Not hungry

>not hungry
>don't want to play videogames
>don't want to watch TV
>don't want to browse the internet
>don't want to fap
>don't want to sleep
Just bought a bunch of beer cans. I don't even drink, but i'm so bored I'll just hope I get drunk and cry myself to sleep

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good luck user, love you fren

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Force yourself to take a cold shower for at least 5 minutes before you come at me with that shit. Then go outside and sit/walk for 20 min. Then, fuck it a drink. Shake shit up. Turn off computer for a week if dont give a fuck. Cant stay low forever. Just dont do anything stupid

Same here but I'm an alcoholic so I'm on my way to the store to buy more
>tfw 12 beers in today
>tfw I average around 20
Just kill me senpai

I wish I at least had friends to drink with.

welcome to the suck

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The Greeks said it was better to have never been born at all.

OP here, i'm already slightly drunk.
I thought I would be happier, i'm just more sad, but giving less fucks, i'll continue.

I am drinking obviously and with you in a sense. I guess this is the new "friend". Chill, follow the advice. Listen to music and crack a few.

Can we get into some instant messaging chat for shittalking? I need a friend to talk shit while drunk

I dont do that shit. I'll check this thread as long as it goes. You gotta be resilient. I've delt with that feel too. Find the strength, wherever you can find it, okay?

Fewer dawg fewer.

here here, got my vodka and my buzz, this is now a drinking thread

Go fuck yourself originally then

i mean, you don't value conversation that's not on your preferred medium of exchange? life is suffering, we all know it. You can't expect the world to cater to your needs and wants.

Its okay, don't take offense, I don't. I'm currently on nofap and my ass still hurts. I don't think less of you. That bark is probably worse than your bite

I had drugs to deal with these feels. but I recently got in big trouble and now I have to get clean or I'm out of the house. Now I have nothing to look forward to and nothing in this world that interests me.

I want to die.

go and play some video games i barely play video games as it is.

OP here, i'm struggling harder and hard to keep lucidity.
At least my typing isn't full of typos... yet
Its quite fun, my "no fucks given" level is getting lower and lower, i'll probably make a habit out of this, its quite fun.

What kind of drugs?

My performance will be shit probably

I feel you OP, I'm becoming less and less motivated to do things that once brought me so much joy. Now all I do is sleep and try to muster the strength to get out of bed. The end is near

all kinds I liked ketamine, most uppers and pain pills, I wasn't an addict or anything it was just a weekend thing but it was the only thing I liked doing.

>I'm struggling harder and hard
>At lease my typing ins't full of typos...yet
>Grrr, f-fuck y-yourself

I just laughed as fuck at your retarded comment user, what does it mean?
This is fun hahaha

OP clearly states he doesn't want to play video games. You've obviously never been in this state before

I feel you man. I used to have weeks where I lay in bed all week, keep liquor bottles and water jugs within arm's reach of the bed, don't shower or shave, and literally only got out of bed to piss, shit, or put on sweatpants and go open the front door for liquor delivery or food delivery. Not even enough energy to sit upright in front of my gaming PC, would just watch let's plays and asmr on a tablet in bed or drink myself to sleep as soon as I woke up.

the situation fixes itself eventually but I don't know how or why. Still have weeks like this every year

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It sure is fun, huh?

keep that fucking meta to yourself

Make me make myself.

Do something productive and try to learn something.

OP here, i'm quite drunk right now, but still able to keep sanity adn not fucking upthings with anyone, this is good right? I'll start doing this often aseems fun what could evern go worng

What meat? pls expalian

Good night sweet prince, tread carfully now your on your way

OP HERE AGAIN, i'm happy as never before, theres nothing better than this
I should try heroin also, it must be even better
why restrain yourself to the pitty realms of sober conscience

>low-brow media
>mindless internet browsing

Gee I wonder why you're unhappy with life

What would you recommend I do instead?

but for humans, the best for them is not to be born at all, not to partake of nature's excellence; not to be is best, for both sexes. This should be our choice, if choice we have; and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.' It is plain therefore, that he declared the condition of the dead to be better than that of the living.
You, most blessed and happiest among humans, may well consider those blessed and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.' It is plain therefore, that he declared the condition of the dead to be better than th

stop talking nonsense you dumb faggot

To me beer is a waste of money, I prefer to buy a 750 ml bottle of 47% alcohol gin for $12 and get drunk really quickly plus still have enough to get drunk another night rather than spending the same on a case of beer and having to drink the whole thing to get drunk

This is pretty much me.

Between gym and working 12 hour days I am too tired for anything during the week and often need all of Saturday to recover and do chores/shop/cook. Sunday is the only day I have free and not many social/sport events are on a Sunday to begin with so I just drive around and go on beach walks like a loser.

alcohol (or as I've taken to calling it, GNU+retard juice) as a whole is a waste of money
it's a temporary escape. you'll just end up with the same level of depression only now you'll also be fat and stupid on top of it.

the secret is to run headfirst into the pain and sadness and use the mild insanity that follows to do great things