Which bad dude are you?
(also general personality thread)
Murderous Villian Test
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fuck off with this boring clickbait
Who /Gaddafi/ here
Mao Zedong Master-Race.
>murderous villain
Who here /puppetmaster/ orginally?
Putin mastermind over here
finally got through this retarded shit
it's not even worth posting the results holy shit
kill yourself OP
I can help you guys out
Based Lenin
ay nigger
>murderous villain
I wonder $$$who$$$ designed this test?
I answered completely honestly and i knew i would get him. Weird that when i was young this would have made me uncomfortable but not i'm content with the idea of being compared to him.
Leftypol pls go.
>all leftist look like this XDDD
Fuck off Jow Forumscuck
>Words of Warning
>Points to consider for people with your personality - have you ever:
>Shrugged your shoulders and given up trying to apply your own sense of what you knew was right, simply because other people's outlooks seemed so far from yours?
>Come across as insensitive and absent-minded because you were so lost in your own inner analyses that you did not want to extend your attention to anything else?
>Put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
>Diminished your own productivity by ceaselessly hunting down minor imperfections and mistakes in your own work, and constantly undoing the progress that you had made?
>Knowingly wasted your talents because you "did not see the point" of all the striving and self-assertion that usually goes along with accomplishment and achievement?
Repeat after me: "American liberals do not represent the left."
If you didnr get Hitler you are not a robot
we killed him because he was going to dethrone the jews, he was woke.
I got lenin. Kind of wanted stalin but these tests are memes anyways.
I'm an angel!
Ignore my phoneposting, am I the first to get Putin?
Not the only Putin in the deck
Wow your pure fucking evil
MEIN really really original NEGER
Benito master race
I'll fire up the U-boats mein Fuhrer.
>any of these
what the fuck?
Get out of here, fucking chad
based and chinese
Suck my dick nerd back to railing stacys for me
fuck yeah my morally ambiguous dude
Vladimir "Vladek" Vladimirovich P U T I N
I got Che Guevara, comrades. :3
>Vladmir Putin
>Murderous villain
I wonder (((who's))) behind this
Seriously no other Saddams?
I guess I'm this guy. I was always obsessed with weapons and the technological side of war too, weird.
>words of warning
>have you ever put your considerable analytical skills to work at solving problems that it would perhaps not be entirely ethical to solve, thinking only of the technical side of the situation, and not the moral one?
Lol fuck off
that was rather unexpected, thought i'm getting another put-in
Yeah, I'm here.
Funny because I know people who's families were killed by this duder.
I took that test and got Putin once. Another time I got Hitler. But the next and final time I got it, I got putin
Donitz was cool as fuck and I wish he didnt serve time in prison. There really wasnt a fucking point of him going to prison. He didnt have anything to do with the holocaust. And according to him, he and his men didnt know of it. Tldr, Donitz was a cool historical figure who was lucky to have a lawyer who wasnt Robert Servatius