What is the most robot drug?
I say DXM.
What is the most robot drug?
you're not a robot if you don't robotrip
shrooms cause you can grow them without leaving the house and talking to people
I live w parents so cant order it
fuck this original shit
Is this a joke? Xanax is the most normalfag shit ever
had a white robot friend who did dxm so much in high school. I'd agree.
Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression.
things every roastie have these days. depression and anxiety are the most normalfag things
Its funny because i have prescription for xanax since i was 17 and got diagnosed with chronic depression.
Whatever you can user, robots all do what they will and whatever drug fits with a particular robot's experience is their most robot drug.
I've read a lot about DXM and the effects seem incredibly cool but that shit fries your brain.
I'd rather save my brain cells, robotripping can't be worth so much damage.
It depends if you're going to be using those cells or not, may as well go for it if it has a chance of giving you a feeling of purpose
Boo fucking who, normalfag. You're actually less normie nowadays if you don't have that shit. People unrionically saying this and thinking Xanax isn't the most nromalfag drug ever next to weed and caffeine prove this board is overrun with failed normies
I've read that ketamine is sort of similar bur not nearly as harmful. Might go with that at some point.
I've been drug free for almost two years anyway, I'm in no hurry to go back for now.
Yeah lol failed normie who never had friends, was bullied, grandmother died in front of me in a heart attack, dog is dying, and grades are at all time worst in college.
I love acid desssuuu
Can confirm. I did it a bunch one year and for about a year after that my memory was so bad I couldnt speak because I would forget what I was saying. I still have terrible word recall and Im a lot less exciting of a person. I used to be a loud musician but now I am impressed by nothing. I never really feel that great after accomplishing things either. Like I finished my first 5k race today and I kinda just was glad I didnt have to run anymore. It turns out I got 2nd place in my division and I felt a good kind of thing in my stomach for a second when I found out but then I just felt anxious.
>ywn spunk on that tummy
why even live?
Same with DMT, you can extract it at home
Do you know a good source for spores?
But literally every drug is normie tier.
Alcohol because it's the only drug a robot can actually get. If you have friends or connections to get illegal drugs, you're not a robot. Maybe xanax if you have a prescription.
shit this sounds terrible. I'm glad I saw your post, I have a bottle of delsym I was going to down sooner or later
Bawwwwwwwewwwwwww you have it soooooo hard! Dude smoke some weed bro and turn up the lil peep
my own self hatred
Weed because it's cheap and helps cope with loneliness and make fapping more enjoyable
Jow Forumssporetraders on reddit
Weed makes me feel more autistic than I already am. It's basically smokeable autism
where/how can i acquire. i tripped a lot at my hometown but i recently moved and dont know anyone to get it from IRL
here at r9k we've ascended to pure imposter syndrome (I have at least)
>any drug besides alcohol
the absolute state
user im gonna stop you right there, if you've tried acid you probably arent gonna be impressed by dxm, its doesn't even make you trip on the lower doses, just kind of numb and dissociated. If you have weed however dxm synergizes well with it, makes things way more euphoric in my experience.
well then, do you know how i can get some acid online?
probably deepweb but i do i pay for it and receive it safely
>im too dumb to order spores or seeds from the fucking internet after a google search
the post
All drugs are robot tier.
Suppresses depression and other strong negative feelings and makes your content with life no matter how shitty.
It's easier to get by with weed but no money than money but no weed.
Puts your body and mind into overcharge by supplying limitless energy, removing anxiety and a big ego boost. Transforms a lazy NEET into a hard working boomer if utilized properly. Eats away your life energy like a succubus though when abused.
Will make even the sweet grandma next door steal a car, rob a gas station and take hostages in the police station by actively removing any fuck that could possibly be given. Or if used properly make you normal.
Exploration of the mind requires some degree of self awareness. Introvert robots spend a lot of time thinking about themselves. Also may help in dealing with issues or trauma. Also fun.
Numbs the pain, overwhelms your senses and tears apart your body. Perfect for the self hating robot who wants to die or can't stand his own thoughts.
Pure addiction without any benefit. Provides a reason to get out of bed and go outside.
You can order on the deepweb from dream market if you like, if you do I recommend installing TAILS on a usb, comes with all the tools you need (bitcoin wallet, pgp, tor) and its completely secure. You can always also purchase analogues of lsd (1p-lsd and ald-52) on some research chemical websites, the benefit here is that its technically legal, and you dont need tor. The research chemicals immediately metabolize into lsd-25 when they enter your body too, so its not like theyre different drugs.
>calling anyone else dumb while being a druggie.
Enjoy spending most of your money purposefully weakening yourself for muh feels
seems like ill try finding some ALD52, if its too expensive ill get some on DW but thanks user. I love tripping but not having L for 3 months is sucha drag
>weakening yourself
You wanna know how I know youre full of shit?
>he cares about himself and his strength
nice try normie. anyways for me a half year supply of weed + shrooms cost about 200-250 euros, and most if it is the electricity , so its really not that expensive
I never asked for this_feel
>tfw spent $30 on edibles and they aren't even getting me high despite all my friends getting fucked up
teach me, also where did you get that pic lol
you can easily look up this stuff online and buy the things needed. same for shrooms and weed. good synthetic stuff like lsd or mdma is more tricky to get
Imagine having a pissing contest over how abnormal you are. Nobody gives a dog's shit. You look retarded in the exact same way somebody who's obsessed with normality does. It's the same shit turned inside out.
holy fuck, thats what everyone says. Are you fucking around lol. If it was easy, i wouldn't be asking in the first place
>holy fuck, thats what everyone says.
Because it's true.
>If it was easy, i wouldn't be asking in the first place
Often I don't give a fuck if I offend someone but this time I'm sincere when I say I mean no offense, but... you should really try to change the way you think. It is actually rather easy to find this information and you lack the required searching skills.
Try to search for it on reddit. Good luck and have fun, user!
A lot of edibles only contain CBD, which only relaxes you a little, and no THC, which actually gets you high.
That would make sense because it was made from vaporized weed and I feel couch locked but mentally awake.
Kek that fucking pic got me good
Look up cyb's dmt tek
LSD. Not particularly because of the effects, but only because it can be acquired so easily and with such limited human interaction.
Psycadelics are definitely the most robot drug
>easy to get
>some can be grown by youself like weed and mushrooms
If you buy research chemicals, it generally has discreet packaging.
I bought some salvia because it's legal and I'm too much of a coward to get stuff off of the Darknet or drug dealers.
Will this be a bad introduction to hallucinogens? Will my first time smoking it be extremely painful?
You'll visit hell and come back
Bad first pick lol
LSD is *the* robot drug. If you don't have a massive normie ego going in, it can grant you meaningful visions and experiences.
don't listen to that faggot salvia is great
anyone who says anything other than fentanyl is not a true robot.
Dxm is gay, granted I only got to a platu one but the after effects were God awful, I say either mdma or shrooms. Mdma because it will actually make you happy, and shrooms because you can go for a nice nature walk and find some solitude
>the after effects were God awful
Just make sure to have some booze for the next day, it turns that weird jittery feeling into a great buzz
>doing drugs
Fuck off, normalfaggot
Definitely heroin
Fuck off, if you want to die slowly due to drugs, fine by me
I just smoke weed because Im a failed normie.
Yes lol, I'm surprised there aren't more junkies on here. Like fuck if your life is shit to begin with what's the big loss if you throw a little dope in the mix.
Yup easily, the drug that shuts out the rest of the world and just leaves you alone with the blissful escape from reality.
ketamine for sure
the most robot thing to do would be to not do drugs at all you social butterfly hip kid tripping normie swines. You are the jews to our hitler