I'm really sad and I kind of want to die :(

I'm really sad and I kind of want to die :(

So long story short, I met with a girl from Jow Forums back in 2016, we live 5 hours away so I had to plan out a special day for us to see each other. We got super close, and when we were together we had an excellent time. Like, we would have definitely dated if we lived closer. But she was hurt by something I said (which was not bad. She dated another guy and I wasn't toooo hurt by it because I thought we would still be friends at least. Lately I've had no luck getting in contact with her at all and I'm extremely sad now. I would be so happy to just to talk to her as a friend.

It's so fucking frustrating because I know we'd get along great if we were to actually meet again. Now I'm just lonely, depressed, and hurt. I have never really been able to bounce back from this plus there were some other things in my life which made me feel even worse about this. I want to die now but I don't want to hurt my family, the elderly folk still left don't deserve to go through a youth loss in their final years.

I'm just so fucking sad, I think I'd rather have this chick back in my life than win the lottery

>Pic completely unrelated

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>But she was hurt by something I said (which was not bad
just an excuse to move on chad

If you're going to kill yourself, at least kill yourself for yourself and not because some girl stopped talking to you.

Well this directly affects my happiness, and I feel like I've been pretty consistently unhappy because of this
Partially true perhaps. I do actually believe her but there is truth in what you're saying, she could have gave me a second chance. But the problem is really that she blew me off the face of the Earth. I almost get physically ill sometimes thinking about the cute things she said to me and knowing that I probably will never see her again.

It's a terrible feel.

I want her back so badly :(

I need her hugs again or I might die

So should I kill myself or not? I'm having trouble deciding

Help me out here guys. I need to know what I should do

Move on and forget about her.

You know how sometimes, you think about embarrassing things you did in the past and think "Oh god I was such a fucking retard". That's how you're going to feel about this. Your hormones are telling you she's important, but that will pass. You'll reach a point where it's baffling how much you thought about her. If she's willing to just cut contact with no real explanation like this, she's not worth your time. Even if you did find some way to get back in touch with her, she'd leave you in the same place further down the line. Additionally, if a woman points to one specific thing you said as the reason things went sour, don't believe it. It was a whole lot of little things, and having one specific mistake on your part to blame makes the shitty woman rationalization easier.

I totally get what you're saying, but it's been over 1.5 years and I'm still hurt

I'm 23, I'm well past the teenage hormones stage

Also I don't think she intended to cut me off originally, we still talked for a couple months

It is so mean what she did to me but I've never met anyone I had more in common with.

I'm so hurt :(

I don't want to feel this pain anymore

Then what's stopping you from just not feeling the pain anymore? Forget she ever existed and get on with your life.

I tried that already, it's not that easy

>I met with a girl
Stopped reading there. Nice digits but you're still a faggot.

That's not nice user :(
I'm a good guy

they can all give blow jobs son

How the fuck are you guys meeting people on Jow Forums? i want in on this gig

As horny as I am, it's really not about sex but the friendship

I'm afraid I'll never meet anyone as coolas her

I very randomly met her on /b/ back in 2016

>im sad and want to die
>so this gir-

well are girls not the source of our sadness?

Women can often be fickle, don't trust them with any emotional attachment fren
I keked

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>You know how sometimes, you think about embarrassing things you did in the past and think "Oh god I was such a fucking retard". That's how you're going to feel about this. Your
When though? I've been in the same situation as OP for about 15 years now, and I'm still not over it.

genXfag here - had a girl kinda like that around end of high school beginning of college, she told me she had feelings for me but she already knew everything about me so we never went out. We were friends for years and years after that and I slowly found things about her that annoyed me, now I barely think about her and when I do it's often with some contempt (and it's not made-up contempt in order to cope).