Why are some guys so eager to fuck with you? (not in a literal sense). I just cant get behind their mentality...

why are some guys so eager to fuck with you? (not in a literal sense). I just cant get behind their mentality, what do they have to gain? I never had an urge to try to humiliate and insult some guy that i just met for no reason

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Other urls found in this thread:


>why are some guys so eager to fuck with you?
As a failed normie, it is boredom and entertainment.
Some times they are just doing it thinking it's fun for you, making you apart of the group .
Most normies do not have malicious intent.

shut the fuck up homo oregegegegegeg

People act like evil is just something few people or fictional characters are. No. Most people are evil and they do well in life because they're evil.

I assume you only get targeted if you actually do have something unique about you......? I knew someone with professionally dxed with autism and they got posted being called out for having literally autistic interests... like... they're autistic.... and they know it... so like... why are you using autism as a insult towards a actual autistic person.

This would be a good question in Jow Forums

pushing you around, calling you names and humiliating you is making you apart of the group? im not talking about friendly bants here

You must've never met a huge faggot before or you'd have the urge to Fuck with him

Because there are fags out there who get off to being insulted and humiliated and other fags find that really hot so whenever they start doing it, you should consider the fact they're probably trying to hit on you as well.

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>pushing you around, calling you names and humiliating you is making you apart of the group?
It is in Australia.
lol, but seriously, probably some superiority complex.

>It is in Australia.
no dude, your "friends" simply think youre a little bitch

Nah yeah, I figured that out awhile ago. I don't have friends anymore so it's not a problem now.

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It's called being a man, faggot. Life's a brutal competition. Only the strong survive. Those guys are doing their jobs as men and weeding out potentially weak faggots like you.

Fucking with people is hilarious. Just start fucking with them back.

See? This is how evil people think.

OP, don't worry about it, if you're being bullied maliciously its nothing,I'm the person who posted the story, what I mean by it is that its usually shallow, since I know a autistic person who was called out for having literal autistic interests and like.. they were actually autistic, so it wasn't even a insult.

See? This is how effeminate losers think. Try reddit if you want a hugbox. Eat a dick you fucking faggot

It's a social test. Things start out as bants and if you let them become comfortable with making fun of you you will become the group's doormat. If not then things will be normal.

considering how much of a big boy you pretend to be online its safe to say that youre too much of a pussy to actually fuck with anyone irl

This kind of attitude should get you the death penalty. It destroys actual good people and the monsters who do it more often than not have nothing of value to offer to anyone.

>This kind of attitude should get you the death penalty.
In the real world, you would get the social death penalty.
The problem is that on the internet you can't just move the group away from the faggots.

originally trying too hard, kiddo

t. muh feelins

Yes, MY feelings, and they're more important than yours.

how do not feel like shit when they shit on other people like that?

By being retarded like them.

It's simple animalistic instinct. Animals try to dominate and brutalize eachother, because that's just what they do. Their instincts drive them to do so and they do not have the capacity to see what's wrong with it. Same thing with people. Some people are just base animals. They can speak and use computers like you do, but they lack the faculties that truly make you human and separate you from the animals. They're just monkeys in clothes, like those funny chimps you see on tv shows. Take a look at the answers you're getting here. Most are telling you it's not what you think and that it's just friendly or whatever, those are people who just like you can't even understand this mentality because it's so foreign to a human. Then there are those who do understand what you mean because they do it themselves, and their answers have a common theme, it's always a variation on either "its just fun" or "you're weak", because thats animal mentality. Impulsive behaviour with no care for the consequences and a "survival of the fittest" mentality where the weak get brutally abused and the strong have the right to do whatever they want. Both of these are base animalistic instincts, if you observe any animal you will see they exhibit these behaviours, and the "people" you described are no different. They're just animals, they're not humans. Once you start viewing them in that light it becomes much more clear why they act that way

Some are just sadistic in nature.

You've never been in a fist fight huh?
This is how they start.

high IQ post origini

This is a good post, I myself have a lot of raw anger, I hate it too and I don't like it...? like it stresses me out that I have negative tension with people, ironically enough I'm subhuman and I actually hate thinking of people as "below me" or dehumanizing them, so my opinion of people doesn't matter, even though I actually do care about people as a whole.

>achkualy techknicaly

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He didn't use both of those words at all, lol

Pretty spot on, most people out there don't know it when they act like animals and when you're telling them you're crazy becasue "Hurr, human's are no animals"

It's their arrogance they got from ignoring other opinions that makes them forget that there are reasons for their behaviour, they simply don't spend time thinking about such things.

It's mostly those that fuck with others and those that just follow the popular opinion, like monkeys they follow the alpha male in bullying people, wanting gratification from the one who wants that.

Those that get bullied are either going to spiral into delusions or get woke and bitter. I think it really is a mechanism of nature to filter out the weak and undesired people from society, bullied kids either get full on delusional, thinking they are superior in intellect and become basement dwelling fedoras or they get woke and bitter and kill themselves. Of course there is also the option to get woke bitter and not kill yourself and work on yourself but those seem rare.

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But by this logic most of the people I meet are animals

Very true

>Those that get bullied are either going to spiral into delusions or get woke and bitter. I think it really is a mechanism of nature to filter out the weak and undesired people from society, bullied kids either get full on delusional, thinking they are superior in intellect and become basement dwelling fedoras or they get woke and bitter and kill themselves. Of course there is also the option to get woke bitter and not kill yourself and work on yourself but those seem rare.
Very accurate as well. What i think is really disgusting though is the double standard regarding bullying. As a society we basically uninamously agree that nature should be kept in check whenever it is detrimental to people, and especially when it's straight up malicious. To start with the simplest example, we universally condemn murder. Less extreme examples include theft and assault. These things are also part of nature but we oppose it and punish those who engage in it. But when it comes to bullying, suddenly the same nature we reject in other cases because an argument to allow it. Bullying is no less harmful than someone punching you in the face or stealing something from you. Infact, i'd say it's much more harmful than those things. A punch in the face hurts, but it's over after after a couple hours. Having something stolen from you sucks, but you can always replace it and you'll forget about it quickly. But the mental and psychological effect of consistently being bullied, humiliater and tormented not only have more of an effect on you in the moment of it happening, but also leaves permanent and lasting effects. This was even proven in multiple scientific studies



Bullying should be illegal. There is no argument argument against it anymore when it's causing an entire generation to grow up with severe mental issues.

Bullying is actually beneficial and serves as a motivator for the weak to improve. Stop being such a weak faggot.

That's why you're here right?
Read the article

>(((Psychology))) articles
Why should I take this meme field seriously? It's filled with women who nitpick at behavior and twist it to make men seem like horrible monsters by inventing meme words and diseases. Bullying is fine and has existed since the beginning of time. That's just how men are. We're aggressive and need to compete and outdo others. Maybe you'd understand this if you weren't a woman or a low test faggot who wants to make the whole world a safe space.

There's competition then there's picking on the weak because you're too weak to compete and win.

>>(((Psychology))) articles
scientific study on neuroscience, not psychology.

>Murder is fine and has existed since the beginning of time. That's just how men are. We're aggressive and need to compete and outdo others. Maybe you'd understand this if you weren't a woman or a low test faggot who wants to make the whole world a safe space.
By your logic you agree with this statement.

fear. they want to be in control of everything

cringe and bluepilled
larping as chad on r9k doesnt make you look cool BTW

Yes, it is.
That is how normies function.

Literally just cheap entertainment/wasting time. You can bitch about it and ask "but why??? Why are they like that?????" in as many threads as you want but that's all it is. It's not new, humans have been like this for fucking centuries at this point.

If you're being bullied or messed with, you either deal with it swiftly or you bend over and let it consume you. It comes down to not being a bitch, and not allowing obviously shitty people to hold that much sway over how you feel from such ultimately little interactions.

Because thye can.

>If you're being bullied or messed with, you either deal with it swiftly or you bend over and let it consume you. It comes down to not being a bitch, and not allowing obviously shitty people to hold that much sway over how you feel from such ultimately little interactions.
The problems is you can't. Schools will punish you harshly for fighting back physically, which go as far as ruining your school carreer and chance of getting into a good uni. Fighting back verbally is a lost cause when the majority is against you. Everything you say will just roll off of them and they will be emboldened by eachother, while you only have yourself. Not to mention that in such a scenario fighting back physically could end in you getting jumped and hospitalized. You literally take action against it it without harming yourself any further, and even then you're not likely to actually stop it at all. So basically you can't do shit about it. You have to take it all and shut up. The situation is set up in such a way that it's impossible to stop it short of literally killing people (no wonder why school shootings happen).

based and redpilled

we know fuck all about the brain

The term "bullying" is beyond nebulous. It can mean a whole spectrum of behaviours. Equivalating it to murder is disingenous.

>You literally take action against it
ment to say "can't take action against it"

>we know fuck all about the brain
Wel apparently according to the empirical data we do know the effects of bullying on the brain. If you have evidence for the contrary feel free to post it.

>The term "bullying" is beyond nebulous. It can mean a whole spectrum of behaviours.
It is clearly defined in the study, read it. >Equivalating it to murder is disingenous.
That part flew right over your head. I'm not equating it. Your argument is that bullying is ok because it has existed for thousand years of new. So has murder. So if something is ok because it has existed for thousands of years, then murder, which also fits that criteria, is also ok.

be honest now, you like it in the butt right?

>Your argument is that bullying is ok because it has existed for thousand years of new. So has murder. So if something is ok because it has existed for thousands of years, then murder, which also fits that criteria, is also ok.

Capital punishment for murders has also existed for thousands of years, retard.

I don't doubt that there are thousands of humans who undergo "social defeat" and that this has a detrimental effect on their mental health, but I also maintain the cynical belief that this is an entirely natural and inevitable process. Life fucking sucks, but stopping bullys from opressing children will invariably lead to a class of teachers opressing bullies. The solution to this problem is beyond complex and is not simple. Is "social defeat" and depressive symptoms really a result of bullying or is bullying the natural process in which lower humans create hierarchical boundaries?

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t. Bullied kid
Bullying undoubtedly made me a better person and is the only reason I'm not a complete otaku nerd loner and actually had even a remote chance of getting a girl in my life.
Bullying should not be illegal, it stops you from becoming vid related
Nothing else does. "Self awareness" doesn't just make itself out of the blue. You need people keeping you in line.

It also has happened before punishment existee at all. The fact that punishment has existed does not undo the fact that is happens, it has been happening forever, and it continues to happen. Again according to your own logic, you set a criteria for something to be a-ok, this criteria is that that something has to have happened for years and be "part of nature". Murder fits that criteria, thus according to you it is ok.

>I don't doubt that there are thousands of humans who undergo "social defeat" and that this has a detrimental effect on their mental health, but I also maintain the cynical belief that this is an entirely natural and inevitable process.
You know what else is an entirely natural and inevitable process? Death, disease, crime, and a plethora of other terrible shit. Yet no defends that, as a society we do everything we can to stop it. So why is bullying an exemption? There is no fucking reason. It's a double standard.
>Stopping bullys from opressing children will invariably lead to a class of teachers opressing bullies.
Haha what the fuck? Is imprisoning criminals also "oppressing them", and thus we should allow crime to happen because otherwise we'd be "oppressing the criminals"? What the fuck lmao.
>The solution to this problem is beyond complex and is not simple.
Actually it's not "beyond complex" at all. It's very simple. Just as how we punish people for stealing, we also punish people for bullying. Problem solved. And even if it was complex, does that mean we should allow it? Curing diseases is actually complex yet that doesn't stop us from doing it. What an idiotic statement. You're just looking for a reason to defend the same people who used to bully you in high school, you bootlicking cuck. Because you know who is one of those people who suffered social defeat? It's you. That's why you're here wasting away on this shithole while your bullies are out there having fun and living their lives. Can you be any more of a simpering cuck?

>here is my personal opinion on being dominated and abused by other people to the point i developed an inferiority complex and tried to kiss the asses of the same people who treated me like a piece of shit stuck on their shoe
Ok? Just because you have no self respect ane actually like being treated like dogshit does not mean others have to too.

Bullies aren't criminals, they're children. They're not evil villains.

based and redpilled

imagine being shit on so hard that you develop stockholm syndrome

Being bullied isn't being "dominated and abused". Bullying is a needed process so children grown up normal and not like "losers" or developing socially unacceptable behaviour. People that aren't bullied although they're weird think it's okay to just "be themselves" and you get unhappy lonely people later down in line because they've grown up as weirdos. Of course that depends on how you take the bullying, and it can ruin lives just as much as it can toughen/straighten someone up, but do you actually, HONESTLY believe that kid going to class doing fucking cosplay and getting everyone to make fun of him behind his back, is ACTUALLY going to grow out of it on his own and become accepted among his peers by himself, with no external input, if people just let him "be himsef"?
Like, it's obvious you were bullied/know someone who was and you're angry about it, but don't come to me and tell me I didn't need to be called back to reality and that wasn't important for me. I don't like the faggots that made fun of me, forcing me to change so they'd stop, I'm just glad they did, and I'm glad I changed, otherwise I'd be even worse today.

not him but

>bullying (shitting on people) is the only way to straighten kids out


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Your central point is that bullying is needed so kids don't end up weird and isolated from society, which is just blatantly wrong. No, kids dont NEED to be bullied at all to not end up weird. Infact, it's the polar opposite in reality. Kids end up weird because they get bullied and end up hating those who bully them. As a defense mechanism they associate what is normal and what the majority does as "their enemy". As said, you get neckbeard fedora types because people bully these kids out of society where they have nothing to relate to anymore. Bullying CAUSES isolation, it doesn't prevent it.

You're pretty smart! Please enlighten us :D

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Not the guy you argue with but
>Children cant be villains
Thats BS you know children Can be malicious and know it

They're evil, predatory, sociopathic children. Regardless i wasn't talking about small children here, i was talking about mostly teens and young adults.



Read these and tell me bullying isn't straight up evil.

OP, Im gonna assume you are in school so this worked for me. It didn't work completely but made some of the shit go away. One of the smaller less "cool" kids of the chad group tried to fuck with me he was clearly weaker than me so i knew i could win in a fight. He started to push me so i retorted this was near a teacher so he broke it u, After this incident he hasn't said shit to me and is generally friendly to me now, not that i want to be friends with him.

So i guess get into a easy to win shoving match near a teacher would win some respect but do not bring this upon fight upon yourself as it may not work aswell. If you cant fight or are not confident enough (which i cannot blame you for i did many years or boxing and i was still not confrontational) then i would say avoid this bc an arse whooping would not help your confidence or your appearance to others just hope this can help you ive had this happen to me so much in school and im also sick of their mindless behaviour.

I bullied kids and I'm not evil.

Im sorry to tell you but you are.

Not really no.
But I guess you just know better.

Yes really. The proof is in the pudding. You are your actions, not what you claim to be.