Is 27 too late to go back to school?
Is 27 too late to go back to school?
What do you want to go back for?
IDK, probably Accounting or something financially useful. I have a BA in English already.
It's never too late to continue with your education, user, but only if you're truly passionate about it. If you're just doing it to tick a box, I wouldn't do it.
Did it at 25, but I'm babyfaced.
Think of it this way: you're gonna be 30something one way or another. But in one of them you'll have graduated.
yes, is too late
What do you mean 'late'? Why would it be late?
no, its not. do it and major in accounting if you can.
I'm 25 and I'd like to.
My parents chose a career for me and I don't like it very much, it pays the bills and for that I'm grateful but I'd like to get an education in something I'm interested in and that can hopefully lead to a career change.
If you already have a degree, yes.
You wasted your only chance at college. consider suicide.
OP already graduated, they just wasted their only chance.
If you can keep a roof over your head and it isn't painful work, you should be grateful.
You only have one life. If you really want to do it then you should do it.
>should be grateful
yea let me just work myself till the day I die what a great planet we live on good thing theres nothing left after pay my being alive taxes and bills
Unironically yes. Stop being an entitled shithead who thinks they have the right to anything more than being alive. In the end of the day, everything is essentially a choice of suicide or no suicide. Thinking you deserve more is what makes everyone my age (mid 20s) a complete retard.
I started at 24 after being a neet high school failure
But try to finish as fast as you can; you don't want to enrol in to few units, spend to long completing your studies and graduate as a boomer
Try to find and talk to other people above 20 or the mature age students (there's always some in every class), they're quite easy to differentiate from the kids straight outa highschool
this user has no idea what the fuck he's saying
No, but don't go for another BA. Get a professional degree instead. (MBA, JD, etc.)
>telling other anons not to give into fatalism and go for things
its like you want the world to be covered in people who make mistakes
entitled? That's a bit presumptuous don't you think? We're living in an age where the need for currency will soon be obsolete. It used to be we survived by being human, but now we survive by trading our lives for security in a system that wears down what little soul we have left. Soon it'll all come down, don't you worry.
then kill yourself so there'll be one less mistake
No not at all there's plenty of older guys in college I've had a ton of guys who either went into the military and are just now using their GI bill or wagecucked for a few years so they wouldn't have as much debt, in my classes
>something financially useful
Pick something actually financially useful or don't bother
Consider financial mathematics
You will have to do some calculus, coding (fortran in my uni), math modelling and optimisation and some bullshit to do with supply chain modelling
>this user doesn't even understand mistakes
oh sweetie...
>We're living in an age where the need for currency will soon be obsolete
i can feel the zoomer entitlement coursing through your veins
grow up, kiddo
if you still care about what society thinks of you at 27 then yeah i guess it'll be too stressfull.
why are you tradcuck wageslaves so frustrated and angry when someone does something out of the norm?
We have enough resources on this planet to feed, water, shelter, and provide for every human 10 times over. You faggots that think every human is your enemy are a relic of the past. The U.S. used to be the greatest country in the world because it provided a means for the poor to lift themselves up and bring their ideas, progression, vision, and technological advancements to the table but that's no longer the case, because greedy fucks like you think that the best way to get ahead is to find someone poorer than you and kick them further into the ground. You can keep your me vs. the world attitude because soon the world will unite against you and there's no place for that in the new world.
It's never too late user. People go back in their 30s and even later.
Just become a teacher or something man. Going back to school at that age is a waste of money.
If have the money and know that your not gonna fuck it up.
Do it.
Are zoomers really this brainwashed? It's hard to believe that you aren't pretending to be a retard
Pic related is a literal photograph of both of you
27 is too late to live.
Your best years are done.
This user is entirely correct.
>big 4 starting salary higher than national average salary
>year two salary more than national average household income
Dont listen to these fags OP. There was tons of older people at my community college and in my current uni its not uncommon. The pursuit of education is never something shameful. Just make sure youre ready to take on the workload and financial commitment
No user. There's a 40 something year old in my class lmao
My mom went back to be an accountant at 45
Reminder that the year of becoming "old" is decreasing year after year on boards like these. Soon, 18 years old will be the age where you dumb crazies think your best years have faded.
You're still considered young until you're about in you're middle of the road 30's.
So stop moping and wasting the youthful years of your life and do shit.
Its like they say user. The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago the 2nd best time is today. I am a 26 year old college junior because I took some time off due to family shit
No. I plan on going to college once in out of the military and I will be 26 and a retard. I will have to take 100 classes and probably need tutoring.
What do you mean "only chance"? Does your degree become worthless after you turn 25 or something?
There is no shame in needing tutoring nigga. Very few people can just fart out A+ essays and ace exams without preparation.
I tutored Math and writing in college and desu I was just glad someone needed my help and I was not stuck in a room with my thumb up my ass all day
"Humble"brag narcy post.
Is it usually other students that tutor students? I have almost no idea how college works to some degree.
it becomes worthless after your first job or two. if you try to apply to a job with too much irrelevant experience they won't hire you. However, you need the degree to get minimal experience.
>if you try to apply to a job with too much irrelevant experience they won't hire you
How come?
not bragging I was still a fuck up at community college. If you Aced a class you were allowed to tutor people currently taking that class
Could you explain how community college works for a non-american? I'm Canadian actually. Do you do CC for 2 years and then regular college for 2 years? Is CC free? Does college become free/cheaper after attending CC?
Community college is supposed to let you take your first two years of a degree. It is pretty cheap in California my tuition was like $1k a semesterfor a full time load. Tuition at the local shithole U is 3k a semester
3k sounds kinda cheap. Thought american universities were 10-40k per semester.
That is for the huge universities like UCLA and private schools like University of Southern California. I go to a shitty no name school Cal State Bakersfield
Are degrees from those small colleges worthless?
No. However it will be harder to form connections.
When I went for my associates degree there were multiple people in their late 30s to early 40s in my science classes. 27 isn't that old.
>putting everything on your resume, even if it could be considered negative for your specific job
Its a balancing act. Too little and they think you have no experience. Too much and you bore them with how you were captain of the soccer team Jr year
yes, but you can do it anyway
>cal state bakersfield
>not even a UC like santa cruz or riverside
You're cheaping out on tuition, but you might as well be throwing money in the garbage. At least even the lower tier UC degrees are worth something. Are you at least doing a practical degree? what's your major?
Game Design for Video Games
You are making a massive mistake, but I hope at least you enjoy your completely meaningless degree.
>your life is over at 27
our generation fell for the youth culture meme HARD
this whole thing was invented by some jews at mtv just to sell shitty music and edgy clothing styles and now you guys sit around rotting in your room over it lol
what this guy said
if you have the time and money, I really don't see what else could be stopping you. If anything 27 is still pretty fucking young.
>boomers in denial
You sound like a loser that works in some shit dead end job that he doesnt enjoy and tries to justify wasting his life by telling himself that "thats how life is"
Ok no, don't go to college if you're not sure what you want to study. Seriously that's my advice. Find something you want to study.
"finding your passion" is a giant fucking meme btw
college is work training and that's it
pick a marketable and productive degree and treat it like a job
If "find your passion" is a meme, then so is "you're guaranteed a job in Engineering or STEM"
Nothing in life is guaranteed.
Only retarded zoomers think that way.
But if you work hard and do well you're far more likely to find a decent job.
Yeah, its my favorite larp to do on Jow Forums
Yes. Both are memes. STEM isn't nearly as good as zoomers think.
STEM is a meme if you want to make money with some exceptions. If you want to make money just study finance,actuarial science ect.
Listen here, BUD. I'm 29 fucking years old and started college, this year, when I was twenty FUCKING eight. I waited ten fucking years for something good to happen to my god damn life, after graduating high school, but I got FUCK ALL! Now listen to me real close, FUCKER... don't let age stop you from achieving your fucking GOALS!
>a boomer is this delusional about their ability to get anywhere in life
You're a man, user, it's not uncommon for males to do something later in life.
You must understand that educational and job success is less depending on genetic IQ and more on support of your entire surroundings and less experienced hardship. And who is the most pandered gender in the history of mankind?
Right, women, all the people who have their degrees at 21 and a good paying easy job are women, although it's proven that males are in general more intelligent.
No, no it's not. If you have that extra time to attend to it, that is. Plus, you are mature enough to commit you mind and finish it fast. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, go for the gold user
no, but neither is suicide
>heh look at user
>I heard he's 27
>27 and still a FRESHMAN?!
>omg what a loser lol
Get ready for no social life.
>t. someone who started college at 24
Second degree is always the best excuse for your incompetence.
everybody on this site is 16 so they have no idea what it's like out in the real world
I've been getting harassed by collection agencies, for the past month, because I'm behind on credit card bills.
>actually getting credit cards
>actually spending more than you earn
Should boomers such as yourself be enjoying a freshly cut lawn
I was doing fine, at first, with one card, but I wanted to own a better car and saw my credit would improve if I had more open accounts and... well... that snowballed into near financial ruin, two years later.
it happens if you had emergencies
although I see people who are reckless with credit cards and that's sad because there is really no card you can get (unless you're a millionaire) that doesn't have retarded high APR
I use mine to make all of my purchases for security reasons and then I pay it off fully before the due date so I don't incur any interest
In hindsight, I should have just keep it at one card instead of, uh... um... five.
>going into debt over a 'better car'
Jesus Christ user, your financial education was a failure.
I ORIGINALLY got a credit card so I can make repairs to my then-current shitbox, when I didn't have the cash, and pay it off on my next paycheck, which worked out very well for the first year. It wasn't until my credit limit went up high enough I decided I could indulge myself a little bit... so I got a new Xbox. If I hadn't gotten that and just get the new set of tires - if I just STUCK with using the card for automotive repairs, I wouldn't be in this mess, today.
My education from my parents were fine - credit cards are evil - I was just too arrogant and independent to listen. So, yeah, you're correct. My parents are unaware of how much shit I actually am; they think I'm only a couple hundred in debt, not several thousand.
And this is why I'm going to college: to pay off my debt once I get my degree and start my career.
And I'm only relying on financial aid to pay for my tuition - forgot to add that.