Any robots wanna improve what you wear?

Any robots wanna improve what you wear?

Ive been autistically obsessed with fashion for a few years. Got inspired from some weed to write this.

Hope it could help someone!

inb4 reddit spacing fuck you

https:// /5ifxz

Attached: tumblr_opkedbAknn1w8gmp7o1_500.jpg (500x624, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Requirements: over 5'8
im 5'6 so this is useless for me

Attached: reddit.png (866x475, 53K)

Nah desu do it but fashionavle clothes look a lot better on taller ppl

I refuse to spend more than $10 on pieces of cloth. They cost pennies to produce.

How the fuck do clothing companies get away with it?

I pride myself in knowing the best quality to price ratio clothing. These will last

Fashion isn't hard. Just be in shape and wear clothes that fit. What I want to know is where to meet girls like the OP image IRL.

What the fuck i never knew this. Thank you based redditer. How do they just get one line separations like for sentence endings or poems or writing ?

>autistically obsessed with fashion
I went through a similar phase in my early 20's. I ended up looking like a jackoff. I found the less I focus on "fashion", the better I look.

Bump sjdbd snsks

Thanks for the info. In general, do you recommend stores like Uniqlo for finding t-shirts and sweatshirts for relatively cheap?

Thanks for the explanation, reddit.

Double spacing, at least when I do it, is to indicate a new paragraph. Unless I'm writing a poem why would I start a new line but a new paragraph?

you can't write about fashion without visual examples, im gonna need pic for everything you wrote about, come on get on working

Attached: whoa nigga.jpg (643x820, 80K)

Yea uniqlo is decent. I think ascolour is better tho for t shirts

>just spend hundreds of dollars so stacey will like you xD
holy shit you're retarded

Fashion is garnish for a man. You can't make a meal out of saffron, chives and basil, you have to add that shit on top of something that's tangibly desirable in the first place. That's where these reddit Jow Forumsmalefashionadvice faygoots miss the mark and end up looking like cookie cutter punks. Women have more leeway in this because women have a wider selection, but even then, they don't know what they're doing 90% of the time they need a man in one capacity or another to tell them.

Every pair of levis that I've had has broken in less than a day.

You'll meet those shits in hell, faggot.

Isn't ascolour just a new zealand thing or am I retarded?

How does my fit look? I'm trying to incorporate some color and be "less scary" but I simply can. Bought some grey chinos the other day, added them to my usual rotation of black chinos and jeans. I might buy a blue Adidas jacket.

Attached: Wear and Carry 2018.png (1400x1072, 1.19M)

What is the kind of pants that are usually tight fitting and look like denim but are actually soft?

Thanks for that user, I've been looking to buy some shorts but I'm too autistic to know which shorts look good so hopefully this'll help.


Even with fashion if you're chubby fat or ugly you won't make it. You'll have to actually have personality.

Sucks because i'm attracted to pretty things and collect fashionable stuff, but even when I lost the weight I got too muscular to look good in women's fashion again. Skirts look weird, tights don't fit without loss of circulation, and thus stuck in the world of baggy pants. Might as well just be fat.

they're clled chinos
you can get some at hollister right now for 15$

Can you link me to a proper pair? The ones I have just feel and look like khakis, though they make my butt look amazing.
sign up for their 'club hollister rewards' or wahtever its called
use a throwaway email to avoid the spam
but they give you 10$ off 25$
ive been using that same trick over and over again, they never seem to notice lol

also this thread is fucking retarded
who would buy authentic breds?

reddit Jow Forumsfashionreps

check it out
you can get fake breds for like 20$
get fake yeezys
fake supreme
all 1:1
and you'll have the girls crawling all over you

Can you do one for femanons?

Attached: clemen.jpg (1264x1324, 269K)

There'd be an entire mall's clothes stores' inventory for that


Good list though btw

I'm not OP sorry
Just making a silly remark

just go to /fa/ or tumblr

this is so autistic
i refuse to believe any robot actually spends this much fucking money on trendy clothing and tries this hard to fit in with the other million normals