Does anybody here remember Nyanners?
Remember how she said that
We would meet again
Some sunny day?
Does anybody here remember Nyanners?
Ask someone who dated Nyanners and a few famous r9k fembots (one whom dated a super famous memer) anything.
Why would you do that to yourself breh
Oh ya... catgirls... mmmn
Thanks for this image, user.
Because Nyanners (and the fembots) are attractive and made me cum a lot.
I fucking love nyanners. Is she still dating that Chad guy?
>Making outlandish claims without proof
you're adorable
Nyanners doesn't give a shit about us.
Why should we care about her?
>expecting me to dox myself
you're predictable
I see what you are doing there you pink floyd nigger
>makes outlandish claim where proof would require him to dox himself, thereby giving him a good excuse not to provide proof
Do you know how I know you're a faggot?
>being this jealous that I got to be with qt VA girls and quirky r9k fembots
How bitter are you? :)
>inventing and attributing motives to me because I'm pointing out you're being a faggot
The bitter one here isn't me
Exactly how many productions are in ANY of their portfolios?
Making jewtube assmarr isn't being a voice actor it's being a prostitute
drop names my negro
>desperately clinging to the hope that I'll give you a morsel of "evidence" that would only lead to my dox
Keep trying, bitter autist. :)
Why do they have to be a part of big name productions? Last I talked to Nyanners though, she was working on a game. It didn't work out clearly.
>still appealing to motive
I may be an autist, but you're the bitter one - in your fantasy land, she left you afterall. What a sad fantasy :)
Nyanners is a traitor who sold out to be accepted by the tumblr crowd and gets her panties in a twist over shittposty fun.
did she ever make any nudeposts?
How crazy are they? How damaged are they? Have any of them tried to kill themselves?
Literally every single one of them has tried to kill themselves while I was dating them.
>while dating them
What was the aftermath of that?
I mean, obviously I'd try my best to comfort them, but it was futile. Unfortunately they're the only sort of people I can relate with. If getting hurt is the end result, so be it.
I hope you know what you're doing user. Don't get hurt. And I hope your fembot gf doesn't get hurt either
shes a lot uglier than depicted
>drooling over some fucking retard from the past who should have killed herself
This board really is full of thirsty betas.
Why are robots so pathetic. Literally everyone has "depression". There's better ways to get attention.
I'm currently single but it's for the best. I'm trying to work on myself in various ways on top of graduating school soon.
I never claimed to have """depression""".
>Literally every single one of them has tried to kill themselves while I was dating them