Okay, class, split up into pairs

>okay, class, split up into pairs
>user, why don't you have a partner?

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>People would rather there were a group of 3 and you alone despite there being an even number of people

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>I can work better alone, miss teacher
>I'm sure you can, user. For this assignment though... why don't you work with Chad Ched.
>Chad and Ched glare at me as though it's my fault
>this is my life

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>girl that is over screams that she doesn't want to group up with you

This was the fucking worst

Then the teacher just let's it happen. Its when you start to realize you're not going to win in life.

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You guys too huu
I don't want to remember

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God I used to know that feel. Now though I unironically get picked by cute girls. Shame about me being a faggot though.

>tfw this happened to me recently at a social event with ADULTS

The ride never ends, brother

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That never really happened to me since there was still that other kid who smelled like pickled cheese and had a learning disability that no one else wanted to work with.
>sorry if you were that kid who smelled like pickled cheese and had a learning disability


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Please no. I'm starting to remember.

>got to teacher and tell her I need a partner
>she starts yelling "anybody wants to team up with user?"
>nobody raises their hand
>full minute of silence and noone wants to be my partner
>a few laughs can be heard
>teacher realizes how fucked up this is and no longer makes us work in teams
It was embarrassing, but at least that teacher knew how agonizing it was for me everytime she asked us to work in groups, and decided to stop doing it.

Assign partners based on sexual league.

>gym class teams

>tfw it happened multiple times with different girls

>always one of the last to be picked
the only one who was picked after me was a severely autistic kid

I had this one teacher who would quietly walk up to me and kindly inform me that it was fine if I worked alone rather than put me on the spot.
Old experienced teacher that knew her shit. Wasn't even surprised when I did better solo than any other group in class

>Teacher forces you to work in a group with some lazy moron who you have to force to do work
>or that one person who just wants to talk with their friends and copy all the work when you're done
>tell teacher and they still don't let you work alone
What's wrong with teachers? Surely they notice which kids like or at least tolerate each other.

Did she give you a handjob and prostate massage and titty milk?

I'm so thankful in high-school they had a system to keep people from being to humiliated. When there were say 6-7 people left, picking would stop and he'd randomly assign players to the teams.

There's a chance I will become a teacher. Should I group randomly then or what?

If only.
She could have been a cougar


Grouping randomly is better but they'll still hate you for pairing them with the weird ugly kid. There's no winning here. School in general is a no win situation.

Everyone put their name on paper and mix in a basket. Draw 2 names at a time (or however many required) and leave it at that.
No one can argue with random chance

What if they ironically picked you first? Then everyone would laugh at you for that. I wish I would have committed suicide during gym class. One kid climbed up a ladder all the way to the gymnasium ceiling and threatened to jump. A guy climbed up and got him down.

>middle school
>teacher hates me
>group project shows up, she picks leaders who then pick their group members
>she picks popular kids as leaders
>finally looks over to me with this evil grin and picks me
>watches as I struggle to pick peolle and some kids literally shake their head signalling "don't pick me" when I'm looking at them

At every point in a rejects life they know for sure what they are without a doubt. That was mine.

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user please, the repressed memories are coming back.

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That would be the most comforting, heavenly thing. Did she look good?

What has helped you avoid killing yourself? I am going to kill myself soon.

I must not remember

If I had to go through this again I'm pretty sure I wouldn't turn up or would just leave. Just everyone moving away to work with their friends and being asked "is that chair next to you being used" and watching them take it to sit with their circle of 9 friends in 1 group

Brother I can feed you normalfag bullshit all day long but we both know that means fuckall. You can try to be happy despite that but its very difficult road. If you can't see any realistic path towards it then I can't help you.

>okay class discuss this random topic with partners nearby
>sitting on side of the room
>literally everyone in front of you, behind you, and to the side of you are speaking in a group and ignoring you
at least this is the first class that this has happened to me for uni, and i'm a fucking senior.

most of the time when this bullshit happens in a lecture, the fratbros and sororitystacies talk real fucking loud while the normalfags just sit on their phones or stay silent

I graduated high school a decade ago, and this still hurts.

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>okay, class, split up into pairs
>stand up
>360 out of the room
>fail class
>fail semester
>fail course
>drop out
>go on Jow Forums erryday

>get paired with some random dude
>we barely talk or communicate
>do our work separately in silence
>"Okay, each pair present to the class and talk about what you did"
This shit was always so awkward and painful.

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The fact that you found r9k is a success. This is where you were meant to be, the comfiest place in the internet.

just dont do group work, its fucking humilliating
do it for that creepy akward insecure student, he wont say it, but he will be very grateful.

>awww yeah.
>For once I actually have a friend in this class to work with!
>pair up with friend
>he's a bit stupid but no fucks given because I don't feel like a loser this time
>I do most of the work because I'm the smart one
>he tries so it's fine. I don't feel like he's taking advantage or anything
>project turns out pretty good. Shits gonna net us both a solid grade for the quarter
>look around at other group's projects
>oh shit
>the 2 girls who were sitting closest have a finished product that looks horribly similar to ours.
>teacher notices
>what's going on here, anons?
>girls immediately accuse plus of copying them
>we all go to the office. This shit just turned into a big deal
>parents called and everything
>no one can prove anyone copied anyone
>2 girls vs 2 guys = guys lose automatically
>zero tolerance plagiarism
>lol, expelled
>2 weeks later win apeal and allowed back to school
>damage is done anyway

Ok I think is the best option

The robots will like you for random grouping but the normies/chads/stacies will hate you.

Pick your side.

Literally wanted to kill myself when this happened. Thank fuck im done with school. That shit's really not easy when you're a robot

tfw sometimes you'd be picked even after the autistic/sperg kids

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I unironically dropped courses because of this. It became so painful and unbearable

There should be instant reparations for anyone who experiences this.

Me too, group assignments are the reason I'm a college dropout. I just started pretending the class didn't exist until the semester was over, fucking apd.

Fuck it. My partner would just pawn the work off on me anyway or fuck everything up and earn us a bad grade. Better off alone.

Avoidant personality disorder? I'd argue that that's not a disorder at all. It's a creative act, defiantly deleting parts of reality from your own reality and maintaining focus on what you want to be there.

Tfw I used to hate doing group work.
My Mom and little brother's life depend on my education success, so I have to go deal with it.
Every fucking semester there's a class that had a big group project that's worth 25% of the grade so I couldn't just ignore it. I hated every second of it. I swear there were many times I fell ill because of the stress and anticipation of doing group activities.
Now I'm in my last semester and don't feel anything at all. Last week the professor announced ANOTHER group project, but I didnt even react. Ithought I would be relieved, but it's like I lost something important; was it my dignity or my pride?
I'm no longer the same and I feel hatred toward all those professors because they robbed me of something. Help me, anons. How can I recover from all this damage? Am I finally a broken man, a true robot?

Teacher: user you can partner with Quan Ching

Quan Ching: ugh eckugh fuckkk

>first time he ever spoke English

Me: ::tears:: engulfs eyes

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Me: But I don't want to work with them, I don't like them.

Teacher: Well you either do or fail the assignment

Me: Fine. *picks random group* I get to work with you? Fucking hell, let's get this over with. Make haste.

I pretend I don't care... But I do ;-;

>tfw you were aQuan Ching
If it makes you feel better, it was as terrifying for me due to the fear of not being able to communicate properly.
Imagine being afraid of doing group work, now imagine not even being able to speak the language.

Do you think teachers know what's up with all the robots and group work?
They have to be at least aware of the poor bastards who are always left out on their own. They must be real psychopaths, those little fuckers.

Hated the world since my birth. I have felt the wrath of god and I have transcended. Once you have been black/dark red pilled you are changed forever. Once you have been rejected by the social order you become them, you subvert them, you learn how they operate, you stop caring so much. It's when you realize that you only have yourself and that's all there is to it.

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>tfw noone in class liked me
>So teacher said whoever paired up with me would get extra points
>Average stacies pair up with me just for those points
>Become Friends with the shyest girl in the group
>Get my first gf thanks to teacher

Thanks mr Bauer

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Forgot to add
>Invite shy girl out just for the heck of it
>Says yes
>Become gf and bf for the rest of the year

holy shit this just happened to me first day of uni. did not expect this to happen after high school, fuck me.

reading this made my fucking blood boil. what could you possible do about something like that? just imagining those girls' smug smiles fills me with rage

That was in the late 90s sometime.
It made the direction of western society quite clear to me then.
>women always win
And those 2 were very much the feminist lesbian type (one was actually the first female to force her way into boys wrestling)
It was because of that one thing that we had to spend that summer making up the class to not be held back a grade. It was actually a major project in which the zero we got would have failed us regardless of grades otherwise.

>tfw my life is essentially a collection of bullshit like that

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pour me some more rage fuel

Please explain/describe the project. I am trying to imagine just how similar two projects could be.

tfw no kindhearted teacher

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I had a cunt of a teacher who would let me work alone but always said aloud when the thing was assigned 'Yes user, you can work alone. Since you're obviously too good for group work."

Do you prefer to be thought of as A)thinking you're too good for everyone or B)socially inept?

I wonder if that teacher genuinely thought you were too conceited to work with others.

Why are some teachers cunts?
I know some will say they use 'tough love' to force the student into the 'right path' but that has never worked

that does sound rough not knowing the language.
im afraid i'd go mute, staring at the ground 24/7

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Can you even be a robot if you haven't cried when this happened?

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she just didn't want to say 'since you can't get a group to take you without me forcing you on them'. She would always grade anything I did alone harshly anyway so I would never get too good a grade on it.

I held back the tears back then but reading this whole thread made me cry :'/

Random groups leaves no one in a shitty situation and it teaches kids the valuable skill of cooperation with acquaintances. No matter how much chad n stacy whine they can't be paired together.
For free pairs to be at all fair you need to break up trios, which ends up being harder.
Fuck teachers who throw everyone to the dogs out of laziness.

The teachers I always liked best were the ones that either randomly assigned groups or said "you can either work alone or in groups"

Shit, user. We're talking nearly 2 decades past. I hardly remember what the project was specifically. It was civics or government. I remember there being a presentation at the end along with having to make materials to present (poster or otherwise if I recall)
I know the girls had the exact same topic, which I can't recall. I also remember their presentation materials being disgustingly similar to ours.

At the end of the day it could have easily been coincidental given the limited subject matter we were dealing with. It never really mattered since the incident quickly became a sweet innocent girls VS Deviant lying boys issue.

user whats your discord? you seem to have my exact thoughts.
are you the user that worked in fast food and now at amazon?

>in high school our english teacher was planning a group project
>class was full of normalfags who would never shut up
>teacher makes us do the project by ourselves as "punishment"

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the chads and stacies will hate you for sure, but youll make some robots life a little less miserable on earth. also, you just might prevent some shooters. its up to you to decide

I don't know how teaching works. Are you required to do group work? If not avoid it. If yes, then do it randomly, preferably up to entire chance like a random name generator or some shit, idk. I know when I was in school and teachers did that I wanted to personally come up to them and thank them because everytime I saw "group project" on the board my heart would just sink and I would get extremely nervous making everything worse. then everyones pairing up while youre alone FUCK that is the worst feeling on earth.

Man just thinking about this situation was enough to make me smile.

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Literally this just happened to me yesterday in fucking college.

I thought this pain would've already gone away at this point-

>College professor personally pairs students up
>Always makes me work alone

>That guy you knew was also gay and would probably do shit with you because you were both desperate for affection as those around you were having first kisses and stuff but you weren't due to your sexualities but you never plucked up the courage to bring it up in case your hunch was wrong

>That other gay guy who was out and accepted simply because he was linked with the most popular girls and you resented the fact that if you came out, you'd never get that treatment.

>try my best in maths despite being shit at in in hs
>teacher one day says my best isn't good enough and asks why i bother turning up
>just stop going
it was 7 years ago but still just thinking about it, dumb bitch what did she expect me to do after insulting me?

Are all teachers just powertripping faggots?

Do you even have to ask? Why else would you choose to stay around a bunch of kids? It's either powertripping or just flat out being a pedo like gym teachers

the only good teachers that exist are pretty much always robots

All the Chads wanted to group up with me because I was the "smart" kid who did all the work and helped them pass

I always did group projects alone, I still did a pretty good job IMO, would've still liked it if anyone wanted to group with me

>be me
>be 10 years old
>be forced to assist to basketball classes
>barely know anyone
>"aright boys, split into pairs and pass the ball like we practiced"
>see everyone already paired up
>hide behind a wall and bounce the ball against it as if there's someone there
>the coach sees me and pairs me up with two other kids
>they barely pass me the ball and when they do i screw it up
I fucking hate basketball

>tfw became disillusioned with education in middle school
>never tried to apply myself at all ever again in anything to do with education
>dropped out of hs
>friendless autist 26yo today
I wonder what tripped in my brain to make me do that

>Time for gym
>Time to get changed in front of everyone

You americans are just asking for shootings. Your education culture is sickeningly dehumanizing.

>8th grade
>just move to a new school
>make a friend just by following him around
>field trip go to sit next to him on the bus
>he shakes his head and panics and says no
>sit behind him
>nobody else sits next to me, even the autistic kid gets someone to sit next to him
>put my hood up and start having a panic attack
>girl behind me notices and pulls my hood down and starts laughing
>teacher comes over and looks at me with such pity Ive never seen again
>hear my friend and his friend laughing about me later
I resent my parents for moving Around so much

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>moving Around so much

one of the worst things you can do to a kid regardless of if they're a chad or robot

>one of the worst things you can do to a kid
That and living in the countryside, miles away from other people. Fucking hippy parents ruined my life...

That would be heavenly. I hate having neighbors.

Either work alone or in groups, then call it a day.

>that sad disappointing look on the kid's face who was forced to be your partner

It had its good parts but it turned me into a socially inept autistic awkward weirdo. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the only factor but it sure as hell didn't help.

I remember having a corner locker in the highschool gym room between two of the fatter yet really active and sweaty kids in the grade. I had to get changed in that corner, wedged in there to where I could hardly get my clothes off and couldn't leave until they got out of the way.

Wtf americans do this? I always think this is some movie cliche.

>when you get picked last for a game of soccer or basketball and both teams are arguing over NOT having you

I wouldn't even get undressed in front of anybody, let alone random kids. Fuck that noise, they could fail me for all i cared.