In this thread, we judge each other based on the appearance of our desktops

In this thread, we judge each other based on the appearance of our desktops.

Attached: desktop.png (1024x768, 120K)

it's just a money issue at that point and people with more money will win

Not necessarily. Most games being made these days are terrible, so someone can blow thousands of dollars on modern games and have the worst taste in thread.

at first glance I thought this was Windows 2000 and I was going to ask you how this is possible

The Windows classic theme is really comfy.

indeed it is friend

This desktop is temporary until I get my laptop back.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 386K)

my fucking minecraft shortcut disappeared and that makes me sad

Attached: data mining.png (1280x1024, 1.72M)

linux fag here

Attached: Screenshot_20180903_205754.png (2560x1440, 333K)

posting a post in a thread made for posts

Attached: desktawp.jpg (3840x1200, 453K)

Wow you use Linux? I bet you hack a lot

Here's mine, its a changing wallpaper desktop.

Attached: s.png (1365x767, 1.21M)

That resolution makes me think you're the guy who plays Arma. Stop using WinRAR.

And I know mine isn't good but I have three monitors so I still kinda win, r-right?

Attached: 2018-09-04 02_15_32-Greenshot.jpg (5760x1080, 297K)

>stop using winrar
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but I've heard such things before. Why?

i hack in to the mainframe and drop the cyber nuke every day. FBI never had a chance.

WinRAR is nagware and supports less formats than 7-Zip. There is literally no reason not to switch to 7-Zip.

You look like someone I'd enjoy being friends with. Use small taskbars, though!

winrar nags you to buy it, just use 7zip.


Attached: Screenshot_20180903-212041.jpg (720x1280, 334K)

No point in using smaller taskbars when everything is 1920x1080 and monitors are x1200.

It looks weird, though. ;_;

here you go. Rate i guess idk

Attached: desktopttttt.png (1366x768, 859K)

It has the right size per information density to make it both unobtrusive and easy to interact with quickly, especially with my monitor resolution. I'd want it smaller if it were bigger, and I'd want it bigger if it were smaller.

Niggers still have desktop computers

And you wonder why youre virgins

Attached: 2F698AF9-0EBC-4DC1-8040-1070F1DC4751.png (640x1136, 800K)

You're a manchild. You should stop playing games that makes you dumber.

Attached: Captura de tela de 2018-09-03 22-22-21.png (1920x1080, 1.74M)

some people don't like the taste of cum

>no tinder
>no facebook
>no tumblr
>no twitter
stop pretending to be normie you loser

i got bored and cobbled this together at 3 AM

Attached: Arch Linux-2018-09-03-11-24-24.png (1920x1080, 98K)

inb4 fag, back to Jow Forums, etc.

Attached: scrot1.png (1280x800, 1.92M)

>linux mint

holy fuck, you really don't know the power of customization in gnu/linux and you are using retarded software

i dont know what to say to make this originaI

Attached: 1533555692354.png (1920x1080, 639K)

Shit is on another page nigga

Also I got a gf, no need for tinder

Attached: 569AFC36-EC31-4415-B235-BC52B1844DEB.png (640x1136, 823K)

what does your gf look like nigga

Can you post the wallpaper? very nice

I can't post my desktop because its a family photo

Got a load of uni shit on the desktop I cant bother to sort.

Attached: cap.jpg (1920x1080, 607K)

here you go, mein fren.

Attached: 1505989472836.jpg (1980x1319, 542K)

Thanks, mein fren

normalfag teir

She aight

Very pretty face but were both fat and old

show me a lil something nigga

i avoid having more than 50% desktop icons filling the screen

Attached: 7b0c20ae974679a36b5df924572aadaa.jpg (1920x1080, 747K)

t e i r

nice bruh

Fuck you nigga, you probably track me down and murder me

Get a better wallpaper
Get rid of ccleaner, it's spyware
Don't use tor
Disable Microsoft edge
Use MPC-HC instead of VLC

On the whole it's alright.

nigaa, pls, some me a lil something something from wifey plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

>Get a better wallpaper
doesn't matter you faggot
>Get rid of ccleaner, it's spyware
windows and everything that isn't GPL licensed is spyware
>Don't use tor
tor isn't bad, just use tails
>Disable Microsoft edge
wha- why the fuck are you using windows in the first place
>Use MPC-HC instead of VLC
Mpv is god tier


Alright look at this and jerk off

Attached: 2B35035A-48C7-45BC-B59A-48FC18430C4F.jpg (245x192, 11K)

youre not me, also windows is much better than linux for non coders

Here is a picture of my desktawp

Attached: desktop.jpg (1917x1077, 341K)

i don't even code for shit and im using gnu/linux
nigga, show me the goods

ok have fun with no vidya

Like I would seriously violate my best fiends trust like that. This is why you are virgin.

Big original comment coming right through

Attached: Capture.jpg (1919x1079, 295K)

video games is for man children. Also didn't you know we are in a video game? It's called the matrix apparently

ew icons

Attached: a.png (1920x1080, 143K)

Kill yourself faggot

Icons are bad

Attached: 4e5b69cc280aaf34fc730f11e7e3cb30.png (2560x1440, 119K)


Attached: wpp.png (1366x768, 1.39M)

How do I make Windows 10 look like Window 98? I think I remember there being a setting to reduce the visual effects and stuff but I can't find it now.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1280x1024, 142K)

Pic related, this entire thread

Attached: 1527864140210.jpg (633x640, 87K)

I have AIMP hidden to the left, and sometimes have waifu desktop buddy up.

Attached: boring.png (1280x1024, 796K)

any1 wanna play eldewrito wit me?

Attached: medesktop.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

wat da serber, midstor snek

Attached: 1521205225905.gif (840x488, 511K)




>Halo 3
I fucking wish man, I care more about the campaign though
It would be a shame if they ported the entire Master Chief Collection to PC

How is it?
I hate this file size shit

Attached: Screenshot (12).jpg (1920x1080, 870K)

I'm a mentally ill loser who watches little girl cartoons and pisses in bottles. I should MURDER myself.

Attached: 1528395269726.jpg (5120x2880, 1.98M)

>Precure wallpaper
Damn user...I don't know what to say.

Attached: solid snake towel.jpg (250x250, 66K)

You're an ancient boomer

Going from Jow Forums wallpape threads all the time and then stumbling upon these ones make me feel less bad about not being a uber ricer fag ( I like the aesthetics, fight me)

i really want to understand what youre saying

Here's my dektop OP

Attached: Untitled.png (1360x768, 740K)

Took the picture in July. Turned out well enough that I figured I'd use it as my background.

Attached: Desktop.jpg (1920x1080, 976K)

origaniafslkfas aasf

Attached: Capture.jpg (1600x900, 96K)

i find backgrounds by looking up retarded shit

Attached: Untitled.png (1280x800, 1.71M)

you're pretty epic dude :)

Attached: okay!.png (1366x768, 1.27M)

Here is my fone background

Attached: phone.jpg (1312x2560, 295K)

Heres my PC desktop snip

Attached: desktopthread.jpg (1600x900, 158K)

clearly the most interesting person in this thread


Attached: desktop pic.jpg (1920x1080, 487K)

fucking love Drive, what can I say?

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2018-09-03 a la(s) 22.32.45.png (1366x768, 1.39M)

Is the SCP game any good?

cool art m8, me likey.
Best one so far in the threat
agreed with every one of your statements m8
Kil urself fagit

Vidya backlog shortcuts so I don't forget to play

Attached: Capture.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

sorry about the text

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1363x767, 1.55M)

>0 messages or snaps

install debian

Attached: Captura de pantalla_2018-09-04_00-55-59.jpg (1440x900, 604K)

>that hidden message

A-user we need to talk

i think you need to lurk more

Attached: dip.jpg (984x691, 23K)

Not OP, but it's better than every other indie horror game because it has gameplay beyond "collect x number of x thing before a monster gets you".

"Texteless posts are not allowed." Fuck you guys.

Attached: asd.jpg (1920x1080, 32K)

My background still makes me laugh.

Attached: File too big.png (1280x720, 1.29M)

nice... I don't see a lot of "ES legends" players on my shithole country

remove spotify, then we'll talk

Attached: judgeme.png (1366x768, 22K)

I need to find a new DE

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-04 00-21-05.png (2560x1600, 1.44M)

move to sid, it's not that bad.

eh idk, testing is comfy desu. I don't want muh bleeding edge or whatever. All i know is that the packages are up to date in testing.

I decided to rid of my icons one day, and I haven't gone back since. Having the recycle bin there is just habit.

Attached: currentdesktop.jpg (1920x1080, 791K)

all right, nothing wrong with that. i don't really care about bleeding edge either, but i do care about package availability, like emulators and newer mesa drivers. when i first installed debian, after using xubuntu for years, testing was frozen, and the interesting stuff was only available on sid.

by the way, fuck recaptcha.

Can't judge me if I show nothing.

Attached: i.png (1920x1080, 13K)

SWAT 3 was the shit. Had it for 8 yrs on old pc that died. Put on cdrom and transfered ovr to new pc and see gamespot refunded me and cancelled my code day after I got it back then...