>Post my feels on Jow Forums
>Get called a mopey Normie fag who needs to leave
>Literally robots won't even accept me as their own
>Who cyborg here?
>Not a Normie
>Not a robot
>Not an incel
>Can't be accepted into any group at all
Post my feels on Jow Forums
What were your feels, faggot?
You won't accept me either
Not posting the feels again
Some will remember
I'm back...
It's sad but true.
Even robots can't accept me
I've been alone my whole life. It will continue that way
Nobody accepts me because I'm so different
Cyborg here as well, perhaps the loneliest group
If it makes you feel any better I posted feels on here and it got deleted in five minutes
Holy shit literally about to post a thread like this. I can't fucking stand being around normies, recently I keep feeling nauseous and breathe fast whenever I'm out in public and walking past people while hearing them talk makes me want to kill myself. I have a few friends but they are also losers so while I enjoy hanging out with them it's not a ticket to normiedom or anything. I also like to do drugs sometimes because it's fun and it's a good distraction fro how shit the world is. All I wanna do is come to Jow Forums because hearing people have the same problems with normies as I do makes me feel better yet people tell me to fuck off and leave and call me a normie. Being a cyborg sucks, normies won't accept me and neither will robots.
>perhaps the loneliest group
I think so too, but hey! There's a whole WWW out there
>failed normies complaining about not being robots
wow. this is one strange timeline
Incels ruined the internet. When did having a small dick and oedipus complex become mandatory ffs.
>Wanting to be accepted as a part of the group when you're not the same as the group.
You have your own group of cyborgs y'know.
I know those feels. Married with kids. Pretty good job. Homeowner. Still shunned by normies. The few friends I have are definitely on the robot spectrum. I am grateful for them, but I do wish I could get along better with the normies. Plz no flame bros.
Faster breathing and nausia in situations like taht are the beginnings of a panic attack you fucking tool. Get help.
Mentally ill cyborg here.
I haven't been in a relationship in ten years, despite people showing an interest because I'm obsessed with someone that doesn't know I exist and would never want to be with me even as a friend.
My brain is so messed up that I'd prefer to just fantasize about doing nothing with her rather than actually try to go out with someone else.
The thought of her instantly straightens out all my other mental illnesses.
Still sad though.
Yes, I'm aware this all comes off super messed up. Obsessive crushes on faux celebs usually do.
I know I should go to a psychiatrist but I wouldn't be able to actually speak to them about this and I don't want my parents knowing the extent of my problems. Yet according to Jow Forums I'm a normie piece of shit because I have a couple of friends that I see once or twice a week.
It worked. 60, how did it come to this lads?
I don't want to speak professionally about this because I know it'd just lead to more shit to deal with. I have faith I can handle it though
For me it's more I know that if I went to a psychiatrist I'd never be able to actually tell them any issues so I'd just lie and pretend I'm fine.
I've committed ego-death so I dgaf what they think and would just tell the truth, but I'd try not to paint myself as too mentally ill and inept and be labeled with some shit. Just scowering my past to understand what shit went down, pretty much done with that bit now though. There was a time I would've been even to afraid to msg anonymously like I am now
I really despise this chart. I'm not a fucking normie just because I'm not a pathetic drug addict.
yet i am here tonight instead of hanging out with friends
>anger problems
>failed normie most liekly
>no drive
32 btworigini
I mean I would rather be a depraved antisocial neet robot than be some half baked conglomeration of traits that neither robots nor normies want anything to do with. I'm just tired of the deafening lonliness that comes with being too normal to be a robot and too weird to be a normie