Are manlets even allowed to succeed?

Are manlets even allowed to succeed?
>Working out and having gains
>"user is just overcompensating for his height"
>Having a succesful career
>"user is just overcompensating for his height"
>Being better at something than someone tall
>"user is just overcompensating for his height"

Are manlets expected to just live in shame for their whole life and not even try to do something with it?

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No, they're not.
Statements made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

its common practice to belittle successful short people, there was even an article written about Isambard Burnel, saying that the wonders of engineering he built were to compensate for his height.

>Are manlets expected to just live in shame for their whole life and not even try to do something with it?
Yes. But you'd be a fool to listen to society and accept your place. Instead you should thrive for success and have enough to finance the downfall of society as revenge.

This is really primalistic when you think about it. A 6'4 jobless loser has more worth than a 5'6 doctor or engineer

>Isambard Brunel
>Married and had 3 kids

Even this dude could get laid and passed on his manlet genes

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>wonders of engineering he built were to compensate for his height.
I've never heard of him, but building wonders of engineering might imply a pretty high IQ and a proportionate amount of money earned.

What kinda bullshit logic is that? You can say this for absolutely anyone.
>napoleon was one of the greatest and most successful people to rule over france
>he did it to compensate for his height
I can give more examples but I find it pointless at this point, if anything, like men most women are short or average height(around 175cm, depends on country) so finding a gf(the thing most r9k is thriving for) wouldnt be hard

I'm 5'7 and I was doing a job moving some furniture for a tall, Thicc, Nigerian woman. She was in my van with me, guiding me to her home. She said I was really cute and she could set me up with the "sistahs". Same with a tall, Thicc French Canadian I met in 2016. Some tall women like my young, boyish face. It's the 5'2 and under girls that are real height queen's. Maybe it's some innate desire to better their genetics.

This though, it's always the smallest girls that demand 6'+ guys, average girls are fine with a few inches in either direction.

>Your green text
Nibbas are actually saying that.

No one says that in the real world. No one cares.

Just because someone says you're over compensating it doesn't mean that you actually are

Joe Rogan is a manlet
Successful, married to a lovely wife
Jason Statham is a manlet
Has a beautiful girlfriend
check mate manlet incels

Pointing out famous people doesnt mean anything.
Obviously short men get gfs and wives all the time but it's really stupid to say that men aren't discriminating against in life if they're short. That's just denial.

Discriminated against* in life

>Are manlets even allowed to succeed?
>Point out successful short men
>Pointing out famous people doesn't mean anything
Okay then

>say short men cant succeed in life
>point out bunch of short men who succeeded in life
>oh no! dont name famous people!
what a brainlet

Why do you people obsess over height, a thing that cannot be controled? I'll never understand this autism.

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Super rich and famous guys can get wifes/gfs, well what a fucking surprise.
It's almost like women want looks, money and status.
>just become a famous millionare bro

>there are certain vacuous women who discriminate over height
>obsess over height
>this will somehow change those particular women's preference and also make them cease being insufferable
Incels gotta blame their issues on something they can't control
If they it was something they could do something about, they'd have to admit their culpability in their failures

It's almost like success opens a shitton of doors. Really gets the noggin joggin

Nibba first that post wasn't me(OP). Second of all, yes manlets can succeed they have the potential to do it, because height is not a deciding factor in succeeding in life (With exception of basketball I guess). But it just feels like they dont have societies permission to do so.

the point was that short men cant do shit in life
this dude named people who made something in life and now you say
>ugh they are rich and famous its easy for them
fuckin brainlet the point was that short men cant succeed

>moving goalposts
since you're retarded, i'm just going to focus on pointing out the fact that user couldn't read the OP saying that it was about manlets not being "allowed" to succeed

The point was not that "they cant do shit in their life". The point is that its seen as unnatural when they do it, so other people try to bring them down because of their height.

>Are manlets even allowed to succeed?
>The point was not that "they cant do shit in their life"
Maybe you should have paid attention in english class, you intellectual midget can do things you're not allowed to do, you fucking autist. Are murderers allowed to murder? Yet you are not free of the consequences.

Except it's not just "certain women" it's 94% of women and it's one of the most tested for things in sexual psychology.
There was a famous study where women said they would only date a 5'2" doctor over a 5'10" man if the 5'10" guy was a child molestor. They obsession over height that women have in dating is nothing less that discrimination calling it "preference" is not accurate or tolerable.

1.78/5'10 is manlet? then I am a super manlet.

Found the incel lmao criiiiinge

There is literally nothing funny about height discrimination and it won't be tolerated for much longer

>some people are lucky, why don't you get lucky?
Exeptions don't break the rule but confirm it.
Tall men earn more money and get higher positions on average, just by being taller.
Check out the stats, before calling someone else an idiot.

People will attack you in life for any perceived weakness m8

Your hobbies, your looks, your status, whatever people will look for chinks in your armour to bring you down, ignore these types of vindictive people.

I have a manlet friend who's quite successful with friends and women and such. But he's also very socially fluent.
You can succeed if you're a manlet but you need to compensate somehow.

Height discrimination is the final type that's allowed in society but like all the others it will also be removed soon

Then why are there currently men and women together in which the woman is taller? Your entire line of thinking falls apart when you acknowledge reality and stop misinterpreting research to fit your narrative.

The very fact that your told you need to "compensate" because of OTHER people's discrimination is exactly the problem. No, it's everyone else that is in the wrong who have to change, not short men or tall women.

>Most people aren't murderers but look murders still happen

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>check out the stats
what stats, where, wtf are u talking about

If there was no discrimination we would see 1/7 couples (14%) where the woman is taller. It's not even close to that.
It's more about job prospects though than dating, the dating is just the final form of it. If there was no discrimination against height in society then we wouldnt see it in dating either.

this is not about who's wrong, it's about what you have to do.
in an ideal world discrimination against short and ugly people would not exist. but we dont live in that world, and you have to adapt in any way you can.

Ever notice that the only people obsessed with height are short people? Nobody cares how tall you are ffs

People mock tall women all the time.
Stop pretending like it doesnt exist you gaslighting user

maybe because theyre the ones affected and the others dont care because its not their problem?

It is about who's wrong, and adaption can take the form of doxxing and firing and putting people who discriminate in this way on a list until they realize their faults. This goes for all discrimination not just height.

I have never once in my life seen a person be mocked for being short and the only people who bring up height are people insecure about their height. If short people stopped constantly bringing it up and whining about it, nobody would care.

Ever notice that the only people obsessed with disabled accessibility are disabled people? Nobody cares what you need ffs

>I have never once in my life seen a person be mocked for being short
I'm 6' and I really doubt that. Banter about height is common.

Your gaslighting isn't convincing.

Are you comparing being below average height to being physically disabled? It sure sounds like you are. Nice victim complex

Your lack of retort is deafening

I have never once in my life seen a person be mocked for being fat and the only people who bring up weight are people insecure about their weight. If fat people stopped constantly bringing it up and whining about it, nobody would care.

Banter is fine, the problem is when it becomes actual discrimination.
So you're an idiot then. Makes sense because your posts are trash.
Get a brain.

Are you comparing aids with cancer? It sure sounds like you are. Nice victim complex

I don't need a retort against someone who is denying an empirically tested thing that is height discrimination.
"Durr it doesn't exist durr get over it"
You're retarded. You refuse to even start the conversation so there doesn't need t be a retort, moron.

Reductio ad absurdem requires you to actually make a logical statement for it to work

taller girls still generally prefer even taller guys but yeah the preference gets way more extreme as you move towards the turbowomanlets who refuse to date any man whose dick they can't suck while both standing up

>denying an empirically tested thing that is height discrimination.
Let's see your pear reviewed studies showing that all short people are discriminated against

Aw my posts are trash. That hurts so much knowing that a random person on the internet with deep rooted insecurities doesn't like my posts.

oh you're the faggot in that other thread that was complaining about white dudes and athletes getting all the pussy and that society is racist and bigoted and shit

i feel like your pointless arguments are meant to compensate for something pic related

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that is mostly likely because the wealthier your parents are, the more likely you are going to be able to get adequate nutrition which leads to being taller.

>dad is 5'6
>I was 5'7 at 12
>I'm 6'3 now
>my grandpa is also 6'3
>he always jokes about how the height gene skipped my dad
Either my grandpa banged my mom and is actually my dad, or my dad got fucked by the genetic lottery

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You can look it up so fucking easily. Stop being a moron.
If you want to frame arguing against discrimination as "compensating" you're a piece of shit and exactly what the problem is.

No, height is almost entirely gentic it has nothing to do with some classist analysis. Short men and tall women don't fit into the gender roles so they are discriminated against, that is what's happening.

Your dad got cucked, buddy.

You are the person putting forward the idea that it is an empirical fact that all short people are discriminated against. Why would I do your job for you? Cite me a peer reviewed study that shows short people have trouble getting work if it's such an easily proved fact.

I look a lot like him when he was my age (other than the fact that I'm way taller than him) though
That's why the only guy who could've cucked my dad is my grandpa

>mom is 5'4"
>Dad is like 5'6"
>grandpa is 5'2"
>I'm 5'3"

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>dad is 5'6
>mom is 5'6
>grandpa is 6'3
>grandma is like 5'3
>other grandpa is 5'10
>other grandma is about 5'6

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>You are the person putting forward the idea that it is an empirical fact that all short people are discriminated against.
That's not what I"m putting foreward, you don't need to prove that every single person is always shit on in every way for there to be bigotry and discrimination against a trait. You need to show that society does in general discriminate against some group or trait overall, which we see all over the place.
And you can look up literally thousands of tweets and shit of women saying things like "short men should all die"
Stop denying and thus perpetuating blatant discrimination.

>Grandpa is 5'6
>Grandmother is 5'7
>Dad is 6'2
Other side
>Grandpa is 5'10
>Grandmother is 5'5
>Mother is 6'0
>I'm 6'2

>If there was no discrimination we would see 1/7 couples (14%) where the woman is taller. It's not even close to that.

>It's more about job prospects though than dating, the dating is just the final form of it. If there was no discrimination against height in society then we wouldnt see it in dating either.
you're now using your height as a cop out of why you might not get hired for a job. fucking NEETs, man. how about, instead, you go off and make your own future instead of busting your ass to fulfill someone else's?

Of course genetics play a significant role (estimated to be ~80%), but you cannot ignore the effects of environment. the quoted statistic was "on average". On average those with more nutrition are going to be taller than the average height, and those with less nutrition are going to be less than the average height.

All I'm really seeing there is short people are really insecure about their height. Have you tried getting over it? Or maybe attending a midget support group?

Not cope, it's the truth. We see societies where height doesn't matter and we see that result, where 1//7 couples feature a taller woman and no one cares. That's how it works with any form of discrimination - if you don't have discrimination against some trait it is reflected in relationships and vice-versa.
I'm in school I'm not a NEET either.
Nutrition makes about a 2cm difference. Assuming you get enough nutrients (everyone in the first world) you will hit your genetic cieling of height. Stop pretending like it's environmental and thus in some way "justified". It's not and even if it were it wouldn't be justified.

>Dad is 5'6"
>Mom is 5'7"
>Grandma was around 5'3"
>Grandpa was 6'8"
>Not sure of other grandparents heights but they were short
>Im 5'8"

Yea so you're just gonna pretend like the group that is discriminated against is in the wrong for it and they are the ones who need to "get over it". lmao you are a piece of shit morally repugnant person and exactly what the problem is.

Everyone is the problem except angry insecure midgets. I'm really starting to see where the angry midget stereotype comes from.

Given concrete evidence, the brainlet troll has given up supporting his antagonist stance with arguments, and instead chooses to ignore the problem. Very nice my dude, for the first 3 replies, you fooled at least yourself that you might sound smart.

Did you read either of the things he cited? The second one was literally a short person whining about how everything bad that happens to him is because of his height

If it's truth, then why have I and next to near everybody that doesn't involve themselves with these cope threads, had no issues with:
>getting a job
>getting a girlfriend / laid

Sure, taller people are conventionally more attractive and a definite preference. Should you really care? No. Calling it discrimination is absolute cope. There's no way around this.

Can't post gif without text.

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>demands evidence to show for discrimination
>given evidence that shows it
>"lol it's your fault you need to get over it dumb midget"
You're a joke, your lack of integrity and intelligence was obvious from your first post though.

It's the truth because we see societies where height isn't considered conventionally more attractive and where there is no preference for height. Therefore seeing it in a society shows that there IS discrimination against it. The same for race. If there was no discrimination against race then you wouldn't see discrimination in relationships with race. That's how it works.
Ive had gf's and I've worked before, I'm in school now. Stop acting like that means anything to the point I'm making

>Incels gotta blame their issues on something they can't control

Maybe because when you already have money, friends, hobbies, good hygiene, a fit body and you STILL can't get a girlfriend, the only thing that's left is that which you can not control, (hair, face, length).

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Well you got me troll, here is proof. Now stop trying to reply with get over it and end yourself. I did this because there might be a chance for other retards to actually not know this, instead of trying to act retarded.

You call an ABC article about short people crying evidence? Kind of like citing fox news as evidence for "No Go Zones"

Yea ignore the entire first study that shows it because "Muh ABC".
dude you lost, you're wrong and you need to reevaluate how you think. Or don't and continue to be a bigoted morally repugnant stupid person.

Yet another study showing how insecure midgets are. If you guys didn't get so worked up about your perceived issues, you wouldn't be killing yourselves so much.

Ignore the blatant troll, it's obvious he's being disengenous.

Some of us are going to kill you. Make sure to stand on your toes so my bullets don't reach you because I'm short. :^)

Did you even read it? It's a review of the laws surrounding discrimination that goes on to point out cases where short people complained about being discriminated against and promptly had their cases dismissed. Then goes on to explain why the laws don't need to be changed.

Angry midget stereotype detected. You aren't helping your case you violent savage.

user, stop. Unless you are actually that retard talking to himself which would be most likely given his mouth breathing vibe.

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So you didn't read it before you posted it?

>Therefore seeing it in a society shows that there IS discrimination against it. The same for race.
Nobody is being strung up from a tree because of their height; conflating preference in height to racism is a staggering level of mental retardation. Like I said, you calling it discrimination is just cope.

>Ive had gf's and I've worked before, I'm in school now. Stop acting like that means anything to the point I'm making
>translation: I just want to argue with faggots about nothing

Drive the child into obsession and fear and what was once not able to be controlled, now is.

>Chad the Giant

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The preference only exists because of the stereotypes in the first place.

There is ample evidence of stereotypes and discrimination and them throwing out the case doesn't mean anything