I work in construction and I'm robot with no close friends. My crew consists of 5 other guys around my age...

I work in construction and I'm robot with no close friends. My crew consists of 5 other guys around my age, but I'm somehow generally accepted, and go to lunch with the group. Pretty sure one dude is a robot too, but everyone thinks he's annoying and doesn't eat lunch with us. He eats with his foreman, who is also his dad. The crew is pretty chad, but I probably relate more with the other loser robot. He's actually has asked to hang out with me. But if I start hanging out with the robot, I'll get made fun of by chad crew. What do?

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where do you work at?
like what site?

simple. hang out with the lower status guy you speak of, and if the "chads" make fun of you for it, just say, "I don't hang with people based on their social status, its just not who I am", it'll make you seem noble and virtuous and manly and they'll respect you more.

win win.

Go with the robot. You don't need those "chads" to respect you considering you aren't a real friend to them.

Houston. Do commercial all over the place.

Banter back with the "chad" crew. They shit talk you, you shit talk them. Long as you don't slack in your work or turn into some super sensitive diva bitch, they won't give a fuck who you hang out with outside of a few jabs.

Hang out with robot. He will become true friend. Also, if his dad is the foreman and he gets word you're chill with his son he'll probably line you up for more pay/hours if you want

this wakarimashdesu

why is construction the only profession where you have to be a Chad or a Robot? there is no middle in civil engineering (excluding the random gay architect)
surrounded by Chads in my workplace too OP

>"I don't hang with people based on their social status, its just not who I am"
lmao you don't say that don't do this op

why not origibj

because it's fucking retarded and not based at all

that's not a reason. give me an actual reason.

Because it sounds like something out of an anti-bullying video they show to elementary school kids. If OP said that to a crew of construction workers he'd get laughed out of the group and become a meme for them.

oh it just sounded similar to my situation so i was curious

Kek caring what people think

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My nigga. That said you should hang out with the robot. It makes you look like a badass who can get along with anyone and eventually a promotion one something.

I dont think so. I think you have a cringy meme view of construction workers. you realize they're actual people, not story archetypes. he doesnt have to say it like that. he could say "hes cool. no biggie" or something like that to subtly portray hes not status obsessed (like women are). the point is to send the message that you're above petty status seeking.

a true robot remembers his people first

Jfc how old are you? Hopefully under 22 or this is hard cringe

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You're a chad or a robot? What did you end up doing?

I worked in construction for about 5 years: 2 in Texas as a non-union laborer, 3 in Chicago (founding place of the carpenter's union) as a carpenter's apprentice out the union hall. If he brushes off hanging out with the weirdo as not a big deal (NOT by saying something as fucking retarded as "I don't hang with people based on their social status, its just not who I am"), then he won't get shit because no one there actually gives a shit. Worst that'll happen is some friendly banter. Crews don't care who you hang out with as long as you do your work and don't fuck around.
If OP hung out with autist #2 and ended up getting favorable treatment from #2's foreman father, however, I can almost guarantee they'd start giving him legitimate shit and subtly make his job harder.

you're too focused on the actual words that I typed for him to say, rather than the message I wanted him to get across.

anyways doesnt matter. peace out

I'm 23 =(

I'm probably gonna gonna get out of construction and go back to college. Kind of feel out of place, but I felt out place when I went to college too. And I kind of feel like 23 is too old to make new friends at college as well. Fuck my life.

It's like that most places.

I'm agreeing with you dipshit.

Can you give me some tips on how to lie about working in construction to the dentist for instance am a NEET

Tell them you're new, and they have you do a lot of digging because you're a newbie. That way can say you don't know shit without people getting suspicious. Plumbers, electricians, and concrete guys all do it. Pick one.

What is working in construction like? 21 and work a shit office job. Never went to school. I hate desk jobs so this is the worth thing for me and I want to try manual work. Should I go for something like construction? Also I am a skelly

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Become an electrician. It's the king of the trades. Other trades are jelly of you.


It's hard work, but probably the least physical demanding and requires more smarts than other trades.

It's pretty nice for the most part. winter not so much. working outside all day you'll feel much better when you get. home compared to sitting on your ass. probably less stressful too. I'd recommend it

There are better trades than construction but all of them probably beat an office job in the level of interest department. Office jobs are soul crushing

Robots are scum fuck that annoying guy
