How come black guys love white girls so much? I also see them drooling over white passing latinas
How come black guys love white girls so much? I also see them drooling over white passing latinas
White women are trash tier taste
All the white men have moved on to brown and yellow girls
Either jealous "fembot" or tommy the gay mtf
It's like a Bling for them.
Something that stand out and they can show off to their friends/family.
also plebs (thanks weebs for ruining asians for us)
brown and black girls are patrish
white women are so boring, even if they are pretty, they are nothing compared to a cute brown or black girl
Cause blacks girls are shitty.
Because black men are becoming gay faggots who can't meet the standards of black women.
>the standards of black women
Are you being serious right now? Do white robots sincerely believe the grass is greener on the other side?
Post a picture of the average white girl and I'll tell you.
11) "UNINTELLIGIBLE GREETINGS": Two Negroes passing each other on a street or sidewalk will loudly utter unintelligible garbage back and forth and walk away smugly as if something important had just happened. It didn't. The Negro engages in a 24 hour a day effort to set itself apart from the rest of the Chimp Pack in order to be noticed by females, or by pretending it knows something that the others don't in order to give its fragile ego a boost. Typically, in a scenario like described above, Negro #1 will bellow out something like, "Hey Brutha -- Foobity Hoo, Fu Man Chu, Who Be You, CanYaDigIt?"
The second Negro, not wanting to admit that it doesn't know what the first Negro is even remotely talking about will reply in an even louder voice (to draw more attention to itself) "Summuh Fummuh, Shamma Lamma, Sweet Home Alabama, and a SideOrderO'FrenchFries"
The first Negro, unable to understand a damn thing the second Negro said, will pretend that it understands perfectly well as to not to appear stupid. It will respond in an even louder voice (again, typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and utter some more idiotic garbage. Pretty soon, they are both talking at the same time and trying to drown one another out as they continue on their separate ways -- each content that it was the victor in a verbal display of dominance and showmanship, much like two Roosters puffing and strutting around the same yard to impress the females. Stupid Negroes....
22) "BREAKFAST AT DENNYS": The ultimate status symbol for a young Negroid is to be seen having breakfast at Denny's Restaurant (Regional variations can include Elias Brothers Big Boy, Shoeney's, and Waffle House) in the company of an attractive young white female whom it presumably spent the night with. When the check arrives the Negro will recoil in absolute terror, and the naive white girl invariably picks up the bill and leaves the tip. As they drive away, the Negro will be sprawled out in the passenger side of the girl's vehicle with the seat fully reclined while young Ms. "Too Stupid to Know Any Better" has to pay for gas and drive the worthless Nig around all day. The final insult to Humanity is that the end result is usually an unwanted pregnancy, another mouth for the Taxpayer to feed, and the "Daddy Mack" Negro nowhere to be found!
>"Daddy Mack" Negro
need sauce
9) "WHITE WIMMINZ": Often people will ask, "Why don't they just stick to their own kind?" The answer is simple -- have you SEEN the females of their species?!! The typical Negroid Sow is commonly a disgusting fat-assed disease ridden baboon which will indiscriminately mate with anything. Even good-looking "Women of Color" such as Halle Barry, Beyonce, and Mariah Carey have been enhanced by copious amounts of Human DNA in their lineage and are more distantly removed from their Negroid roots than they'd care to admit -- but still a lot of make-up and plastic surgery has been used to make them look more Human.
Why are white virgins so obsessed with race?
I'm black but this shit is actually kinda funny
a) They're the most beautiful women and like a million times more beautiful than us (black women)
b) They're considered the highest status women so they're like trophies
c) The whole forbidden fruit kinda thing
d) It makes them feel more manly being with someone more feminine as a contrast to their monstrosity with light features
e) It pisses off racists a.k.a. the people who hate them most.
18) "DISCONNECTED UTILITIES": Yes, this sometimes happens to Humans, but standing in line to get "Da Lectric" or "Da Heat" restored after not paying the utility bills for months on end is a full-time occupation for the Negro. To the Chimpus Americanus it is a downright violation of their rights to actually have to PAY for something, as they have become so accustomed to hand-outs and entitlements they actually think YT owes them everything!
3) "MUH-DIK" This is the primary driver of Negro behavior. Everything to a Negro revolves around sex -- whether it's with an unwilling victim, farm animals, patio furniture, a Brother on the "Down-Low", or a female member of it's own species. Negroes have an unusually strong sex drive because basically the species would have died out 10's of thousands of years ago if they weren't genetically programmed to screw even the ugliest, most disgusting member of the opposite sex in response to Nature's demand to perpetuate the species.
Racist humor is the lowest hanging fruit and you still made it autistic and cringe worthy
40) "BETTER ATHLETES": Libtards and Negro sympathizers will often argue that Negroes are "superior" because they can run fast and catch a ball. Ironically, this argument actually defeats itself by PROVING that Negroes are in fact animals. Virtually every animal can outrun a Human. Virtually every animal can catch a ball better than a Human. That doesn't make them "better" than a Human - it just means they're animals. Negroes are fast runners because the slower ones got eaten by carnivores. It is interesting to note that Negroes didn't run quickly TO catch anything - they ran quickly to get AWAY from things. Think about that next time you watch sports on TV - the "fast twitch" muscle response in Negroes was the direct result of running like scared bitches for the last 250,000 years!
31) "HUH? WUH?": The Negro cranium is such an under-developed relic from the Pliocene Era that it can barely keep them awake, let alone generate enough electrical activity to accomplish higher-order tasks (how many Negros have accomplished great feats of engineering, or wrote a symphony, or painted any great works of art? Answer - none. And those shoes Michael Jackson patented don't count!) In response to a sudden unexpected event like getting questioned by the police, the Negro's Simian brain simply locks up when queried for a response. For Example - when seeing a Negro fleeing from the scene of a crime, the police will usually apprehend it and ask questions like: "I'll need to see some ID. Where are you coming from?" Negro: "Huh? Wuh?" In this instance, the Negro is stalling for time in order to formulate a credible answer that will magically get it off the hook. However, since the hybrid chimpanzee brain is severely over-stressed under pressure - the Negro will simply continue to answer "Huh? Wuh?" until it sees a chance to try and run away. Stupid Negros....
I know these women. West Seattle high school class of 2016
Don't call them "monstrosities", just call them ugly. That's rude
See this picture?
This is the result of cucked football/basketball coaches and school principles who want a winning team so they bus in poor black male students on the white parents' dime.
Status symbol. Ooga booga I can land a white woman
Literally no dude In this pic is a basketball or football player.
oh look this thread orginally again
They don't 'love white girls'. They enjoy fucking them sure. And there is an element of racial revenge going on there and reverse colonialism. MANY black guys absolutely despise white girls and refuse to fuck them or only fuck them to hurt them.
>Hey Brutha -- Foobity Hoo, Fu Man Chu, Who Be You, CanYaDigIt?"
This is amazing. Excellent analysis kek
Because they're easy as fuck.
You've been playing too much MW2.
Because most black guys grow up poor as fuck so there only forms of entertainment as a child are sports and working out. White bois pretty much spend their childhood playing video games locked in their rooms and are extremely out of shape. Also black guys are a lot more confident and direct with woman.
>Bling is a Tier One Perk that appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, unlocked at level 21. It allows players to equip two attachments on their primary weapon.
I see.
>the manlet on the right
What i mean is a monstrous appearance but I wasn't being like sarcastic. I meant its the whole "beauty and the beast" idea literally. They like being called savages too, makes them feel cool.
Michael Jordan was the one who patented shoes you wack ass cracka
Height don't matter when you got the BBC
Blacks girls hate me and the sweetest people I've met were white. They look good and are smarter. Naturally we would head for greener pastures since black women are getting worse and worse each generation.
His girl is the tallest so he looks short, he is about the same as the others
32) "MUH AUNTY" (alt: "MUH CUZZIN"): These imaginary relatives are people that the Negro makes up in order to evade questioning from Law Enforcement personnel. This is a variation of the "Huh? Wuh?" ploy. When asked where a Negro got such-and-such stolen item (like the car they're riding in), or how that bag of weed somehow ended up in its pocket - the Negro claims that it belongs to "MUH AUNTY" or "MUH CUZZIN" over there on Fayette Street, and they will take the soonest opportunity to try and flee from the Authorities. Their brain power is so limited; it's like trying to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool with a garden hose when they try to come up with an explanation for anything. Negros suck!
4) "BLING-BLING": Birds and Rodents are inexplicably drawn to shiny metal objects, and so it is with the Negro. Just as a Pack Rat will stuff its nest with all manner of useless bits of shiny metal, the Negro similarly adorns itself and its "crib" with the cheapest, gaudiest glittery metallic crap. Negroes in the Congo are literally walking around on top of raw diamonds and couldn't care less, yet they will sacrifice themselves like Lemmings in an attempt to steal that sweet, and oh so seductive, shiny copper from High Voltage power lines. You could chrome plate a dog turd and somewhere a Negro would absolutely think it was the greatest thing on earth.
41) "BETTER ATHLETES - PART II": Being an Athlete means more than running, jumping and climbing. An Athlete is a role model. Dedication, humility, perseverance, and gratitude are the hallmark attributes of true Athletes. Thugs recruited from "da Hood" or some Negro college to play in the NBA or NFL lack all of these traits. They are simply Gang-Bangers wearing Nikes, and their true colors show when they get some "cash money" in they pocket. Negro "Afleets" ALWAYS self-destruct because they lack the intellect and moral up-bringing to handle the stresses and temptations that come with celebrity status. Media darlings such as OJ Simpson slashed his coal-burning wife, and the half-Negroe "Magic Negro" Woods just couldn't keep his jimmie in his pants whenever White Wimmenz was around. Negro Afleets are little more than greedy, grabbing Monkeys who get their paws stuck in the cookie jar trying to steal more than they can handle!
30) "LAWZY JEEBUS": Negros pray in public only to get attention. The magical figure they pray to is known as "Lawzy Jeebus" and, like the figure from the movie "Beetlejuice", will appear to grant the Negro a wish if his name is said 3 times. Negros have no concept of the Holy Trinity, Crucifixion, or Eternal Salvation - explaining such things to them is like lecturing about Quantum Mechanics to a bunch of squirrels. When Negros talk to Lawzy Jeebus they usually request White Wimmenz, free money, or to be miraculously rescued from some self-induced trauma (like robbing a bank) that they are going to prison for. Negros don't go to Heaven, by the way. Cats and dogs do, but Negros don't. Ha-ha, Negros! Even God hates you....
bump originj
stay within your race
when will white women realize blacks are extremly shallow and will never find fulfillment with a black guy (insert bbc joke)
thats a cop out their are plenty of educated normal black girls
yeah but the good ones know better than to date black guys
Because men like women who they find sexually attractive.
i'm not even him, but i'm pretty sure over 80% of US bw are overweight or obese, and then you'd have to sort through the non-fat ones to find someone who isn't so bitchy and somewhat educated
latinos are better
bump orogigigi
black girls are ape shit crazy
Because black girls have nothing on white girls when it comes to doing nasty shit during sex
Same reason whites like Asian women. But honestly any woman willing to burn coal isnt worth salvaging no matter how attractive she may be.
I don't feel bad when I don't respect them. Just a wet hole.
Not even niggers want to date niggers, only trailer park white trash does