Le nazis would have gassed robots therefore robots must support turning their countries into third world shitholes

>le nazis would have gassed robots therefore robots must support turning their countries into third world shitholes

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>tfw nothing has even made more since

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>there are only two sides to this and you have to support one or the other

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No there's many different ones if you look at other issues but regarding this issue they're all on two sides. There's ethnonationalists that are aware of the Jewish question and there's the ones that hate ethnonationalism and think that no Jews have any effect on western politics.
Only the first group have any chance of turning this shit around.

>hating Jow Forums idiocy means you must want 100% open borders and no police

>caring about the politics of a spcoety that rejected you

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Do you think that your life would be exactly the same as now if you moved to Somalia?

>changing demographics means hitler was right and we need to genocide non-whites and jews
>women preferring non-white men over me means it's genocide
>white people are the best race in the world, but non-whites existing in the same country as them means that the country is ruined because whites are too weak to compete

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I wouldn't be me, so the question is moot.

If you think that everything that isn't multikulti is Jow Forums idiocy then yes. If you're one of the very few that doesn't think that then the thread obviously isn't about.

For a board that came up with the term wagecucks and neetbux, I would have figured this board to be more socialist.

Since the question is about if you moved to Somalia, it would be you.

Socialism should include nationalism and not be it's enemy.

Nationalism is cancer and will only make it worse

>increasing poverty and decreasing standards of living are muh immigrunts fault

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>other things than immigration can cause problems
>therefore immigration can not cause problems

Make what worse?

>robots sit on their ass, sponging up resources like it was gravy from the dinner mummy cooks them, as they wallow in self pity and anger at the situation they put themself in.
>meanwhile hard working immigrants are willing to travel thousands of miles to do menial labour to support their families and helping the economy for years to come
>the robot is worth more to society due to his pasty, acne covered skin and the pure european genes festering in todays cumsock
If we really wanted to improve society by killing off a group of people, the robots go first every time. The only group I can think of thats worse is gypsies.

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>evil Germans used pesticide to kill millions of Jews in a matter of years

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Shareholders want wages to be as low as possible
Landowners want rent to be as high as possible
The media wants you to belive this is fine
These people pretty much own our asses
Immigrants are not the reason life is crap (for most people). Yes pakis can suck but it's trivial compared to the bigger problems we face

>immigrants R gud bois
>robos R bad bois

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>poor immigrant workers trying to feed their families cause the problems
>the bourgeoisie who fuck up the immigrant's home country in the first place with imperialist exploitation and war while simultaneously cutting wages, worker benefits and social programs for everyone aren't the problem

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>kill yourself

Robots would be sterilized at worst, not gassed. Unless you deliberately intend on staying a NEET is Nazi Germany, in which case you're just suicidal and would be better off dead anyways.

Immigrants are better than robots, yes. Does that upset you?

Doesn't make them our responsibility, also shit could be way worse for them so stop crying.

>Shareholders want wages to be as low as possible
The immigration is a strong tool to destroy the sense of community and divides the working class which makes easier to exploit. It's exactly what's happening here in Sweden.

>economy of the West is predicated on the exploitation of foreign countries
There's a spot in a labor camp for you.

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wait for it

I'm not asking why they're coming here I'm asking why are we letting them in.

More goyim tax cattle

>Doesn't make them our responsibility
I mean it kind of does.

Why wouldn't we? The local populace is so far up its own ass that it doesn't know the going price of labor - maybe a little competition will remind them.

Whoopsie, this Based post is meant for this BASED user

>we need to accept millions of refugees and immigrants that fuck up the social fabric of our own society and endanger the lives of our own people and will change the demographics of our country so that the people that have lived here for thousands of years will be bred out by people from other places who want to change everything to be like where they came from
>thats good and benefits us because they work pennies and do jobs lazy whites don't want to do

>fixing the refugees home countries and helping the hundreds of millions of people that DONT get to escape and flee to Western countries and raising their standards of living while preserving our own is Western colonialism and we shouldn't do that
>saying their countries are shitholes that need to be more like ours is wrong

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>cutting wages, worker benefits and social programs for everyone aren't the problem
Immigration is a strong tool for achieving this. The sense of community in ethnostates helps unite the lower classes to stop stuff like that. With diversity they'll see the other peoples as the opponents rather than the ones who would exploit them.

Strawman threads are so dumb
You don't stuff words down someone's throat then act as if you won the "debate"

I think you missed his point. That being, he's not the type to move.

>lmao let's just let foreigners suffer and die to make our cheap shit
The mentality of your average Amerilard everyone.

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no it makes them "the bourgeoisie's" responsibility. Except they get to live in their gated communities, never having to interact with them and aren't affected when the local government runs out of money feeding these parasites.

You're right in some ways, but you hilariously mis-characterised the calibre of immigrants coming to the west these days.

>it's morally right to help the people that flee their countries and take them all in and change the demographics of our own country and fuck up everything of ours because white people are bad

>it's morally wrong to help the vast majority of people that DONT get to flee to Western nations by improving their home nations and providing stability and higher standards of living to them because it is Western colonialism

>refugees fleeing to the West and changing the demographics of countries and conquering is right because it's reverse colonialism and white people deserve it

>the West helping people where they are and keeping their own country safe and with high standards of living while helping others is wrong because it's colonialism

>white people should be exploited and bred off the face of the planet because of exploitation

>10% of the global population should be forced to accept mass immigration from the other 90% of the global population

>yes, the UN says the replacement and displacement of native peoples is a form of genocide, but this doesn't apply to white people or Western countries because they deserve it

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anyone else here amazed WW2 was only 78 years ago? Feels like it happened in a completely different universe. I used to think 78 years was an eternity time but 10 years passing feels like nothing to me now...

Now it feels crazy that only 1000 years ago I probably wouldn't even be able to communicate with a person living in Londonium

Somalia will move to him with the wrong politics so his point of not moving is just not a point at all in the discussion of whether or not robots should care about politics.

The ones coming here don't work in the factories making cheap shit because those factories are in their home country. The ones coming here come here to live off welfare and never work a day in their lives.

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Letting them come in doesn't make sense as a way to help them since it's extremely expensive compared to helping the vast majority that stays in the same region.
The only way it makes sense is if you want to make the West diverse.

>me smart, you all dumb

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"Hi guys I believe thing"
>hey guyz, i beleev thiiiiiiinnnggg *silly face*
Woah, truly a high IQ website.

>whites have lived in America for thousands of years
>Western countries are fixing the refugees' home countries by overthrowing their democratically-elected governments, arming religious extremists, installing and supporting corrupt military dictatorships that open up their countries to economic exploitation by foreign multinational corporations and crushing any left-wing reformist movements with brute military force and economic sanctions
>saying their countries should be turned into neoliberal bourgeoisie democracies is right

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yeah there comes a point where you have to ask what's the point of all these ugly pictures

I get your point, but I imagine he'd just kill himself if that ever happened. I can personally sympathise with his non caring attitude.

>I'm an American, I know the politics of places I can't even point to on a map and what's best for the whole world
>the whole world revolves around me
>everyone else is wrong but me

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Ethnonationalists are retards who think the ruling class is bad because they're the wrong religion, not because they're a ruling class. Do you honestly think someone like Jeff Bezos has more in common with you or me than he does with Sheldon Adelson? Billionaires are billionaires regardless of faith, and they don't care about the rest of us.

Western efforts at "fixing" these countries is creating the refugees desu, look at who the west backed in Syria and Libya.

Joke: climate change will kill millions in third world countries. We should give the government more money
Woke: climate change will kill millions in third world countries. We should give oil companies more money

>we need to help the people overseas by bombing their countries to oblivion and setting up corrupt capitalist puppet states that further US economic interest while also destroying socialist and communist movements despite popular support from the people because gommunism killed 100 gorillion people
>hurr why do leftists think they know what's best for everyone

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Except the majority of refugees are not from Syria or Libya.

>>we need to help the people overseas by bombing their countries to oblivion and setting up corrupt capitalist puppet states that further US economic interest while also destroying socialist and communist movements despite popular support from the people because gommunism killed 100 gorillion people
>>hurr why do leftists think they know what's best for everyone

>I'm American

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>my precious first world country doesn't benefit from American imperialism
>my government doesn't actively support American imperialism
>my country is completely independent from America and is involved in no imperialism of its own

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Yeah, they're just two of the most prominent recent examples, and Syria's the single largest contributor. You've also got Afghanistan (the 1980s version of Syria except the jihadis won and the civil war never ended), South Sudan (meme state whose independence was brokered by the Bush administration, although at least the west isn't really arming either side), Eritrea (an ethnonationalist slave state, backed by the west to weaken Ethiopia under the Derg) and so on. It's rare for a refugee crisis to develop solely from local animosities, and usually when you dig beyond the surface NATO imperialism is involved and making things worse.

>>my precious first world country doesn't benefit from American imperialism
>>my government doesn't actively support American imperialism
>>my country is completely independent from America and is involved in no imperialism of its own

Me American, me strong, me best

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Lol the Afghan communist party was socially and economically progressive. They supported land reform and sending women and girls to school among other things which caused the bourgeosie feudal landlords to shit themselves and rebel against the government. The US had to bring "freedom and democracy" by supporting the Mujahideen against the ebil gommies which led to the Taliban coming to power and fucking everything up. According to the right-wing retards in this thread, this is "helping fix the countries by making them more like us."

>America is the only country that is imperialist

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Nationalism is useful for strengthening unity in the country which is necessary for the working class to refuse to get exploited.

immigrants don't become middle skill laborers. there are immigrant doctors and immigrant janitors but immigrants are rarely your standard middle class family type that would actually strengthen the equality of the economy if the class was large enough (btw if you google "kyklos" you can learn that the greeks all agreed that you need a large middle class to support society), first world nations depend on their first world educated citizens to be the all the middle skill laborers. this is also why immigrants are good for economies btw, they bring us more low skill labor and high skill labor while we mostly produce people who are too skilled to be happy janitors but too unskilled to be doctors. facts.

You've completely misunderstood the Jewish question. It's about a foreign people affecting the politics which helps to get harmful politics accepted.
You're talking about another issue and caring about one issue doesn't mean that you don't care about the other. The thing you think you disagree with isn't real.

>i hate niggers so robots should help me in gassing them

>>women preferring non-white men over me means it's genocide
It's not even whats happening. White Stacy is rejecting them for White Chad. Minorities don't come into play at all. They're just a convenient target to vent your frustrations in life at. The ironic thing is these guys are mad at society because Stacy rejected them and Chad bullied them, and now they want to kill minorities so they can make the world more enjoyable for White Stacy and White Chad. Behind it all is obviously the desire to be accepted. They want to kill people who have nothing to do with them and who they barely interact with at all, to provide for the people who rejected and bullied them, hoping to finally be accepted. It's EXACTLY provider cuck mentality except its not for a single woman but for the society which turned them into robots.

Yea and that's why you pick healthy nationalism no extreme.

>Minorities don't come into play at all.
>to vent your frustrations in life at.
>The ironic thing is these guys are mad at society because Stacy rejected them and Chad bullied them,
>and now they want to kill minorities so they can make the world more enjoyable for White Stacy and White Chad.
>Behind it all is obviously the desire to be accepted.
>They want to kill people
>who have nothing to do with them

If we just restructure society with more community more family and encourage people to pick only one bf/gf that you spend the rest of you're life with basically making society a place for every man/woman to feel worthy to contribute to. If we succed with this then everything will be absolutely awesome.
But right now the globalists own our countrys and the results are extremely saddening.

Any amount of nationalism will get you accused of being extreme.

>not wanting to let niggers into your country means that you want to gas them

Yea sadly but if we represent nationalism in a good healthy way behaving nicely then more people will be more accepting towards it.

Bourgeoisie nationalism is retarded and reactionary, socialist patriotism is good.

"nazis would have gassed robots" is actually said by anti-nationalists here so the point of the thread is correct

>supporting an ideology that led to the deaths of more white people than any other ideology

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