Humboldt County and people there wouldn't even sell me weed so left. I thought it would be dirt cheap there.


Shit makes me paranoid too. It's a meme. Relaxed my ass.

That's a completely normal reaction, and you should listen to what your altered state of mind is coming up with. When I get high enough it adds a whole new dimension to my perception it seems. All of a sudden I realize how fucked up a certain situation is, how I could do better with my life, etc. It's always unpleasant, but the introspection has led me to change my life significantly.

Ironically, I wanted to use the drug as an escape from my problems, but it actually just brings my problems to the forefront of my mind more often than not. I've only ever found it relaxing in small doses.

this, it happens from time to time, try relaxing before smoking

you could also get those cringy thoughts when high but without the anxiety, so it has helped me stop worrying about the stupid shit i've done in the past

that's a good resume

weed makes you see your problems not leave them

this kind of introspection is why I started smoking weed. you're not alone but don't except the normies to relate, they give weed a bad name.

Just don't let weed introspection take over your life. Soon it will turn into anxiety. Also yeah it's great thinking about life stuff on weed, but it also makes you lazy as fuck. So don't expect changes in your life just by thinking about things. A common trap for most smokers.

>I did not get relaxed quite the opposite.
You probably smoked a sativa. Indica is the one with higher CBD, so it's a more 'relaxed' high.

Anyway, it's a very introspective drug, but also try to remember that you may just be high and seeing things in a skewed perspective.

It lets you see things from a different perspective, like a lot of drugs. Mushrooms will give you that revelation effect even more, like you'll start to contemplate the history of civilization, question human behavior , all sorts of weird stuff we take for granted in our day to day.

Just don't make it a regular thing . It's nice once in a while to contemplate where your life is headed but regular use will make you useless.

Weed is good for your life, why do they say it is bad?

When I smoke weed I feel I analyze everything I say or do.

Like if I go to the bathroom I realize people may think I'm going to snort coke.

Don't you know weed is for niggers?
Are you a nigger OP?

>wow I'm the only one at work who got yelled at by the boss several times, this is not normal
If you need mind-altering drugs to figure this one out, you probably deserve to be fired.

Why do you care what others think so much?

I get the same way sometimes. If my life is fucked up and I smoke a lot, there is basically a voice in my head berating me constantly. At its worst, it is almost completely involuntary and it keeps going even when I stop thinking.