What can we do about this?

What can we do about this?

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>using Lynn and Vanhanen's estimates on IQ
wew lad

"Lynn and Vanhanen's exclusion of studies had depressed their IQ estimate for sub-Saharan Africa, and that including studies excluded in "IQ and Global Inequality" resulted in average IQ of 82 for sub-Saharan Africa, lower than the average in Western countries, but higher than Lynn and Vanhanen's estimate of 67... this difference is likely due to sub-Saharan Africa having limited access to modern advances in education, nutrition and health care" - straight from fucking wikipedia. Don't form your world view from fucking MS paint memes retard

A very generous application of mustard gas. Solves most problems.

average gorrillas are much nicer than niggers
harambe wasn't even aggressive
niggers are like chimps

>What can we do about this?
Let's bring them to America, European countries and Australia to provide them the environment needed to increase their IQ level over time.

fuck right off
every place with a high black population is a shithole full of crime

Botswana has a pretty low crime rate IIRC

>calls people out for having shitty scources
>uses wikipedia

you're fucking retarded.

Besides, blacks in the US have an average iq of 85 compared to whites who have an average of 101.

Blacks are terribly underrepresented in inventions troughout the ages.
Never createda a 2 story building.
Never created a functioning society.

Being this much in denail about being a subhuman.

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>"What can we do about this?"
>Tells you what you can do about this
>"Fuck off"

USA already has prison system which is basically a zoo for them.

Certainly didn't fucking work
any slightly intelligent black is hated and called a "uncle tom"

90% of the violet crime by the way

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How about this? You go over and start teaching. I hear that many African countries are looking for volunteers.

>colonialism and slavery didn't have effect on current crime rates
Uhm, sweetie

Would rather not get killed by niggers
look at the white farmers

Did you know that Sub-Saharan African children very often fail the mirror test? They tend to get extremely nervous, and can't tell it's them.

Do this: . Since you're clearly more knowledgeable and better educated on blacks than anyone else, you should have no trouble designing an effective program of education for them. Don't worry about the lack of support you'll face early on - I'm sure your results will speak for themselves.

What's that? You didn't want to actually solve the problem, just sit around on the internet proposing impractically violent solutions? Too bad, we're full up on that for now.

Indians where enslaved to expect they where also genocide
every race had been enslaved

wow a Continent that was raped by Europeans for 400 years was underrepresented in inventions, truly shocking information here.
Better home environments and parental support leads to higher IQ scores. In the United States, blacks do not have the same quality of home environments as white people do. No fucking surprise their average IQ is going to be lower after being shit on by whites for centuries

I'd have better luck educating chimps

Even taking environmental factors into account, niggers are still genetically dumber than Whites and other races.


Whites didn't enslave them they bought them from other Africans
theirs still tons of slaves in Africa

Tell me one race who didn't practiced and who didn't suffered from slavery.


>wow a Continent that was raped by Europeans for 400 years
Wow, when was that?
Was it at the same time where the arabs were enslaving and castrating hundreds of millions of africans??
Was it during the same time the Blacks were genociding the khoisan?

Then what was the point of your thread you fucking tard? Seriously did you seriously think you were gonna convert people to hate blacks? Off yourself

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Maybe start by not using a culturally biased and highly flawed 19th century metric to measure an abstract concept like intelligence?

Live in a area with a high black population and you'll hate them

>Since you're clearly more knowledgeable and better educated on blacks than anyone else, you should have no trouble designing an effective program of education for them.
I did.
Let them take care of themselves, leave them in their own countries and do not send charity workers, doctors, meds, food or anything.

This is what we call tough love btw.

I do live in a high population with them you faggot. Maybe if you go outside for once you'll see that not all blacks are like what you see in Jow Forums infographs. Pro tip: the older they are the nicer they are. Still please off yourself

>Did you know that Sub-Saharan African children very often fail the mirror test?
Good information user.
I did not know that.

A nigger wouldn't think twice about killing or robbing you

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Sounds like your just venting to me. Maybe you should get a hobby? Thinking about black people so often might not be good for your brain

>the older they are the nicer they are
no shit dumbass
your likely a nigger to

That argument doesn't work since Africans achieved close to nothing before colonasation, you're just making excuses here.

>Better home environments and parental support leads to higher IQ scores.
Like Mao's China?
I guess that why the chinese have high IQ then.

Nope sorry to burst your little hivemind im not. Now actually go outside virgin

That study doesn't take into account the conditions of the adoption or how the mother cared for the fetus prior to it's birth. Also from that link: "Once corrected for the Flynn effect... mixed and white adoptees score the same, black adoptees score a little lower with a gap of 2.5pt, which can be explained by their pre-adoption characteristics."

It would be interesting to see periodic scans of various ethnicity's brains throughout development.

Post link to data on IQ scores from Mao's China

>you faggot
oh and there we go the niggers hateful homophobia a violent race

How exactly are you going to convince business from all over the world that depend on Africa as part of their supply chain to go along with this?

Are we going to isolate other races in the same way? Is interracial commerce going to become the new sin? I can see it now, the drama when a e-celeb bought someone of a different color a drink! To continue along this vein of thought, nobody of any race should ever be able to benefit from the wealth of their parents. The past is the past, NEETs, get a job.

The final point against this absurd notion is, will all white leave the USA? If you're really sincere about having each culture isolated in their homeland, you have to be willing to admit there should be no whites in the Western Hemisphere.

I'm giving you a hard time but this proposal is such bullshit. Our history is what it is and you can't just declare it doesn't matter when it happens to be convenient for you.

I don't know, and I don't really care.
It is quite literally, not my problem.

>every race had been enslaved
>Tell me one race who didn't practiced and who didn't suffered from slavery
What's your point? Slavery of black men is a relatively recent event and it still affects places where black slaves were taken from and taken to
>Indians where enslaved to expect they where also genocide
Who was Gandhi?

P. S. Work on your English

>What can we do about this?

You're right. Terrible sourcing for information is rampant and contributed to and company having sich baseless world views. Statistics and basic scientific literacy should be made a mandatory part of secondary school. Those will serve most people better than algeabra 2, trig, and calculous do.

Again not black you virgin. And not a homophobic either just telling everybody in this thread what you are, a faggot.

It's because they're perpetual children who only act like decent human beings at age 30-40.

okay then wigger
go back to reeddit normalfag

>Who cares if they turn to shit every place in which they become a majority or if they are overrepresented in violent crimes such as rape and murder. My anecdotal evidence and personal experience is more relevant than hard empirical data.

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Indians where literally enslaved AND genocide
the had it worse than niggers
and they where enslaved by whites not sold to them

Wait, if you are gonna go with that argument, then blacks in america should be just as smart as whites since slavery ended in 1866.

both blacks and whites are subhumans compared to jews

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Woah hold up. Your telling me that young people like to mess around cause shit! Maybe if you had friends you will know
Nice one virgin!

>How exactly are you going to convince business from all over the world that depend on Africa as part of their supply chain to go along with this?

Not business. Aid. Many Africa countries get more money from generous whites and chinese than they earn themselves

Attached: africa-aid-2.gif (1000x585, 121K)

Both Timbuktu and Djenne were imoprtant centers of learning in the Islamic world during the 1300s. Empires in West Africa were rich as shit and were nearly on par to pre-renaissance Europe.

Yeah it totally isn't because of in the environment they grew up in. And white people totally don't act like that when they also grew up in that environment. Have you looked at eastern Europe?

Nice showing that your a slut

>What's your point? Slavery of black men is a relatively recent event and it still affects places where black slaves were taken from and taken to
What you mean recent? It ended almost 200 years ago, and they have had the same opportunities as anyone else ever since.
Also, whites didn't inflict slavery on africans, they were just the ones who bought the slaves.
The blacks who were enslaved, had it done to them by other africans.
And if africa they still practice slavery to this day.
This is not something done to them. This is just their current stage in their evolutionary process.

And btw, everyone else who suffered from slavery didn't need gibs or charity of any kind to pick themselves up. They overcame the obstacles by themselves.

Right, but all that aid is subsidizing the business we're talking about. They need laborers in order to harvest the resources they need, and if they convince first-world governments to shoulder the economic burden of supporting the collapsing infrastructure of these states, it suddenly becomes much more expensive to do business there. In fact, if we forced multinational corporations to pay African workers the same wage they would get in the USA, the continent wouldn't need aid at all.

But then the wrong people would be paying and we can't have that. Better just go back to old "niggers are just dumb, no one else is remotely responsible" narrative.

so it's okay to be a piece of shit if your young? nice logic retard

Nope 100% male
Original comment

After they were slaves a lot of them became sharecroppers which was basically a legalized form of slavery. It took until the 1960s for the Civil Rights movement to gain momentum and for them to legally be seen as equals to whites. They're problems didn't just go away after the Civil War.

Never said that virgin

I am African and I am all for stoping foreign aid in Most African countries. The leaders are corrupt as fuck and withhold most of the money for them selves and dont do anything meaningful with it.

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Much LESS expensive, sorry.

Crime rates in detroit and baltimore are similar to those in africa, while crime rates in Maine and Vermont are similar to the ones in Iceland or Norway.
Why do you think that is??

They continue to commit such crimes to this day, despite of the opportunities and technology we have available to make our lives easy.
That means they are just not smart enough to harness those things.

manslut then you fucking sexist retard nobody said you where female
you literally just did

No way a gorilla has an IQ of 83, and she killed her pet cats.
Also there wouldn't be so many niggers if we stopped giving them handouts, they would naturally decline to a elf sufficient level.

Again, what's your point? They also had high crime rates in the past since that's highly correlated to poverty. Their economy is growing now. Why? Because they don't live in a country dominated by a different race and their country's border isn't as out of touch as it is in many African states.

And yet I know personally blacks who make their living programming and drawing furry art and have never committed a crime in their life. If IQ is as heritable as you claim it is, they should be perfectly safe from introducing latent genetic defects into the population. Should you have to suffer because other whites deal meth? In theory, a fair society would get you exactly the results you want.

The fact they're pushing for ethnic discrimination, rather than merit-based discrimination, means you either want capable blacks to suffer or shitty whites to prosper. I'm not sure that's what you really want.

>muh transracial adoption study from 50 years ago

>After they were slaves a lot of them became sharecroppers which was basically a legalized form of slavery
Gee, do you think they are having a blast in china today making 29 cents an hour?

>It took until the 1960s for the Civil Rights movement to gain momentum and for them to legally be seen as equals to whites.
What you mean equal rights?
They were free to carry their own initiaive.
What they wanted was access to whites and our perks.
They could've taken the same route we did and build whatever they needed themselves, but they were not smart enough to do that.

>They're problems didn't just go away after the Civil War.
Like i said.
They just couldn't take care of themselves and wanted whites to take care of them.

A better counter argument to that would be South Africa.
In South Africa or Zimbabwe for that matter, blacks were handed first world countries which they managed to turn into shitholes.
Basically they not only can't build successfull societies, but they also can't even mantain it.

Detroit was ruined because of liberal policies and because the captain's of industry(capitalists) moved the auto business abroad. And trust me they do not have equal opportunity

I'm speaking of Native Amerian Indians
eastern Indians are still better than blacks though i'v never ran into a violent one there usually pretty nice

>And yet I know personally blacks who make their living programming and drawing furry art and have never committed a crime in their life.
A minority.
I happen to know a chinese guy who played on the NBA. That doesn't mean i'm rushing to china to scout new players.
>they should be perfectly safe from introducing latent genetic defects into the population
There is such thing called regression to the mean, which means their kids might develop the bad traits of their race.

Which was never successfully rebutted.

source on that claim?

That gorilla did have an IQ of 83, but she is exceptional. She was taught sign language for communication and was able to have conversations with people. Of course, her conversations were like having conversations with a retard so that let's you know how dumb retards are.

How/why would you rebut something that proves nothing? Other than a handful of black kids scored lower on test whom we have no idea what their lives were like before adoption

Black people get dumped into shitholes full of crime by white people, and often are left to make bad choices due to their situation

I read that fact somewhere too, but it's that SA kids learn their own reflection at a much older age than other children and nobody can explain why.

>wow a Continent that was raped by Europeans for 400 years was underrepresented in inventions
Are you implying that Europe only took the smart ones?

Do you know what you're trying to say?

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Not the leaders, all Africans are corrupt.
As soon as any current leader of a shithole African country gets toppled, they get replaced by a yet more inept corrupt clown.

It's not your leaders, it's you.

>How exactly are you going to convince business from all over the world that depend on Africa as part of their supply chain to go along with this?
Free trade.
No gibs doesn't mean no trade.

>nobody of any race should ever be able to benefit from the wealth of their parents. The past is the past, NEETs, get a job.

I disagree. I'm gonna want my kids to inherit my money.

>The final point against this absurd notion is, will all white leave the USA?
Why would they leave their country?
>you have to be willing to admit there should be no whites in the Western Hemisphere.
Why not??
We exercise our right of conquest to get our land and it didn't belong to anyone before that.
If you wanna argue that the native americans owned the land, then who gave it to them?
There was no such thing as westphalian soverignty back them. Basically they had as much claim to the land as a fish has to the sea. And even them exercised their right of conquest when they went into war with other tribes. The blacks did this too when they genocided the khoisan in africa.
So i'm not sure what you are talking about.

t. retard that can only parrot nonsense from the internet

>What you mean recent? It ended almost 200 years ago
This is very recent from a historical point of view.
>they have had the same opportunities as anyone else ever since
What are Jim Crow laws?
>whites didn't inflict slavery on africans, they were just the ones who bought the slaves
"I didn't kill him. The gun did."
And if africa they still practice slavery to this day.
>This is not something done to them. This is just their current stage in their evolutionary process
They're at war because of poorly drawn borders by ex-colonial countries.
>evolutionary process
is-ought m'dude
And btw, everyone else who suffered from slavery didn't need gibs or charity of any kind to pick themselves up. They overcame the obstacles by themselves.
No you don't. It stays ingrained in culture. Just look at Japan's "untouchables". They were not even slaves, but they can't pick themselves up because their status is hardwired into culture.

Well seems to me I've beaten these racist brainlets once again. None of them won't reply to me again :(

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>How/why would you rebut something that proves nothing?
It proves that enviroment and education is not the cause of their low IQ, which leaves only genetics.

> she killed her pet cats


Poor whites in shitholes are a lot better than poor niggers

>have your seen eastern Europe?
have you seen europe? the whole place is getting fucked by sand niggers

T. Privileged white that's never actually known a non white washed nigger

No, the entire thing is getting blown over proportion by the right.

They live in reserves. They were never integrated into society. They were given "their" land. Black people don't have any form of autonomous land in the USA. They "have" ghettos which aren't really a fairly tale. They were completely stripped of their heritage and were still discriminated against even after slavery ended. You can't just recover from that easily.

I'm curious, how do they measure their IQs?
Is it estimated, or do they test for it?
If they are tested for it, are they forced to take the tests?
Are they given money and or food for taking the tests?
Do they take the tests voluntarily?
Are the tests in their languages?
Are they testing people who are too poor to receive any decent education?

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I live in Eastern Europe and have never seen a nigger in my life.

t.Retard who never goes outside
Stay mad sweety :3

>This is very recent from a historical point of view.
This is an arbitrary distinction.
>What are Jim Crow laws?
They had limited access to whites. Didn't mean they couldn't have built their own society.
You have to remember that when whites came to America, they built the infra-structure from the ground up, all by themselves.

>"I didn't kill him. The gun did."
No, they created a market that was useful to whites.
You have to understand that there was no moral abstraction during that time that said slavery was wrong or imoral. Everyone, including the blacks, were out for themselves. That moral abstraction that says slavery is wrong was created much later, by whites.

>They're at war because of poorly drawn borders by ex-colonial countries.
No they are at war because the jews lobbied hillary clinton and obama to overthrow Gadaffi, among other reasons of the same nature.
And by the way. If they were not happy with the way borders were drawn, they could've redrawn it themselves. I don't understand why you don't give them any agency.

>No you don't. It stays ingrained in culture. Just look at Japan's "untouchables". They were not even slaves, but they can't pick themselves up because their status is hardwired into culture.
Wrong, the jews achieved income parity with americans only 4 years after their immigration post WW2. Mao's China was a living hell to the chinese. That doesn't seem to have curbed their ability to accomplish things.
Same goes to the poles. Their have a thriving country after suffering horrors by the nazis.
Japan, picked itself up and became an economic superpower after WW2.
The untouchables in Japan are mostly Koreans who choose to live in Japan. They could move back to their own countries if they wanted.

Koko scored up to 90 on INFANT IQ tests, meaning she was slightly dumber than the average 1 year old human baby.
took 1 minute to google this