Femanon grading chart

Which grade describes you best, femanon?

Attached: staceyindex.png (800x2000, 1.22M)


Ever heard about ambiversion? It's a spectrum, not just 2 poles, you know...

That's not how mbti works but whatever

realistically a gamma plus/neutral
but I'm not as attractive as the pic for it, I look closer to the epsilon pic

>gamma plus
of course you are :)

Sorry for breaking your internet horoscopes hun

Why would you use them if you don't even plan on doing it right?

Delta minus or epsilon plus

epsilon, people say i'm too nice but that's really because i'm scared of being hated so i'm not sure about being a genuine plus. i'm an intj and give myself a 2 out of 10 in terms of appearance

Are you sure you're not just an average girl who has a victim complex and craves sympathy, so you've convinced yourself you're ugly?

no, people tell me i'm ugly. i thought i was average until i was put in my place

Hey be my ugly epsilon gf?

this post is so false and garbage
>says that Becky (Stacy's boots licker) are moral because they aren't top Stacies
>says that vagabonds are great for having disccusions but 90% of them are members of the feminist alt-left
I didnt even continue reading from the vagabond part

>Hey be my ugly epsilon gf?
what's the catch

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You have to ride me during sex because I lazy

and then below epsilon is male alpha right? women's bottom bitch chad

>gamma plus
>delta minus
>epsilon plus
Look here robots. These subhumans of the female gender are so retarded that they can't even read and comprehend simple text. They misunderstand pros and cons of each category as different versions of each one. And you are supposed to have children with them so you lower you IQ each generation. Pathetic.

lmao @ this post. who's the one with poor reading comprehension

>unironically using terms like "stacy" and "becky"

It's a false equivalency. There is no female equivalent to Chad. Women are all whores by default.

i'm fat so that might kill you

women honestly freak me out. when you look at a girl realize you're looking at a genetic abomination from tens of thousands of years of 0 selection pressure. notice how curvy girls are like 1% of women? they're all plain square things because pretty women have no real breeding advantage over the ugly ones so girl genes are all fucked up

Between Gamma and Delta. Don't care much for all the internet horoscope bullshit though.

The epsilon turned me down so wanna me be gelta gf?

>The epsilon turned me down
more like you dumped me you chad nigger reeeeeeeee

1. OP's image refers to other types as x-plus or x-minus
>virtually an alt beta minus
2. I thought it was pretty clear the whole system is a reference to brave new world
3. please call me stupid some more

So do I get cowgirl or not?

don't forget that the gamma girl needs to be low iq to have sought personality in hair color

you have to let me trap you in a marriage first

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I bet the gelta girl would put out

I've dated all of them but mostly gamma girls. All of them cheated.

Am with a delta right now. Delta is the way to go, as long as you can get them away from their liberalness

she doesn't even want to respond to you dumb dumb do you have another option

Post your state and hobbers

I am going to accept that I was wrong, because I am a man. My mistake not being troubled to read all that shit and the graph making it seems like those were pros and cons, as it was expected to more easily characterize, since whoever made this couldn't be bothered to make a full graph like for men. Without reading the texts, my line of thinking made most sense, since all the minus variants are literal shit tiers that belong to omega.

And you aren't just stupid. You are a stupid whore.

Why does it show stacey as the only one capable of cunning, self-serving behavior? Wendi Deng would probably be a delta lookwise but she has that femme fatale personality and worked on her looks. Idk this is shallow. Attractiveness goes a long way, sure, but there are women not considered conventionally attractive who got a good deal through calculating behavior. Being ugly doesn't automatically make bitter sjws, there's other avenues for them to pursue.

I'd say Beta or Gamma.
I'm a 6/10 manager and I dress kinda alternative, but I've only had two boyfriends in my 23 years of existence, and one was in high school.

I know that feel. I was cheated on by a beta/delta with one of my close friends.

Internetting, vidya, fanfics, usual shit.

Afraid not my dude

What fandoms

Frozen/Elsanna, some HP, some Discworld, OUAT, that's it for the most part. Been meaning to check out some animu fics but haven't yet.

>0 selection pressure
if roasties existed at birth the child would be thrown into a pit of fire with the deformed skulls

>It's a spectrum, not just 2 poles, you know...
explain your logic to a brainlet

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I think Delta rates alot higher then gamma

Do you have one right now? Would you like a similar pay scale bf that dresses respectably?

OP's chart is in accordance to normie views. kind of like how most normies prefer girls who aren't virgins but that's not exactly a popular preference on Jow Forums

Gamma for sure

Definitely gamma

Even for normies, there's literally no good qualities about gamma other than being a 8/10.

Why are all you gamma Stacies here and not in my bed?

I'm dating a chad who's into Alternative Fashion and stuff

tfw episilon as fug. im not ugly though, just very mentally ill

My boyfriend doesn't earn as much as me. In fact I was his manager for a while. But he's a """Chad""" if thats what you're implying...

Men don't care about anything but looks so who gives a shit

Not if they're annoying sluts like you who probably cheat in an instant

i think we need mandatory hysterectomies for sub 5 girls, just enough to repair our damaged X chromosome

Well I'm not who you've replied to, nor have I ever had a bf, so you're pretty far off user.

Why do you assume I'm gonna breed

i'm sorry, we can't play favorites. you'll still get attention still.

I always think about this. There are alpha and beta men, winners and losers. But what about women? What does their hierarchy look like? I mean theoretically, no woman can lose because all women can get men, I guess it's just which women can get Chad and which will only be fucked by him, never loved. It's all a fight over Chad.

Sluts dont have bfs so no surprise there. But your a dude anyway until I see tits

Tfw no delta GF


Gamma at my best, delta on average.

I've never had sex with any men.
So what are you triggered about, girls with cooties in your secret clubhouse or guys pretending to be that? Or both?

Fuck you
Fuck you too
Be my gf

Mega omega, what do I win

A bunch of robots calling you a whore

>tfw Alpha
feels good that i dominate everyone in this thread

S-sync your cycle with me senpai

Not me. Be my girlF

I'm not it right there gamma is thot with poor meme taste. most men would pick a slighlty uglier girl who will be loyal

Ambiversion is just someone who wants to feel special because one category makes them feel not special
ditch this bullshit

It's an Jow Forums meme so of course it sucks, but good points anyway in that it's way too rigid.
Alpha+ fits best which makes me wonder why I ever drop by this board anymore. Maybe nostalgia since I liked Jow Forums as a teenager, but there's not much of anything worthwhile on it anymore. I wish the Internet was like it was a decade ago.

I don't think I have "extreme extraversion" but I am an ENTJ. I can seem outgoing, but I can seem quiet too, and I'm not narcissistic enough to see myself as "gorgeous" either. I focus on myself. More people should and especially the sort of people here these days.

Hey are you single stace?

Hey Stacy, are you a qtp2t?

Uh fuck um
None of them completly.
But i do see myself as undatable

>I wish the Internet was like it was a decade ago.


Are these two posts from the same person? Or even from a person? Jow Forums has devolved to having posts that seem like they're written by actual robots. Almost makes me wonder if the captcha stopped working since it looks like all the spam there was before it was implemented.
I think that's a long time ago to most people here now, but a little over that to 2005 is probably as old as I can remember using the internet. If you want to reminisce about before that and call me part of the Eternal September, fair enough, but that makes me wonder what you're doing here more than what I am.

Why do you see yourself that way

I posted the single question. Not the same guy as the other post

What is with the random bolding of letters in this graphic? It's deeply affecting me.

>Hey Stacy, are you a qtp2t?
No I'm not same as above
Genuinely curious

Fuck yeah epsilon aesthetic. Women who look like they could beat up a train are cool as fuck. Power is Beauty.

>but that makes me wonder what you're doing here more than what I am.

I'm here because I'm an ugly loser male virgin and I'm in good company here. The question is why you're here, if you are what you claim. What does a good looking woman see in this board, or on the internet? You could be living life with other people in great places. Your looks open doors for you.

None user faggot these charts don't define a female and an alpha sure as hell isn't what you posted there. An alpha is one that has every aspect of a human being in one. Can literally do anything. GG ez Big tiddy goth moms are also alpha

Epsilon, the aberration.

How fatso is you

>call me part of the Eternal September

To even know what the Eternal September was, you'd have to be ancient.

Where are the fat ones?

They aren't aberrations, because they are close to a numerical majority now.

They aren't the Mouse, because they occupy too much physical space.

They aren't alternative, because nothing could be more mainstream than pouring cake, pizza, and beer down your maw 24/7 in the manner of most American females circa 2018.

which ever is the one for fat ugly halfies that couldn't find a bf until they were 29

Not fat.

How adorable are you ;3

Any woman can be fat, so fat women have their own hierarchy because most men find obese women unattractive automatically. Overweight is fine to an extent but obesity will always be a problem. And it's not unreasonable that obesity is a pretty strong factor.

To be clear in case you didn't read between the lines with my reply and took it literally (I wasn't actually wondering if you were the same poster or a bot, and by asking I was being sarcastic calling your posts boring), it doesn't matter either way. There was a lot you could have replied to in my post to talk about, and instead you just ask if I'm single or cute? It looks really desperate and it's boring to reply to a yes/no question.

If you're trying to meet girls through Jow Forums (then you'd have better luck going to and you can't call them too normie when you called me Stacey, but), you'd have more success if you had a real conversation, then asked something like that more subtly and for contact info. Otherwise it looks ingenuine and like you just don't want to be lonely. I don't mean to be harsh, but that's only a step up from pls be my gf posts.

Real answers without giving advice: there's someone I'm interested in, but it's complicated and I don't know if it will work out, and I'm not going to call myself qtp2t or not when I said a post before it seems weird to me and narcissistic to call myself attractive.
>I'm here because I'm an ugly loser male virgin and I'm in good company here.
Are you in good company? Jow Forums is just an "incel" board because of people misinterpreting spaghetti and other greentext stories before the deletion. It's kind of sad to see it's just people wallowing in their own misery now.
>What does a good looking woman see in this board, or on the internet? You could be living life with other people in great places. Your looks open doors for you.
I already said here in my first post that I don't really see anything worthwhile here these days, but I liked Jow Forums when I was a teenager. It was fun sometimes when I was bored. You realise that pretty much everyone uses the internet all the time now, by the way? Who isn't on their phone or laptop all the time? Most people who use it are living life.

Maybe to know it first hand? It's not that obscure of a term, if you read at all about computers or the history of the internet.

>yes i'm a qt
Thank you for letting me know :3

Hey qt be my gf then. No I will not go to soc

Gamma needs to be separated into different tiers to distinguish between the actual gammas and the problem glasses tumbrina type.

>when gamma image is better looking than beta

>in case you didn't read between the lines
Way to start with the most ironic statement kek

>Jow Forums is just an "incel" board because of people misinterpreting spaghetti and other greentext stories before the deletion.
Please give a history lesson to a genuine 2017 newfag. (me)

Also I always think it's sort of interesting to see girls who identify as more attractive (even though you don't wanna be arrogant about it and all) come to a place suchas this. I'm probably more better looking than a lot of the people here, certainly no one who saw me in public would take me for a robot, but I mainly come here because beneath the surface my life is actually all kinds of fucked up and I guess I enjoy the company. Nice to be around self-identified non-normies for a change.

Also you seem pretty eloquent for a girl who identifies closest with the Stacy-tier. I have met a few Stacies who were able to hold an interesting conversation but the vast majority probably wouldn't give a shit enough to try and understand how this cess-pool operates. So props for that I guess femanon.

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