what if i tell you that pic releated has never had sex?
im not him btw
what if i tell you that pic releated has never had sex?
im not him btw
I dont believe you
tons of asian sluts would line up for his dick
Then I would tell you that I don't give a fuck and to piss off.
I'd believe you. I'd believe that pic related probably knows that he is inherently quite attractive but likely developed a poor personality/thinks he's better than a lot of people because of that fact without having the confidence to actually do anything with his talent. I'm guessing he's some sort of indie/hippie who compensates for a lack of personality with half-baked "interests" or hobbies desu
personality doesnt matter
he just dont leave his room at all
Personality does matter, in the sense that an attractive person that is attractive enough to draw attention but not confident enough to keep it will end up a failed normie(tm)
not that surprising, he's a twink. girls will want to be friends with him, not fuck him.
that would require asian girls to meet him. where do you live that "tons of asian girls" are even around?
he doesnt look very happy. not smiling. most likely hes not happy because he gets no female validation
He could be like me and too embarrassed to admit he wants to share the experience of love with just one person
I can see people overrating his eye area t b h
same reaction if you told me a fembot has never had sex. laugh in your face.
Being white must be so easy. Dude looks average af but is considered attractive just like that Alex from Target motherfucker.
Hmmm good point ngl
Femanon here. I would gladly meet up with him and suck his dick unless he is a manlet or an oven dodger - either of those two would be a major turn off for me!
I'd believe him, but won't really care lol
Looking good EAO. Almost didn't recognize you.
Kek, did you ever went outside? Attractive guys don't get approached at all, David Gandy was a fucking virgin until his mid 20s.
Difference between an ugly guy and an attractive one is, that the attractive one has a higher chance to get laid if he approaches, but if he doesn't talk to any woman at all and expect het to come up to him randomly, he has the exact same faith as an ugly fat neet.
>tfw ugly and shy growing up and never really developed a sense of self worth and grew into good looks without the social ability to capitalize on them
Dw bruh you're still ugly
>attractive guys don't get approached
My fucking sides.
he's right. attractive guys don't get approached by horny women for just leaving the house to get groceries. you still need to go to an actual social event of some type and seem somewhat open to get approached, even if you're attractive.
this. occams razor. people complicate things but its just simple to admit ugliness
you kind of get approached if you happen to not have a permanent look of contempt on your face, but if you are a severely pathetic person, girls literally lose all interest in you. It isn't like guys being attractive to girls where no matter how bad her personality is, she's still worth fucking if shes hot enough.
I'd believe you.
I actually look a lot like him and only had sex once 5 years ago. I'm not sure but I probably have a bad personality and I also never leave indoors. I literallly don't know what the sun looks like (not literally). I'm totally alright with dying alone at this point tho. In a decade I won't even have my looks to rely anymore and I won't have achieved anything so I'm in for a big surprise
correction: attracted not attractive