Help a poor fag

>be me
>want overwatch
>cant afford
My paypals [email protected]
Help me out robots

Attached: JPEG_20180826_121712.jpg (310x310, 17K)

How about a big no?

Are you a grill I would if you are a grill

What an absolute beta, grow a spine

not op but i am and want money to finish my cosplay

Imma 2nd that one

Attached: what thinking.jpg (262x193, 8K)

Do you have some link to your cosplay site or something like this.


I might have even done it if it was for a decent fucking game

Just pirate something singleplayer

n-no i'm pretty awkward so i dont like posting pictures of myself often
I definitely don't do costhot lewd cosplays

How can I send you money if you don't have a site?

Are u a grill? How much you worth?

I have a paypal I guess

You can post your paypal but how would I know you are a girl?

No I'm not a woman you faggot


So anyone wanna paypal me $60 or am i gonna remain a poor fag

paypal (dot) me/madokaanon

$60? What kinda chump are you OP

oops i forgot to say also idk how you'd know

No what the fucks wrong with you I'm a regular man.

Shut up faggot

A broke one

ntayrt but i am

I don't understand is that your name?

Im a trap does that count or what

>begging on the internet
>begging on a board mostly comprised of wagecucks and NEETs
Yeah no fuck off

its my um internet name
my real name is Kate

50% off sale right now, plus basic edition is $30 regularly

Sweet. Just needed your real name to start doxing