What effect does Jow Forums actually have on you mentally? Genuinely curious
What effect does Jow Forums actually have on you mentally? Genuinely curious
It helps me, since everyone is anonymous I don't have a reason to maintain a emotional connection, since I can't identify anyone, that makes sense, right?
And I know friendships should be enjoyable and effortlessly, but I have problems. Simple.
r9k just encourages me in my misery. That's it.
Its a two edged sword for me.
One one side. I pity myself in this world and only here i find approval in my behaviour.
One the other side. I know i need to change my life and by reading here i see my flaws and what i need to change. It gives me motivation and angers me to no limit that i have become this way.
I feel like i have always been a bit of a lunatic so nothing much has changed.
I started to hate or even despite Trannys. Those people need to be tortured and slaughtered like the pigs they are
It's usually a slow depersonalization.People treat Jow Forums as an extension of themselves rather than the social media platform that it is. Posts here very quickly become confused with your own thoughts.
I'm a bit of a contrarian so it essentially made me
>less obsessed with sex
>enforced my superiority complex
>stopped trying to diagnose myself with stupid fucking illnesses
>self pity is pathetic
>I don't want to fit in anymore
Of course a lot of that may have just naturally occurred without Jow Forums, there's no real way of knowing.
The only thing I really adopted from it is that stupid weeb lingo, but luckily I manage to keep it in my head and out of my mouth.
Does anybody else here have to actively struggle not to use the words brainlet and autistic irl? Calling everything stupid just feels so crude.
Lowers my expectations, hope, and respect for humanity.
That's an awesome way of describing it, I never even thought of it that way.
feel the same desu
i dont really want a gf or care about sex much. seeing people go apeshit is weird, helps me remain normal i guess
>don't care about a gf or sex
>remain normal
im not an autist or asexual what i meant im only interested in specific girls, someone i find attractive and have chemistry with. i dont have this need to have a gf, no matter what and whoever thing thats popular on this board.
when my mates fuck girls i get jealous but usually i just jerk off and it goes away completely
The main thing is that it traps your mindset within a very small box, I'm sure you've seen all the graphs here about women or race or whatever, but almost all of those leave out information that disproves their point of their arguments.
They're either psyops or people who wanna feel superior to other so they ignore the proof that's against them.
And since you go to this site, and most likely only this site as a social media outlet, you do not see the other evidence, therefore you start believing what those graphs tell you, and get trapped within a mindset.
On me personally I think it made me more and more disgusted by humans, the more I talk to the people on this site the more I despise them, but since these people are a part of general population they can be applied to the general population, in which you can see that people act like this irl too, just in a different way.
So basically, it made me despise both genders enough that I've lost my romantic attraction to either, which kinda sucks considering I crave affection.
Normal people do need a gf though
>having m8s
i never said i wouldnt like a gf just dont have this huge desire.
also by normal i meant normal mental health
You're aware lack of desire is considered a mental illness right?
you can take a person out of /b/, but you cant take the /b/ out of a person
i can probably jerk off like 3 times in a row, i definitely dont have low libido. just stop projecting your desperation on me user
I'm just pointing out you're not normal mentally
i am though
It gives me social interaction so I can't thank it enough. I hate regular social media even more than before thanks to it, and I feel like I've become more open about my thoughts to others and became more elitist towards my favorite hobby than ever. It makes me feel like I'm not alone, that there's people who have the same experiences I do and have as high of a powerlevel or higher than I. I fully embraced anonymity and truly see how much better it is than web 2.0 normalfags attention whoring for views and likes.
Are you implying normal is good?
There is a mental illness for every deviation outside of being a complacent conformist.
If you want to be anything special, you can't be a normal at the same time.
I live in a small rural town here I must go about my every day doings and since as a kid, I never connected with the locals, even though most of them are good people, probably autism, I dunno
Jow Forums showed me there are other odd balls out there like me, a lot more fucking odd than me, this place really helps me steam off in my down time
I wasn't make any judgements, other than saying user is not normal
I know people who never had a gf in their early 20s and theyre normal
some people just not interested in having a gf
Lel, I know a lad like this. He's basically Jean Luc Picard. Has all the local pussy he can get but for some reason doesn't want it
They're programming your subconscious mind
I think Jow Forums turns you into a complete novelty addict. Basically self-induced ADD.
Some posts in Jow Forums are propagandic. Most of thr time though, Jow Forums is just calming. No need for stupid ass body language, tone of voice, eye contact, etc. as long as you don't post illegal stuff you're fine.
I've read somewhere that internet users, especially in semi-anonymous, non-real-life based sites like reddit, and completely anonymous Jow Forums, act like they have aspergers. Without communciation helpers like body language, and lack of societal helpers, empathy is much harder. Thus, namecalling and arguments are common, but at the same time, this facilitates discussion of more unconventional, non-normie topics (although board subculture skews the topics too).
Jow Forums is a good place for losers (except soc), not so for normies
*Societal rules
refer to the attached pic, OP
Nothing good, I'm sure.