Transgender people are beautiful and deserve your respect. Change my mind

Transgender people are beautiful and deserve your respect. Change my mind

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Hey thanks OP, I'm glad you have the spirit to share this, at least you got the spirit.

Also shout out to people who use xer pronouns as their "default" for people who are presumed trans, thanks for at least trying, even though you're... probably off the mark.

please be one of the 45% of trannies that off themselves

Okay, I'll bite. What exactly have they done to warrant my respect?

Have you ever had to come out in American society, I will admit today is much better off than any other era, but it is still quite the challenge that I don't think many people would be up to do, where they ever so rebellious to stray from the "norm"

your statement has no basis, you either want to be one or want to fuck one or want to fit in, they are judgmental mentally ill people in general and not nice or worthy or respect or help.

I pity transgender people. It must suck to be that mentally ill.

45% that *try* to off themselves
Trannies can't do anything right amiright Cx

trapfags deserve gasoline burnings

maybe because you're all faggot jewish pawns

Yes all my enbies are amazing too!
I AM one

>She/he/it thinks just being something/existing entitles you to respect.

It took gay people literal decades to finally be accepted and trannies want it handed on a free plate. If you want respect you better be ready to bleed and fight for it.

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yes well you see, being a tranny is a choice, and in America, every single person has the right to express themselves without the government interfering or impeding them. Freedom of expression is not, however, freedom of consequence. I think I'll be the judge of whether or not I respect someone who's primary desire is convincing me to believe in contradiction to their genitals and chromosomes. The tranny could have chosen to solve and tame the mental illness, which would indeed be respectable, but instead decided to succumb to it and furthermore force everyone else to believe it to be reality.

I shiggy diggy undecided trannies.

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trans people exist throughout the world and have existed throughout recorded history

how did the jews pull off such a trick?

>What makes both of you two think that they are mentally ill?

>man who believes he's a fish, mentally ill
>man who believes he's a woman, not mentally ill

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It's she thanks for doing your best!
Being anything does entitle you to a certain amount of respect, as it should right? Do you respect veterans, firemen, the elderly, the very young? Every label has its own social implications whether they like it or not, and people usually treat others differently based on those labels. It's pretty normal human social behavior.
Also trans people have been fighting along for just as long, just never taken as seriously probably mostly due to lack of scientific progress. We can make REALLY convincing cute girls out of boys now, we can't be ignored any more.

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I dont think you need us to change your mind
you need to change the minds of your tranny friends, cuz half are going to kill themselves

Damn why do they let mentally ill people fuck up their bodies? Body dismorphia is a mental illness and should be treated as such

I'll be the one to remind you:

Sticking your penis into another man's anus makes you worthy of death.

Money. There's big bucks in it and most actually good doctors just send them off to therapy.

Why do trannies use anime characters that are treated as a joke for being feminine as their mascots?

Well someone's genitals and chromosomes hardly affect how you interact with them in public, unless you're part of some nudist colony I'm not aware of.
Do you believe psychotherapy would work for trans people even after it's been proven to not work on gay people for decades, and no one has a problem with that anymore?

What does being a man or a woman mean to you?

Reiko deserves to be anally raped to death tbqh.

Well yeah I mean transgenders are indeed human, it's just that society is gonna have to take a bit longer to accept their reasoning's. See there's a different between "I like men and wanna put my dick in other men" vs "I think I'm a woman trapped in a man's body therefore I should dress and go about life as I'm a woman. Mutilate my dick or take HRT to change my body into a female body because that's how I view myself then I'm gonna go have sex with men or women."

It's just so much mental work for someone who's normal to rationalize and accept that most people just point a finger at transgenders, call them freaks/degenerates/mentally ill/bad name goes here and go about living their usual life.

Because they're ADORABLE

I'm not gonna say for profit medical facilities aren't terrible and corrupt in nearly every way legally possible, but why believe in such a crazy conspiracy theory, and a medical practice that has been proven time and time again to be ineffective, over letting people be happy

If someone feels bad about being fat should they be treated as a mentally I'll patient or given advice/help to lose weight.

Or I can change the minds of all the hateful people so less of us kill ourselves~

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Respect is something you earn, not something that you demand from people. I know a FTM transgender person and they act like a normal human being, so I respect them. If you're a CWC or Narcissa Wright-tier tranny, then I won't respect you or tell you that you're normal, because there's obviously something far more wrong with you than just gender dysphoria.

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>Being anything does entitle you to a certain amount of respect, as it should right?
fucking no you dumbass. Veterans are respected for their service. Same for firemen. Elderly are respected for their sagely wisdom and experience, generally speaking. Children are not generally respected, except once they've earned that respect by proving themselves one way or another. Deciding that you are of the wrong sex is not deserving of respect. Your "coming out" doesn't offer anything to anyone, except for the toxic mentality that encourages impressionable youths to follow suit, which not only doesn't deserve respect, but warrants derision.

>someone's genitals and chromosomes hardly affect how you interact with them in public
you must actually be stupid to not understand that the two sexes interact differently with each other in public. No wonder you're a tranny if you don't even realize that. Regardless, psychotherapy or any alternative and perhaps better suited treatment would indeed be preferable to living one's life believing their incredulous convictions about genders to be sane and true. The difference between gays and trannies is that gays actually exist, and homosexual tendencies are a perfectly natural and expected facet of many species, including our own. Sexuality isn't a choice. Neither is one's gender.

based and true

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Do you unironcally support this?

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I had trans feelings since I was a kid and I still have them, I haven't done anything about it.

I feel bad that I'll get more acceptance as a Cute and quirky crossdresser than someone with actual feelings about their own gender, but We Live in a Society

Thanks anyway OP,

>over letting people be happy
Do some research. A lot of people get the surgery and realize they still aren't a real man or woman. Even some trans pornstars did the surgery and went into a deep depression over it. They all believe the surgery is the last piece of the puzzle, that it will make them a real man or woman, but it doesn't.

I also don't see the happy part where you have to jam an object into the hole so that the body doesn't heal it up. That's right, the body considers it a wound and will continue to try and heal it closed so it has to be opened up again daily. And on top of that there's the puss and the complications of if you have any hair growing inside, since you need to have laser hair removal first.

One example is Sienna Grace, she's fucking miserable after the surgery and regrets it. She just sits on Twitter now being all depressed and telling others not to have the surgery.

Be my gf please. We can talk about jews, as long as you're not dyspohoric about your dick.

I completely understand how "normal" people have these reactions, as someone who grew up in a very conservative southern household, I wasn't exactly presented a diverse set of opinions growing up. If I hadn't been such a cunt to my parents, I may have gone my entire life as sheltered and hateful as them. Sadly, we're never going to be able to purge hatred from the world, so the best we can do is try to inform everyone, and hope that the free market of ideas works(it doesn't) If I convince someone to at least watch a more diverse amount of sources to gather their information, I'm happy.
However the problem doesn't seem to be that we're so "not normal", it's that the laymen's definition of "normal" is incredibly skewed to be this simple binary thing that it just isn't, and getting people to realize that is the hard part.

Despite all the studies, statistics and biology, it's evident you'll never change your mind. You've dug in your heels and will continue your fight against reality.

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I really don't get what the big fuss is.
It just feels good to be nice to people, you know?

Gonna just redirect you to other posts to avoid spamming the same shit all day.
>Because they act like a normal human being
There's a pretty big hole in this statement that not many people seem to realize. MLK stated it well in his letter from Birmingham jail, "I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice."
>I'm not homophobic, but just don't be so gay
>I'm not transphobic, just stop being so trans
You like your ftm friend because he doesn't shove his identity in your face, but shove we must to make progress.

Breaking free from a suppressive system and going against social norms isn't an easy task. It takes years of struggling with identity issues, in most cases being told that what you think is wrong. More openly trans people in America commit suicide than their closeted counterparts, holding the label with pride today takes strength that many do not posses. Is that not deserving of respect?

It seems you misunderstood me on your 2nd point. I'll restate it in a clearer way.
How often do you see your co-workers genitals, yet you're sure they are whatever gender they tell you they are(as long as it's not one of them fake ones amiright)
I'm sure you can transpose the argument to the chromosome side yourself.

>scroll through for Hon party pic
>not there
I'm disappointed anons


I wish you the best of luck cutie!

I'm not dysphoric about my dick, I love discussing how the globalist Jews are controlling our society, and I blushed when you said gf thanks

You sound awesome, add me, MoeMofo#3035

I'm sure if you're as redpilled as you are you'd be fun to talk to about other things as well!

Uh, personally I am not dysphoric about my genitals, and neither are all of my mtf friends. Forgive me for skipping over the topic but SRS is something I'm not well versed on, and would rather not just make up things about it.
However you do have to take into account that many trans people are affected by societies view of them, so are all humans, and a very transphobic populus only makes these matters worse


Thank you, also you are cute

While I agree that it is a difficult thing to do, simply doing it in and of itself is not deserving of respect. What is, however, is to acknowledge that what one possesses is merely a complex that makes them believe they are of the wrong sex, and to work against it. This is respectable because you are trying to rectify what is very clearly a mental disorder, and thus are making yourself a better and more stable individual, just as one who overcame depression or anxiety or anything else is deserving of respect, but one who succumbs to these things isn't, at least not inherently. If openly trans people are more likely to commit suicide, then it stands to reason that following through with the tranny belief yields precarious results at best, no?

>How often do you see your co-workers genitals, yet you're sure they are whatever gender they tell you they are
This is actually a good point. I may meet all sorts of trannies and not even know it. However, I want you to imagine what it would be like if someone was looking for a date and got something a little different than what they bargained for downstairs. But fair enough, I suppose it stands to reason that one would inform someone of this before committing to a relationship, or even a brief hookup. That's fine, I suppose. It still doesn't mean that someone deserves respect just for being a tranny, though.

I don't actually respect them as human beings but I sure do wanna cream in them

Thank you for posting this OP. It helps

They get respect as long as they can give it as well. If they go around being an insufferable faggot, then they get treated like any other douchebag.

just stop now
Trans people will burn in hell


you need glasses not pity

Ok, I'm glad we've gotten to this point, but for both of our best interests I think I am better of redirecting you for a second.


I hate to see people bar themselves from information because they don't like what it's saying. To that I say, if you're so scared that watching this will destroy your beliefs, then your beliefs aren't founded in reality.

This is a really good contrapoints video that covers the few areas that I believe you are a little misinformed on. Don't worry, there's a reason people take gender studies classes in college, it's to figure shit like this out.

>If openly trans people are more likely to commit suicide, then it stands to reason that following through with the tranny belief yields precarious results at best, no?
What you can gather from the information is that, something about being openly out makes said person at higher risk to commit suicide. People in the same circumstances, as far as HRT progress and other surgeries, that were closeted had a much lower rates some by as much as 17% lower. Gather from this what you will, but know that even that is still a better alternative to the preposed alternative of psychotherapy, and that's proven.

Sorry phone had a seizure at the end there Cx

some are ok

most are perverts

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Most trans people do not look like Felix. Felix isn't even trans. He is a femboy.

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>Humans experiment with themselves sexually
>Branded as perverts
The only people who hold sex as this gift from God that shalt not be disrespected by allowing such degeneracy to creep in and priests and virgins, and I don't see you preaching.

doesn't take a genius to realize that most trannies are just freaks that let a fetish consume them and define their lives.

The triple dubs tho
Yes but Felix is adorable and that's why I save pictures of him.
And any role model is better than none ;)

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Equating a specific ideology on a loose term such as Gender whose definition changes over mere years. To a whole pool of highly individual people. Then making a blanket statement, that just because they are in said pool of people. All count as worthy of respect.

Respect is Earned not given.

Yeah cuz fuck everything else about life all that matters is if your peeper is going in vagoobies or not

Yes, and? It's their life. Maybe that's what gives them the most joy. At least they can obtain it.

I can't get what I want to be happy and it sucks, so I don't blame em

I don't respect people that live a life of lies.

Their life impacts the lives of those around them. Becoming a tranny means asking every single person you meet to bend to your will

Many words change over time, especially if they are in a field that is making rapid advances every day.
For the respect bit

That statement is fucking retarded.
Do you complain about having to call your friends by their names?

I also think that Felix is adorable and save pictures of him. In fact, I wish that I looked like him, so all the other anons would fill me with cum.

Everyone deserves respect, but nobody should be treated better then others just because they're a tranny/black/gay/whatever.
I believe you should just treat trannies like normal people. They can put up with all the bullshit the rest of us have to deal with, but they shouldn't be looked down upon. Just leave 'em alone and let them falseflag on Jow Forums in peace.

>Blanchard's transsexualism typology
What are you autistic?

>science and statistics are ironic and wrong

no they dont tranny should be put in camps kys

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Being different, doesn't mean you are worthy of respect. Bettering the world, in a meaningful way. Is worthy of respect.

Transgenders are not worthy of respect. Only Individuals who have earned respect are worthy of it.

As for the claim that gender is advancing. The pinnacle of stupidity. Same fucking morons that categorize themselves by hobby, or personality type. It's pathetic. Your arm is not your entire self. Your gender is not your entire self. Because your arm is respectable, it does not equate to you being worthy of respect. You are a whole creature. Gender is regressing, because it is becoming irrelevant. It's a dying notion, not a growing one.

Dream big user! One day you will definitely get what you want~
I am completely fine with that point of view, I am merely here to propose alternatives to what the uninformed regurgitate daily on this board.
Everyone's life is unique in it's own way, what you may struggle with daily another may have no idea exists.
I'm not going for a, "respect trans people more than others" pov, but more a, "hey here's all this shit trans people have to deal with that cis people don't, maybe show them a little sympathy and treat them as you would any other human."
The same statements hold true for many other "labels" society puts on us to show that we aren't one of the normals.

It's irony because "science and statistics" disagree with you.
Gender dysphoria is in the DSM5, I'll save you the Google search since you clearly don't know what that is

And here's the Gender dysphoria page

If you can read you should.

tranny here
please fuck off user
none of you angsty egotistical retards deserve respect
i hate most of you

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I'm not sure what the fuck you're trying to get across with that last schizophrenic ass paragraph, but I'll say this,
The idea that gender is binary is not the natural state, that is the very simplified version you were force fed as a child to learn

I love you too, fight on comrade!

>transwomen beautiful
yes user I'm sure Chris chan would love your statement : ) YOU GO GIRL!

It was a metaphor, not schizo you fucking dumbass. Exactly why I don't respect trannies or tranny sympathizers. You lot are completely fucking stupid.

Your arm is not yourself
One part of how you would identify yourself, isn't yourself.

My arm is a PART of me.
My gender is a PART of me.

The totality of who I am, will determine whether I am worthy of respect. Not any one part of what I am. The idea of worshiping with unquestioned respect, a fluid ideology. It's insane, just like every single person suffering from gender dysphoria.

Sorry user, replied wrong. Too drunk for this shit right now.

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Hey it's you finally except it and taking your pills that's good, Happy for you user

I wont though. I would rather have a passable qt surprise me with being transgender rather than admitting to sleeping with 30 guys and my best friend the day after marriage

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still not really on the pill bandwagon yet but I'm finally coming to terms with who i am though

>I disagree
>Change my mind

As you can see no-one cares what you think, and your argument amounts to "I have an opinion you don't agree with" and if you're looking for an actual debate, this isn't the place for it

Also, as far as I can tell most of the arguments in support are based in emotions

Truly Beautiful independent ""women""

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trans people are extremely cute, wise, and powerful, i love them. excellent humans, good at hacking

Neither of those articles had anything at all to do with statistics.

here's a statistic: 100% of the trans are cool

This statistic is 100% false.

hmmm... all truths are but half truths and every truth is half false

This desu. Robots deserve the abuse they get. Fuck them. We're superior to them.

anyone else perfectly fine with mtfs? but hate
and even get repulsed by them?

no, it's just you. lol

Yep. Weird right?

Curiously, women really hate mtfs and feminists especially do since they believe it's men trying to weasel into their private club. A lot of MTFs were actually told to leave by feminists at the womens protests during the inauguration.

yes user imagine watching something cute become something manly

Four dirty trannies sitting on the bed
One got a rope and killed himself
Three dirty trannies sitting on the bed
One got AIDS and fell down dead
Two little trannies sitting on the bed
One went outside and was stoned to death
Now theres only one tranny sitting on the bed

>Transgender people are beautiful and deserve your respect
but im ugly and deserve no respect, right?

fuck off normgroid

You people have higher suicide rates than robots

Cite your sources stupid faggot

No transgender person actually looks like a cute girl.
Since what men desire are cute girls then they will not recieve positive attention from mentally stable males or females
Its really that simple. You are as worthless as the rest of us robots in the sexual marketplace but youre trying to exploit a weird niche of gayness in order to be held in higher esteem sexually but this really only comes from other mentally ill, undesirable individuals
Sure youre still people, and deserve basic human respect but the expectation of trannies is that they will be treated with the respect of a woman, rather than just a low tier man
Most of you schizos want out and almost half have tried it.

One this is bait, two beutiful is an objective term and can only be defined by the veiwer, you cant say all trans gender people are beutifule becausw your opinion is bias, and three no one immidiatly deserves respect its earn, finnaly for someone who makes a thread like this youed think the wouldent watch louder with crouder

>The suicidal behavior and suicide attempt rates are reported to be significantly high among transgender persons compared to general population across the countries.
> Forty-one percent of the transgender persons in the United States attempt for suicide at least once in their life.
>The prevalence of suicide remains high among transgender persons irrespective of disclosing their transgender status to others and undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

Most trans people do not look like chris-chan. Hypocrisy is a very feminine trait, have you considered transitioning?

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>Change my mind
Transgender people are just weak people who weren't strong enough to accept that you're born a certain gender and even if you don't like it you just have to fucking live with it.