Any of you guys look good from the front but get absolutely raped by your side profile?
Any of you guys look good from the front but get absolutely raped by your side profile?
I've accepted my mediocrity. Someways I look good some days I don't.
i look repulsive from every angle
i'm not just saying that for le epic r9k approval points either, i'm genuinely an ugly fuck.
It's weird I'll think I look hideous, but with some weed I'll reprogram my brain to think I'm alright, then some more weed turns the tables back, etc
seriously get off that stuff user it turns you gay
opposite for me, I look like a fucking mong from the front
I would've been completely oblivious if it weren't for it
I look ok as long as you don't look at me diagonally.
I look good when viewed directly from above. My top profile is 10/10
>got punched in the nose as a kid, it's been crooked ever since
>look okay from 3/4 left, but fucking horrible in 3/4 right
yes. the first time I saw a picture of myself from the side was an absolute JUST moment
>bm 15 years ago
>supervisors at gradeschool say to stop picking nose because it'll make it crooked
>do it anyways through to college
w-where's the punchline
>Tfw 10/10 side profile and a 2/10 Front profile
It fucking blows man
I am chad tier from my side profiles but my front is goofed because of asymmetry and broken nose
Yet another horribly posed picture by our anti-Trump media. I don't mean for how he looks old, I mean for that all these pictures are when he is not posing right, not smiling, in the middle of blinking, the worst time to take a pic, etc.
You look at Obama, barely any pictures like that in terms of bad timing because the media took pictures when the timing worked like for all our previous presidents.
If you think this is all coincidence, you're an idiot. If all the mainstream media and corporation fags are putting a guy in the worst light instead of doing it naturally without having to make it seem as bad as possible, you know they're in the wrong.
Hes fucking beautiful either way you beautiful faggot you
I look bad from diagonal view.
Funny you mention that. I've only recently discovered what I look like from the side and now am trying to improve it.
>broke my nose countless times playing sports
>basketballs to the face
>punches from random fights
Now my nose is a history of manhood.
>tfw it's bumpy and not attractive
Now I know why all the girls just sat around at recess never risking themselves
Kek, literally me. After the first hit I'll look in a mirror and genuinely find myself sexy as fuck. Then I'll cringe the next day once I'm sobered up and thinking about it
This pic is photoshopped, right?
pics pls i have a morbid curiosity for comparing myself with other fellow hideous looking bastards
nice try fbi
but for real sorry i cant just imagine a fat ginger with pimples and freckles
sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee desu desu senpai senpai
Yeah, my nose is basically pointy and jewish and I have a massive forehead because balding
Yep. I have a massive nose that is horrific from the side. I didn't realize how bad it was until my parents took a picture of me from the side back when I was 16.
I'm 29 now and it's only gotten worse. I intentionally angle my body so any conversation happens face to face. If I have to be on the side of someone, I (hopefully) subtly angle myself so it's not a full side profile and from the left, because of the way my receding hairline worked out.
I want to be 8 again and not even have looks cross my mind. I want to go outside excited to play with my friends and not full of pathetic insecurities that plague every single interaction I have.
No. I'm ugly from all angles
who here /ugly from the back/ ?
broke it 2 months ago on a concert
I took a few pics of myself from the side and I don't look worse from the side, if anything I look a little better.
I look almost like Chad from the front, good jawline, eyes and eyebrows.
But when you look at me from the side you see how fucked my hair is, how receded my chin is, the jawline disappears, eyes look like they're bulging out and my nose is fucking HUGE