Why did the math kids have to come out on top? They're making 6 figures off their math heavy degrees and us English and history faggots are scraping by. It's not fucking fair.
Why did the math kids have to come out on top...
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I'm studying pure math (currently working to go to grad school for it) and I'm a little scared i won't have a good job. depressing office jobs analyzing like insurance stats and shit is not appealing to me...
I'll prob just teach tough, that's what ive been doing anyways and i like it. but i am definitely not making 6 figures doing this.
>English and history faggots are scraping by
>It's not fucking fair
It's completely fair. You picked a hobbyist degree instead of one that earns good money. Surprise, you won't earn good money with it. Fucking idiot.
>It's not fucking fair
are you retarded
>math kids study high-workload, highly technical degrees training them for in-demand jobs
>arts kids study easy useless bullshit
>"waaaaaaah why don't we get the same jobs"
you are basically those women who demand the same job prospects and lifetime earnings despite taking half the lifetime off to be mothers
its pretty fair to me. im also english faggot, but I knew that if I pursued it there would be no money in it. so i went with finance
I'm sorry user, but that will keep getting worse, since STEM is generally the king of schools now, leaving English and History to the wayside despite those being important for certain types of thinking
Well what the fuck did you expect??? Maybe you should've done some research before you decided to get a useless meme degree
out of curiosity, what kind of job do you have? teaching? research or something else?
Major something that will give you a job, minor in something you love user.
I did CS and was able to pack on a literature minor to keep me sane. Completely worth it.
I'm pretty sure English and History aren't memey art degrees, we need researchers, teachers, journalists and authors
literally just be a meme developer. i got tired of being a retailnigger so i learned some meme programming, built some shitty projects and blasted out resume/github. make 65k now which isnt great, but a big step up for me making 13/hr last year
Don't feel too jelly, a lot of those kids were pushed by their parents to go into a high paying field despite not really caring about it. Plus engineering and computer sci are oversaturated as fuck now because everyone wants to get in on it.
Yeah, English and History are pretty meme tier degrees at this point but you don't have to be a STEMlord to make it in the world if you're creative and know how to look for opportunities.
And money isn't everything. I'd rather do a job I feel is meaningful and not have all the nice new things than bust ass to be a slave for some asshole company like Raytheon or Monsanto just so I can fill my house up with Ikea furniture and be the richest guy at high school reunions.
but not as many as colleges are pumping out due to the student loans racket.
fuck, I'll be graduating soon and have really started to realize my current degree will probably make me help the feds or some corporation keep their shitty secrets safe. I have a certification for computer and network maintenance, but I'm unsure how far those can get me before running into the problem mentioned above again
How the fuck is being on able to write an essay on Charles Dickens going to improve the world? Think about it, the math major calculates how to build a bridge so your ass and 200 others don't fall to their deaths crossing a river. Of course he's gonna get paid more.
>tfw mechanical engineer graduating this semester without an internship
It's over
>Math major goes into civil engineering
>The contractor he works for gets a government contract to build a bridge
>Accounting team works out the budget
>Civil Engineer and Architect spend literal months screaming at each other until a plan is finalized
>The english major with a minor in exotic dance theory is in charge of handling the zoning permits and building plan submissions, so it'll be another year before the project moves forward
>finally get all the paperwork in place
>now it's time to put the contract on the marketplace and let the subcontractors bid for the right to work on it
>another year goes by
>construction finally starts
>project gets shitcanned after Juan, the owner of the crew that got subcontracted to do formwork, uses substandard materials (they came at a great price, Jefe! Jesus told me it was good shit!) that cause the bridge to collapse halfway through construction
>Juan makes more in a year than the architect, civil engineer, accountants or permit-bitch
>Juan makes more because he's friends with the guy who awards the contracts, he cuts costs on materials and pays his guys jack shit
Civil engineers make some good money, but they really do get the shit end of the stick with all the ridiculous bullshit they have to deal with.
You'll get by, boy.
>All these hyper-defensive STEMlords jumping at my man OP
If the population doesn't have History knowledge, you'll run into a loop of people electing some libruls into office thus letting tumblrinas and niggers, sandniggers and kikes run amok. Also he who does not know History is doomed to repeat it.
English is important because they maintain a consistent, coherent unified code for communication instead of letting people write like ass and each having their own special snowflake dialect, so that way you can get shit done with other professionals even if you don't have the same degree.
>B-but all college graduates are neo-Marxist librulfaggots
That's because most are easily impressionable faggots, also by not giving decent funding to those fields you're telling the scum of the Earth to go there and run a communist brainwash center.
> I'm studying pure math
Someone with a degree in statistics. Someone with a degree in applied maths. Someone with a degree in pure maths. A pizza. Pick the odd one.
The one with a pure maths degree. Others can feed a family of four people.
Funny thing since it's the liberal arts majors who are the most insufferable snowflakes. And saying that you're a prescriptivist is lsocial and academic suicide in language departments. Say goodbye to your coherent unified code for communication.
I have a degree in engineering as well as minors in history and math because I had a lot of AP credits going into college and was bored. English classes are literally just read a book, write an essay and get an A because there's no right answer. Learning math requires a lot of intelligence to understand the concepts that are going on. You often have to study for hours to learn all new concept then you have to study for a few more hours more to learn all the exceptions to that rule. Learning math is like learning a whole new complex language. Studying english is just improving on what you already know.
>Why did the math kids have to come out on top? They're making 6 figures
He fell for the stem meme, no wonder hes a liberal arts major.
basically, we are all equally fucked
I'm studying Industrial and Applied math
It's really hard and I cover engineering maths, programming, optimisation and the modelling of real world things (supply chains etc)
There's fuck all people studying maths (most go engineering or other sciences) so competition is low and wages are accordingly better considering we study things that have extremely wide and specific application
>You often have to study for hours to learn all new concept then you have to study for a few more hours more to learn all the exceptions to that rule. Learning math is like learning a whole new complex language
pretty much this; becoming aware and learning of all the possible cases and exceptions is a behemoth compared to the foundation concept
>tfw math degree
>300k starting
I have a degree in applied math and can't get a job because of the tism during interviews
What is applied mathematics anyway? Some kind of linear algebra shit or what?
different user but I do calculus, linear algebra, numerical integration and approximation, optimisation, modelling, programming (matlab + fortran), statistics (parametric, nonparametic and linear regression)
so practical maths
it's exactly what it says, applied math
usually optimization problems and numerical analysis so yes lots of linear algebra but also plenty of calculus/analysis or combinatorics
What is the difference between an applied degree and normal math degree? I assume you guys had to deal with a lot of diff eq correct?
Presumably if you want to study all sorts of theoretical shit or hyper-specialise as a post grad
My uni discontinued all math courses aside from applied; not enough applicants
Juan is the real redpill
At what point can I be sure I'm too much of a brainlet to succeed in STEM? I have a deep respect for mathematics but not much skill in practicing them, I doubt I'd ever be great at figuring out proofs on my own, or solving novel problems. Any textbooks that helped you out a lot that you'd recommend? Or advice to get good? I guess ultimately it's just about putting time in, but how do you make the most out of your time and efforts at studying?
They produce things of value. You don't. They get value in return.
That's fair.
>Was incredibly good at Math for the majority of my Primary school education
>Did well in 8th grade
>Struggled in 9th and got placed into the dropkick normie class in 10th
>Barely passed in 11th and failed 12th
>Just wanted to get into physics so I can be an astronomer and do cool as fuck shit and maths
Where did it all go so fucking hilariously wrong?
Why not try the one field that makes math God tier(finance)? Check out the places like citadel, two sigma, tower and such. There's also quants at hedge funds and investment banks.
You learn those skills in STEM
Top kek yeah I need 4 years and 16 courses to learn how to make a lesson plan its a make work job for women come at me bro give me your best anecdotal "b-buh but muh 5th grade science teacher wuz different"
_____ is ______ (and that's a good thing!)
You got me there I love that Aardvark
I've started learning but I don't know what kind of projects I could put on my github to show employers.
I've seen recommendations for simple projects for learning programming, is that the kind of stuff I can put there?
>We need Journalists
Yeah no. At least not post secondary educated ones, anyone can pick up a camera or give an opinion.
9th grade by the sounds of it
Oy gevaIt
English and history doesn't build circuitry
Because monies are numbers.
Because history is only useful for teaching, so is English.
Because any fucking monkey could get a history/english degree. STEM degrees actually take effort, and are worth something.
You've fallen into the same trap all the arts students fall into
>This is hard for me, therefore it must be hard for everyone else.
At this point, unless your family is rich in cons, the type of degree you get more than likely won't help you. Yes, STEM still have slightly better prospects, but with more and more minorities (including women, of course) getting them, if you're a white male, that margin decreases.
I could do STEM, pass probably with nothing less than a 'C' but the thing is that I would hate it. Too much stress for what? Money? "Status?" No thanks.
I acknowledge fully that my current "path" will not land me a decent job, if any at all. It's better to not get your hopes up, which is what I have done previously and when those things fell through, they left me in really depressive states I still haven't recovered from.
In case anyone wants to criticize me, I will probably be doing this; history/social sciences and then either getting a master's education or architecture. I am leaning towards arch because I do love it, and I attempted it earlier in my career but dropped out for various reasons.
Rich in connections, Goddammit.
>dropped out for various reasons
because its too hard for baby
because the world wants more number crunchers to analyze useless data
soon we'll have fewer people actually working than people analyzing and optimizing their work
>ITT: Stemfags: "My moment in the sun is all that matters. All technology is good and technologization of society should increase. I am not automating away my own job--I am streamlining the workforce. My skills will be relevant in ten years, guaranteed. It would be better if all people were like me: STEM majors."
people who think you can just magically pick your IQ
are why im glad in 10 years AI will be muscling in on STEM.
If your IQ is below 120 you arent going anywhere in STEM, and no ra ra , work hard doesnt raise your IQ
say it with me dumb fucks
Human Level AI 2029
I wouldn't say architecture was "hard" but to go from being in poverty inner-city kid to going to classes that expected me to have a MacBook with all the Adobe, Autocad, and various other expensive software, coupled with fairly insufferable teachers and peers, I didn't fare very well. Plus that was the first time I was away from home. I couldn't handle it. That was the hard part. Sorry this offends you
Those things usually have more people going into them than are needed so even though some people have to do those jobs, it doesnt mean that theyre going to end up paid as well
Didn't your school provide the software?
Hahaha! Maybe a discount, but we had to have the subscription based adobe suite. And they most certainly didn't pay for the $1500 computer and art supplies I need as well. Considering the federal loans hardly covered tuition and I had only one scholarship, it wasn't making very happy having to put stuff on credit cards, which I'm still working on
That sucks. My school provided licenses for everything we might need. There were also computers we could use in the library.
>tfw this is literally me youtube.com
I'd convert to Judaism for that kind of money.
You should have learned enough of that shit by the time you graduated high school. Also google exists.