Um why are people skipping me on omegle? each and every one of you better give me an answer

um why are people skipping me on omegle? each and every one of you better give me an answer.

Attached: chesty leroux.png (1044x800, 610K)

I will tell you why. People are fucking boring. We lost every sense of living. None of us is happy anymore. You go on that site to seek for some nice and genuine conversations and oh boy you'll fail. Guys are either fucking sexually frustrated or incredibly boring. The girls there are bimbos. They're fucking stupid. Don't try to pull off some interesting joke or some shit because they'll see you as some kinda autistic freak. They have no sense of humor. They just show their cleavage because they seek for validation to overcompensate for their massive insecurities. And idk what kids are doing there. Some old scum will probably jerk their dick off to them. And you will fail to make friends. Good representation of our society if you want to ask me kek

too real and original of course

I'm the guy fapping on cam
You skipped me

Fuck man why did you have to say all that? Now I'm sad at the truth.

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you don't count as people to me, you arent even worthy of me staring at you disapprovingly, that's how insignificant you are, and then some. Pffft. Don't you ever think that being vile is going to get my attention, the only person worthy of attention here is me.

sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my glistening member

OP wanted an answer

You're a cis white male.

Sorry, I've raised my nose so far up at you that you can't even see my middle parting. el oh el

are you an IT student? I think I know you

>inferring you can't make friends with horny dudes

Whatever. How does it feel to give multiple replies to a naked, masturbating man?

Nope, I don't study IT


broken man, well done, O.P.

Man idk, how do you make the conversation not awkward after seeing a 55 year old cock searching for 14 year old girls

Most guys aren't doing that user, you usually get banned for fapping on cam.

Don't report me, silly boys :o

Some put the camera so it can't capture the cocks, some put a black screen, some put a sexual game and some put their cock lol

I know how you feel O.P, I was online earlier and had my airbags hanging out, and like guys were skipping me, made me laugh bc clearly they should be orbiting me, they've just made themselves look pathetic by skipping, clearly tryna make a name for themsevles. Pathetic.

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Sounds like you just naturally orbit penises user, i'm not sure how i can help you.

You don't have to. I don't go on that site anymore

op if you type as you,er intrest in omegle joffreydidnothingwrong i will talk with to you now

um... people talk to me user, not the other way around.

urgh. #MeToo

so one time I was on Omegle, looking like a total bad bitch! Ha, bc i'm better than everyone ofc. But some hicky ass white neckbeard told me to go listen to Daler Mehndi and find some clearasil ASAP... i can't wait until white people literally die out.

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ay i saw you, and your dick

This thread is just so touchingly relatable that I wince at the mere relatability. I happened to be on Omegle like 4 minutes ago, wearing a tanktop because it's so hot over here in Iceland. And some asshole dude skipped me. Like... I'm presenting myself for attention & they just skip me like I'm nothing. I'm not sure I can make it through the evening anymore. Urgh.

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Hello beautiful ladies of the omegle thread
I feel your pain, and hopefully in time you will allow me to feel more of you once you get to know me...

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Doing god's work, OP. These roasts are insufferable at best (that is when they actually talk instead of just staring like zombies and giving one word responses). Get skipped, cunts,

Post moar omegle threads

>sexual game

Wonder if that shit ever works. Fucking oldcels and their tricks.

so I get all dressed up, make my bed, shower for once, and guys are still not conversing with me?
so what if i contribute nothing to the convo, I'm a girl if you hadn't noticed. The arrogance of you robots is just off the scale and I for one will not tolerate it. I'mma look sad for the camera now and other guys are gonna care so THE JOKES ON YOU.

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add me on discord; I'll talk to you

I have added you

wanna kik? we have fun

Sure! my names Rebecca & I like money for north face shellsuits! (I like travelling back&forth from the toilet to my bedroom.)

Thanks, user!

In all seriousness, here's my discord: Lucaluni#3658

You girls are really so self centred that you don't think guys suffer? you think we also don't get shamed?

I am constantly defamed & accused of being on omegle for 9 years when in reality I've only been here for 8 1/2 years. I have to deal with the type of slander that wasn't even inflicted upon Fiddle Castro.

So you bitches wanna go round acting like Angel doesn't get put through the mill?
Count yourself lucky that it's just my head that I'm shaking at you right now.


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Hol up. Why do your arms look like sponges. Im aroused.

This is the kind of joke my dad would make while we were watching Heartbeat together.

I used to talk to girls on omegle when I was 15-16 and try to get kiks/snapchats. It worked rarely but it did work. I got multiple. It's easiest when you're with a couple friends. I wouldn't try it anymore though.

Your dad joked that he was aroused by your arms? Lovely.

You THIRSTY ass retards realize she didn't make that post, right? The omegle watermark appears on the stranger's video box, not yours.

This intelligently crafted graft shows you how a females mind works while on Omegle.

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You keep skipping me, I'm the guy in the white shirt

hold your abbey national card up so i know its you next time

Because you never show soles desu

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Is Angel still here?
He never dumped all his Omegle files

she has babyhand feet user
not worth seeing

>we live in a society

I just painted my nails... i did a reallly swell job, but I want guys to be able to see my HANDY work haha... anyone got some tips on how to do so?

well I'm not beautician, but perhaps you could rest your hand on your face (subtely) and maybe look kinda bored (roll your eyes) so it doesn't look too obvious that you're flaunting? hope this helps.

y-you mean like this?
am i doing it?

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gave it a go, tried something different.

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this is my ex girlfriend. she is 16. do not bother with her

greentext your relationship with her plox

>be me 14, 4 years ago
>bored e-boy who just got out of another e-relationship
>meet her on the tag memes in text chat
>spent 1 month just talking to myself in a call while she typed
>we bonded
>we form interests around each other and listen to music a lot
>sleep skype every night
>very happy but then depression enhances
>i hurt her a lot and do stupid shit
>she left me
>she's focusing on school now
not much to say, she ruined my life pretty much. i was completely obsessed with her. her name is alicia btw and if you see her tell her that zach hates her.

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well actually there's a lot more to it than that but im sure she wouldn't appreciate me sharing

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>each and every one of you better give me an answer.
because it is an actual skill to get some tits on omegle. not just something anyone can do

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I am so jealous user, whenever I spoke to her she just rattled out incomprehensible b.s. Never ever gave an honest answer to anything. I gave up pretty quick desu

You're pretty brave too, how do you know she wont return fire?

Are you in omegle right now? would you share in omegle?

Even asking straight just works, newfag

>giving this much thought to getting tits from girls on omegle
lol, i bet you think hitting on women is a science

Sounds like your ruined your own life. Over a roastie, of all things.

Got what you deserved.

because we've blocked each other on everything. she does that because she has nothing better to fucking do. claimed that she wanted to self improve but just sits her ass on omegle. she and i have a lot of "inside jokes" that's mostly what she babbles about.
yeah no sorry bro

Because youre trans.

I am 200% sure she just got bored of you. Just move on my dude

yeah you're not wrong bud

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um? be angry about what i said, u fucking faggot, how dare u not reply with anger. Replying to me with a child meme? u tryna infer that i have the mental age of a child? KEK @ u. u will not get away with that. Bitch.

Delete this now, not kidding, you'll regret it.

too late alicia, i added the image to my fap folder

yeah reasonable, that was too far

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Idk user
This girl skips me before I can even say hi

From what I see if they also have the Jow Forums tag they're from soc and just add all the boards tags

Also what was deleted anons repost it I feel left out

Use Jow Forums-x you fucking plebs
You can see everything that was removed