25+ Thread

Another unproductive do-nothing long weekend over.

Reminder that it will never 2008 again, you will never feel as vital and full of hope and life as you did back then. It's downhill for now and forever. Probably,

At least we're in this together. What's new with you fellow 25+ers?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I start work again tomorrow. It's a job that pays too well to quit for not having a degree, but it's also not a job that gives me 40 hours a week.

I feel trapped. The longer I remain the harder it's going to get to leave, but nothing else will pay even remotely close to what I make here. It's enough to get by, but not by much, and it's certainly not a comfortable life, financially. I've managed to save up around $30k over the last 6 years out of being overly frugal, and constantly fantasize about quitting, living for a year or two off of my savings, and then killing myself when I run out.

That fantasy gets stronger every day.

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One day soon I will shoot myself anons. One day Ill get the courage to do it

>spent 90% of my time alone in my room on Jow Forums, 10% teenager adventures
>spend 95% of my time in my room, 5% going out shopping
It was never good, but now I do even less, shot my health to shit, and have wasted the entirety of my youth

First aid class/certification tomorrow.
Hope I won't have to pretend things because my autism can't handle it.

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Guys, I work at a hotel and I am working fucking 16 hour days sometimes.
I have a 'hobby' but its really niche and I don't even know if this counts.
What I do is I will pick 1 guest per day, and write down notes about them when I see them, and try to decide how their sleeping position is like based on various cues i get from them, for example if I see they are a person who eats large quantities at mealtimes in the buffet, I might assume they wake up in the night due to eating close to bedtime or having poor digestion. Or if I see that they are looking at tour guides quite a lot, I assume they might dream about some local sites and contort in the bed appropriate to their movements around the city in a dream.

Then I like to find another guest, who might make a cute couple with that one I was following. I sneak to their room during the day and slightly move the pillows and sheets so it is like the guest I was following slept in it (so if I think that person twisted their neck a lot I might mess the pillow up slightly). Then I feel like I have created a 'couple' and I think about them fucking each other, which is a nice break from work.

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I really lucked into my job without a degree. Really am kind of stuck in my job as I literally could not get this much pay anywhere else. In constant, admittedly likely paranoid, fear of being fired too which doesn't help.

Despite it paying well it still doesn't quite pay well enough for me to just be able to afford tons of schooling quite yet. Saving 30k is pretty nice. Depending on if it's affordable where you live you should just school up. Give it a shot anyways.

30K saved is impressive. Maybe take a sabbatical for 1-2 months and have a headhunter do the work for you?

Dude buy a house! Turn it into your own fortress of solitude! Blow everything on vidya.

Buy a gaming laptop to take out of the house every once in awhile to feel less shitty about yourself.

I think I lucked out, in late high school I somehow got my shit together lost a bunch of weight, even got a cutie ebony gf. Still 4chaned more than I should have.

All downhill since. Moved away for school, dropped out, NEET'd for a bit living off parent's savings like a worthless leech, worked a couple shit deadend jobs, wasted money on absurd, unhealthy amounts of junk food, years without sex. Should probably see a doctor about my mental health.

Anyways, what do you shop for? Cloths?

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The social justice shit rising to prominence over the past few years is making me depressed, because I can still remember the days where none of this stuff was an issue.

Literally half the population has now taken on the role of nazi hunters in a seemingly endless LARP that gets more absurd by the day.

Schizophrenics wanting to cut their dicks off and dress in drag are being told that all of these delusions are okay.

HR has micromanaged itself into such a small box that approaching or even talking to women at work (aka how ALL of our parents met, hooked up, and had us) is instead a way to get fired.

All of our fun hobbies (music, movies, comics, vidya) have been invaded by people trying to push nonsensical agendas that nobody asked for.

Sports most of the country enjoyed (example: football) have now been neutered in the pursuit of safety, as well as politicized so that they're no longer a harmless escape to watch on a cozy Sunday.

Most forums (with the exception of Jow Forums) operate on a variation of "internet points", where doing anything aside from voicing the "politically correct" opinion gets you cast aside when most of us are there in the first place to find somewhere to belong.

You know what was fun? Teabagging people on Xbox Live and trying to one-up each other with the most racist, disgusting insult you could fabricate. And it honestly wasn't that long ago we all did this, maybe five years max.

And it was ripped away, replaced with something soulless and unrecognizable. It's like we all woke up one day on the Christian Server.

Going to repost this from earlier.
>living with qt asian girl while landlord is out on vacation
>tried to sneak in her room yesterday while she was gone but door was locked
>awkward tension between us
>her clothes are in dryer
>quietly enter laundry room and shut door
>open dryer and sneak a peak at all her clothes
>all the good stuff is in a white bag
>hear her door open, which is next door to the laundry room
>pic related
>quietly shut dryer door, figure out what the fuck to do
>open door and just leave like nothing happened
>she goes in right after me and takes clothes out
>feel like she knows what happened
>have idea to wash my clothes now
>maybe she'll think i was just checking if there were any clothes in the washer/dryer so i could wash mine
>i am still shaking and it happened 20 minutes ago
>trying to avoid any future contact for the next two weeks
This was a few hours ago. Was pretty scary at the time, hopefully my own clothes washing deterred her beliefs. I've always been a bit of a voyeuristic pervert, it's probably gotten stronger with my depraved sexual life. Also I spent nearly 1.5 hours trying to unclog a toilet with my hands intermittently submerged in muddy brown water. So great day for me.

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>HR has micromanaged itself into such a small box that approaching or even talking to women at work (aka how ALL of our parents met, hooked up, and had us) is instead a way to get fired.

Wrong. It's not. It's just that women only want to be approached by attractive men wherever they are.

Half way through a week and a half off of work. Parents have been out of town as well, so I am home alone. I always think these long breaks will be so good but all I end up doing is overeating, smoking too much, and throwing up

This hurts. It really does. I mean at some point we have to figure out a way to get normies on our side and end this madness. A lot more normies are red pilled and Trump supporters than you think. At my job it's about 50-60%, probably becuase we have jobs. We need to appeal to the normies who aren't off the wall on both sides to sort of end this madness. I mean if you think about it Clinton (Bill) wasn't so terrible outside of NAFTA. For those who were old enough to remember obviously. But the only democrats that get their voices heard are the clinically mental ones who fucking have pussy hats on. And the rest now nod their heads mostly out of fear of what would happen if they didn't.

Yes and no. Like agreeing when someone else says a girl at work is hot like could you get you fired if shtf for some reason. Like I'm terrified about even nodding my head if it comes up in the mens locker room.

>have long hair
>wake up in the morning
>run fingers through it to detangle
>3 to 4 strands in between fingers
>run fingers through it again
>3 to 4 more strands
>keep going
is it over guys?

Had crazy thick hair as a teenager, my hair got really thin when I started gaining wight and treating myself worse. Got a lot better when I started treating myself right again.

Could be something like that... maybe.

>This hurts. It really does. I mean at some point we have to figure out a way to get normies on our side and end this madness.

Here's a Jow Forums post from early 2015. I'm no paranoid schizophrenic but it's almost like there was some sort of massive conspiracy to fuck up the west as we know it.

The social justice stuff really did hit like a brick wall. I feel like one week we went from trannies being punchlines to an obscure joke, to this massive "movement" where suddenly everyone and their dog had gender dysphoria, and if you dared to question what was happening, this random fucking army of people would comb through your twitter and try to get you fired for something you posted eight years ago.

Sports I remember it starting with the NFL Breast Cancer shit. Entire fucking stadiums were pink just out of nowhere. And if you said it looked tacky or that every city already had a big "run for the cure event", nope, you're an asshole.

Then diversity hires went from this joke you attached to the token mexican guy at work, to this legitimate "thing" that royally fucked up workplaces with employees who couldn't speak english or women that fucked their ways to the top.

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>Reminder that it will never 2008 again
Do you know how rigged our financial system is brother? Im just waiting for the crash. Only from the ashes can we rebuild properly. Have you ever tried to talk to normies, let alone gals, about investing in p.m.s and real estate?

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28 roastie. posted in Jow Forums but whatever these threads die after 50 posts now

I'm trying to fix my ugly ass. Went career meme for 4 years going on to 5 and now I'm overweight, face is less full looking, tits sagging, etc. The sick part is I'm now spending money to undo all the damage that happened in the past 4 years to return to a less pretty version of myself from when I was 18-23. How pathetic.

I really wish I wasn't such a shutin weirdo when I was younger. people here make fun of sluts but the reality is they are enjoying their prime. All I did was replay ps2 games, browse Jow Forums, and doodled a bit in those years.

>What's new with you fellow 25+ers?
Talking to a woman on SC I matched with on Tinder.
She thinks I'm a fuckboy since I was flirting a bit and saying I thought she was hot, but I've only had sex with one person in 29 years of life. I don't even know how to move from messaging to sex that doesn't involve us first getting to know eachother/going on a "date" or 2-3.

I believe all that's going to happen is that I'll messup any opportunity for anything real to happen

i don't want to jinx myself with what i type, i hope things look up for you guys, but man is wolf to man so it doesn't really matter i fear

How to be an attractive woman
>Do 30 minutes of exercise a week
>Don't eat like shit
>Don't use too much makeup

>I'm no paranoid schizophrenic but it's almost like there was some sort of massive conspiracy to fuck up the west as we know it.
"I am no [Evil/Crazy Guy] but [Evil/Crazy Opinion]"
Let's take a look at the arguments anyway.
>I feel like one week we went from trannies being punchlines to an obscure joke, to this massive "movement"
Oh no, it seems like humans don't like having their existence reduced to a punchline of an obscure joke.
>and if you dared to question what was happening, this random fucking army of people would comb through your twitter and try to get you fired for something you posted eight years ago.
First of all, social media lynch mobs are not something that should be defended or supported in anyway. It's rather a tragic reminder of how we as humans are still so far behind our own ideals. But don't try to imply that those who deny others their right to their own body are only daring to "question what happened" which is a red herring anyway. Neither does it implicate any massive conspiracy. In the past we (humans in general) lynched criminals/other races/that-guy for the dumbest reasons and nothing but the methods have changed since then. Additionally you make it sound like that this is a very common occurrence that happen very frequently, which is not true. It's good that you care about those who had to endure such evil things but exaggerating doesn't help anyone.
>Entire fucking stadiums were pink just out of nowhere. And if you said it looked tacky or that every city already had a big "run for the cure event", nope, you're an asshole.
This is just petty. You don't like a color and somehow think that having a running event has anything to do with it. If enough people have an interest in supporting and participating such events then you can either declare your opinion superior to the rest and demand your will to be followed... or you can be reasonable and accept that not everyone shares your opinion or has the same priorities.


Does anyone remember when the average poster here was unironically a virgin?
Now it seems like every post just complains about "haven't had sex in years."
I can't tell if all the real robots already killed themselves and I'm the last of a dying breed, or if people just post like this to try and goad others into feeling even worse about themselves.

>Then diversity hires went from this joke you attached to the token mexican guy at work, to this legitimate "thing" that royally fucked up workplaces
Personally I wouldn't use "royally fucked up" to describe what happened but I do agree that diversity hires for only diversity reasons is not good.
>employees who couldn't speak english or women that fucked their ways to the top.
That's an overgeneralization and I hope you know that. It doesn't help your cause if you even turn reasonable arguments into absurdity.

It looks like you tend to be so passionate about a topic that you mix truth with fiction freely in order to support your initial argument. Almost as if your goal is not the objective truth but something else.

Blame the influx of women and normies. r9k has gotten so bad I am wondering if wizardchan wouldn't be better. Too bad wizardchan moves at a snails pace.

I am a 29 year old roastie myself

>Do 30 minutes of exercise a week
Have never done any working out. I tried to go swimming for a brief period but I overheard someone say 'who dropped their krill in the water?' implying I am a whale of course, so I got discouraged

>Don't eat like shit
My diet is fucking disgusting, I am addicted to the COMBINED flavour of sugar and meat, so most of my diet is just meats covered in sugar. Not even healthy meat, I will for example dip the cheapest sausages I can find in Jam or make a paste by mashing bacon, butter and brown sugar, or my favourite meal is probably chocolate bars wrapped in ham, dipped in honey, with raw ground beef sprinkled over, I am overweight by some number.

>Don't use too much makeup
Don't wear makeup so 1/3 I guess

I can't even be a slut right damn

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r9k is fucking dead but I don't like the strict limits on what you're allowed to talk about on wizardchan.
I'm not sure where else to go even though r9k is ruined.

>Reminder that it will never 2008 again, you will never feel as vital and full of hope and life as you did back then.

Hahahahaha. 2008 I was in grade 11. I was spending my entire time inside, salivating over the impending release of GTA4. Any time I wasnt soaking up any piece of info about it I could find in magazines or online, I was mindlessly noodling on my guitar and not getting ANY better, because I never practiced properly.

I watched BECK Mongolian Chop Squad a lot, because it made me think success was something that was going to happen to me, whilst doing nothing to make it a reality.

I spent quite a bit of time on /b/ and discovered this gem


I was fighting with my parents because they wanted me to go outside sometimes and make something of myself, instead of jerking off all weekend and playing PlayStation.

Things are better now. Theres no need to explain why, but 26 is much better than 16 was

>Reminder that it will never 2008 again, you will never feel as vital and full of hope and life as you did back then. It's downhill for now and forever.
Meh I have hated life as far back as I can remember, possibly as soon as I was born, I was a pretty angry looking baby, I'm so used to suffering that it's business as usual.
I just keep carrying on, aint nothing but a thing my niggas.

I was a virgin until 27, I cam within 10 seconds then after pumping for 5 minutes the condom fell off without me knowing resulting in a preg scare. It's not black and white.
Jesus Christ how much do you weigh?
You already know your problem.

This is the single most absurd thing I have ever heard. You really must be fucking bored at work.

>Dude buy a house!
how can I tell you are a fucking teenager

oh look another fucking normie is here to tell me what it's like to have sex and that he belongs here nonetheless
thanks for ruining the one place that we used to have
why couldn't you assholes just stay on facebook? you're like a cancer spreading to every corner of the god damned internet

I remember those time.

T. 27 in 25 days virgin

That's irrelevant, back then they couldn't get you fired just because you were unattractive. Why? Because they wouldn't be there in the first place.

I didn't say anything about how sex is only my first experience (of a total of 4 times) was overall horrible and I could never tell any actual normal person.
Me typing this on Jow Forums doesn't affect you in anyway

>Me typing this on Jow Forums doesn't affect you in anyway
It actual does.
I come on Jow Forums to fraternize with robots, not to catch cancer.
Don't worry, I accept that this is your board now. The invasion has been complete for a while. I suppose I'm just venting one last time before I go. Congrats on the takeover, soon the entire internet will fall, if it hasn't already.

>still working retail
>still live in my childhood bedroom

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I'm a 28 year old virgin just beginning to try dating apps. I don't hate women but this shit is fucking hard. I just want a partner to watch 80s anime with.

>turn 34 next week
>start feeling 'too old' to come here anymore
>realize there's no place left

I don't mind the process of aging all that much. I take good care of myself and live healthy. Just the constant slow-mo moving through life is a drag. All the work I did since 20 lead to nothing. Have about 17K saved, which is nothing at my age. People back from school are either married with kids, or wrecked even worse than me. I still live with my aging boomer parents in a trash ghetto town. Started a PhD last winter. Haven't written a single page yet.

I won't give up, but I'm slowly losing the focus on who I am or where I'm going. It's like my soul is dying and all that's left is this disoriented worldly shell...

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imagine the smell
tick tock by the way

mmmmmm show belly

26 year old normie here. I feel just as stuck as you robots and can relate, don't worry. I'm at my stupid office job right now. It's a US multinational tech company, and it's currently going through a restructuring AND an 'Agile transformation'. To make things worse, the whole shitshow is run by a woman. Care to take a wild guess where i work? Anyway, i mostly fuck around in Excel all day and run errands for my bosses, who are not colocated btw so i'm always on Skype with a shitty connection. Now i'm also running the iterations in this new stupid agile system, for a team i don't actually work with, which makes no sense for office workers and accountants like us. And i recently learned that i'll have to leave the project i'm working on, since they want to move that service center out of my country. My country is and has always been the shittiest in Europe and is currently going through political turmoil. Care to guess what it is?
So i have to find a new project while also supporting my current one, running these stupid iterations and preparing to transition my current work to some team in India. Meanwhile, i really can't afford to lose this job, since i'll be applying for a loan soon to buy an apartment. Already paid an advance, so there's no backing out now.
The world outside is going to shit and it's even worse here than it is for you Western anons. You have to worry about an impending financial crisis and this SJW cuckshit i guess. Here, they are literally stealing anything that's not chained to the floor, we have a populist and anti-EU government currently but that is LEFT WING, so they got their votes by making empty promises to welfare cucks and retirees. My country also has a aging population and a high number of uneducated people still living jobless in rural areas. So they'll be getting the leftovers and will be happy with it, meanwhile these pigs in power are happily selling of our forrests, our natural gas, our land. cont if i get replies

>No degree nor any useful skill to get a high paid job
>work a min wage job for three years now
Should i go to college now?

Does anyone remember when this board was an experimental original content board, mostly with greentext stories?
No, because you're all fucking, pathetic, retarded hug-box longing, excuse seeking idiots who invent things like "robot" to feel better about their despicable and obnoxious selves.

absolutely not, user.
get yourself a certification if you want high-skilled intellectual work. CFA is good for finance. For programming/coding and software/web development, depends what you want to do, there are many, do your research. Alternatively, pick up an apprenticeship. I heard carpenting and electrical work still pays well. Bottom line - get the skill, but don't pay the huge bill. Every big company is going on and on about new collar jobs. Degrees are officially useless.

Programming without a degree is a meme
you better have a kickass project with all the meme frameworks employers are looking for

>All of our fun hobbies (music, movies, comics, vidya) have been invaded by people trying to push nonsensical agendas that nobody asked for.



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CFA takes a long time and enormous effort. And you need some degree anyway, plus finance work experience.

t. Charterholder

>26 years old but still have no direction in my life
I guess staying comfy on NEETbux and fapping to giantess girls is the only thing left for me.

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Lateral movement user. I started in consultancy. Moved on to financial audit. Then i did risk management. From there went on to project management. Currently doing this SAP Consultant gig, but i'm learning alot about Python and SQL databases in the meantime on my spare time. I have a trainee position lined up for next year on a team of developers - will get paid the same but it's a good cost for them, rather than finding some bum-ass recent graduate that can't even show up on time and would ask for double - because all you comp-sci graduates are fucking pampered. Once i spend a year or two there, i can probably go to any similar position in another company, but for the doubled salary that everyone with a degree is asking. I studied philosophy in university btw - let me reiterate, degrees are useless. Your willingness to work, your professionalism, your skills and most importantly your people skills and connections are what gets you a job.

Indeed, if you want to be a charterholder. But you really think you won't get hired if you passed your Level 3? Come on... If he's lazy, there is always the ACCA.

i like this and want to see you succeed. i believe in you, user, godspeed

True, if you pass level 3 it's all good and just a matter of time. But you still need at least a bachelor's degree to enroll in the program to begin with.

>got job after full year of being NEET
>was extremely sedentary NEET
>work kicks my ass every day
>2 days off on the weekends isn't enough
>back still hurts monday morning

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>took antipsychotics
>getting high
>eating a whole bag hot cheetos
anyone else living on the edge right now? i just don't fucking care anymore.

For real? I had one already so i guess it never crossed my mind... What a load of crap. Well, who cares, finance isn't where it's at anymore. And the user who posted the question originally probably has lower ambitions to start with. I still maintain my point that paying for university is useless. If i were to be a student again, i'd go Denmark or somewhere else where it's free, and deal drugs on campus so i come out richer than i came in. Studying in the West, i was amazed how many free passes from the cops the campus dealers got, just for being young students as well. That's AFTER a dozen or so visits to the proctor's office, before he would have enough and notify the police. Kinda off topic and i shouldn't be promoting crime i guess, but whatever.

welcome to adult life, user. the back just gets worse, but exercise and good sleep helps. feeling bad for your old man right about now, amirite?

>Finding alcoholic drinks tasting better and better
>Have a bottle of whiskey right behind me
I don't know how I've not ruined anything but sometimes the call is audible.

Have a (You) friend. Not even feeling at home here is a sign that the times have changed beyond you. I plan on leaving to third world country where I know my money will count for something. Maybe somewhere in Latin America or in Southeast Asia, idk but I cant stand the states anymore...

it starts small and the more you drink the more you find yourself stumbling around not knowing what you've just done. physically and psychologically. cheers though - functional alcoholism is totally doable

I no longer enjoy getting drunk, however I like a small buzz and the taste of many many various beers, spirits, wines, cocktails are all very tasty.
A lot of people think I really enjoy drinking but it's more just trying new ones and limiting myself to 3-4 at most

Always on the edge. I'm an alcoholic but don't want to admit it, constantly making bad decisions. I think my antidepressants are forcing me into a place where I no longer am interested in my friends and just want to drink alone while refreshing the same websites.

>6 foot tall
>46inch waist
>27 years old

Fite me

How do you get out of minimum wage at this age?

Same weight class and height. Are you a virg?

No I have had sex with 4 girls in my life but that was when I was a normal weight some years ago.

>tfw soon to join this shit club

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What makes the past 6 or so years so awful? Back in 2005-2009, I happily watched and enjoyed anime, vidya, and film and had high hopes for the future. The whole world was ahead of me and I thought things would only improve.

Now I'm 26 with a useless stem degree, no vehicle, no family and no social circle.

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Just analyzed my face and my waifu's face on prettyscale.
We both got the exact same result of 81% You are Pretty!
Why the FUCK am I not with her brehs. Same exact score.

>Thinking getting an escort this weekend
>Kinda worried I'll get a disease
It's legal here in Australia, I've got a lot of disposable income and she looks like my time.

i'm officially one week away from a year of sobriety. i never thought i'd ever get clean but here i am. my husband gave me an ultimatum and just like that, soberville. it was hard over this weekend, though. everyone was drinking.

Escorts are tested and clean.

Who tests them? The federal department of pussy inspector?

Still you never know....and while I wouldn't plan on it I actually enjoy eating out as much if not more than getting a BJ and idk if I won't ask for that in the heat of the moment.

I'm all goods. Just surfing the Kali Yuga know what I mean fampais?

Yeah user, have you never seen those Federal Body Inspectors? Big print right on their shirts.

sure buddy. lost my virginity to an escort who had fucking thousands of ratings on her webpage, and she gave me a urinary tract infection. the infection was so distracting that i wet myself at work and got fired (accidentally urinated on some vital accounting documents). when I tracked her down and tried to force her to apologise she convinced me to let her write my resume for me, so I could get another job, and I accepted that. I am still NEET now.

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No way that's real.
Why wouldn't you just have a few sick days?

>I will for example dip the cheapest sausages I can find in Jam
>my favourite meal is probably chocolate bars wrapped in ham, dipped in honey, with raw ground beef sprinkled over
>raw ground beef sprinkled over
Nigger you gon die.

The actual fuck is wrong with you? Raw mince is not the same as raw steak you absolute fucking mongoloid

>feeling bad for your old man right about now, amirite?

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I think it's a Euro thing. My grandma was from Germany and when she went to the store and bought ground beef, the first thing she'd do once we got home is open it and roll up a little ball of it, sprinkle it with salt, and eat it. It's pretty good.
Nowadays you can't really do it.

>say 'who dropped their krill in the water?'

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i wanna see a crab dying like this where can i do that?

>tfw turned 25 Today
>life is kinda improving, but then i get dragged down by some stupid phyaical illness flaring up and ruining everything
But i just gotta keep trying, right? Eventually things will work out..

>go to work
>come home
>pass out on the couch

>go to the gym (if i find the motivation to even get out of bed)
>come home
>pass out on the couch

Is this it?
Is this it for the rest of my life?
I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright, but meeting women is so much more difficult now than it was in school. I was a fat ugly nerd, but at least my odd were increased by the simple fact women were around me.

I'll marry either of you as long as you're chubby/fat/obese, KHV, and don't shave anything.

>make 40k+ for the last 5 years
>still living at dad's house

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Internet is a medium of free speech and expression. Sometime before the industry understood the commercial powerhouse it could be, it was a wild untamed field. This subversion can't be allowed, they tried and succeeded in turning the internet into the TV. Make it commercial friendly and unviable for the other ones that disagree with that new policy. We won't ever have this sense of freedom on the internet again, except for Jow Forums, and that too is ephemeral. Political correctness is a direct hit to freedom of speech. If people ever understand that, instead of trying to find excuses to project their political orientation over everyone else's. This is an utopic thought though. So you have to accept it and move on.

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Damn btich, I don't think the problem is your weight. The problem is that you're fucking insufferable. If this is how you treat random people, how the fuck would you treat anyone close to you? Kill yourself immediately. We don't need anymore children that end up with mentally ill single mothers because we both know this is where this is heading.

Wife is fucking up my life. Lost her job AGAIN and she has lost her grip on reality. Not in a homicidal way, but a pathetic way.

That just means you could have saved/invested a lot of that. You did do that?

Over 60k saved, another 5-6k in guns. Rent is $450/month and I cover my other expenses (gas, insurance, cell phone and sometimes food). Is that enough, senpaitatchi?

Attached: br.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>Dude buy a house!
He's not wrong.
I had a bit more than that, put it all as down payment on a medium sized house in a quiet neighborhood. The mortgage payment is really low in comparison to rent in the area.
I have some health issues now and can't work so I pay my bills by renting rooms. If I didn't have this place I'd be really screwed.

>earn 70k post tax
>job allows me to literally work from anywhere
>too scared to leave my parents house since it's nice and my mom cooks stuff for me
have a bunch saved up since im a friendless autist shut-in and dont go out. main expense is internet and phone bill. will probably buy a house and rent it out to a white hetero couple or some shit

>'who dropped their krill in the water?'
legit pretty funny

I work there too.

Shittiest part not cooking or cleaning by yourself. Shittiest part is returning to empty flat each evening.