Femanon here
Where do I find those why autistic guys and how do I talk to them
I want to comfort a lonely loser and help him improve himself, also a guy's virginity would be nice
Femanon here
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Shy* not why
Well i'm a shy autistic guy but i'm not interested in women or even sex really I just like being by myself or maybe im just used to it
why are you here to get someones hopes up just to let them down knowing you'll never meet them?
Go away with your bait.
add me up
You have to open a gateway to the nexus of feels. I will tell you how. First, draw a bath. Then, plug in a toaster. Use an extension cord if you have to. Holding the toaster, get into the bath. The tingling means the portal is working!
Oh welp. Bad for me but even then I want to comfort those "I wish someone would cuddle me and caress my hair and listen to me" guys. Or maybe we could just share interests
Because I want to know how to connect with those near me
K I am the angry tiny tiger
>Where do I find those why autistic guys
good luck with that. from work we go straight home.
>how do I talk to them
find a common interest
>I want to comfort a lonely loser and help him improve himself
are you some real life misaki or something? why would you do that?
If you're in FL I got you
It was nice trying to believe that for a little while OP, but I'm too jaded for this bait to work anymore.
aw you sound so sweet
this sound to good to be true. calling larping faggot.
How would you go about fixing him?
Posting my tag here cause why the fuck not you might actually be a girl. I'm very autistic and this post proves it.
A little I guess. My fuck buddy opened up with me about his depression, anxiety and being somewhat autistic and I try to help him become better. He is not dependent on me tho and that's great
then just look for the guy that eats lunch by himself at work or uni its not hard really
Ayo bby where u at,,, haha (state)
>My fuck buddy
Stopped reading right there
If you want to find them here, you need to tell your location.
I feel that I could intimidate them tho, specially if they find me pretty
Im latina sorry
I won't leave my discord seeing as I'm a confident extrovert, but my best advice is to find them online or at local game stores. Careful with the second one though
>My fuck buddy
How many diseases do you have roastie?
>Im latina
What country. Also post that Latina ass.
I mean, yeah I could use a friend, but I'm not going to entre i to this competition for your attention with another 20 anons.
Meant to reply to OP not you, apologies.
Add me I guess if you'd like
Enter into**
I second this, because I want to see your butt. It will make my pepee hard
Femanon also. I met my bf off Jow Forums so I mean... literally just post your discord or something. The guys here are actually really sweet (well, most of them at least) and tend to be more handsome than they think they are lol
Asi de fea tienes que ser para venir a buscar atencion aqui.
I am latina dude I'm not gonna meet anyone sadly
Maybe go for the latino guys on here?
the chance of you living in central eu is less than 0.01% so why should I even try
I'm not autistic but I have life-inducing trauma that has made me stoic and desensitized over the years
Try your best, only one girl has really broken through and then it turned out to be a lie anyways
Worst thing is there are basically no australian fembots. I don't think LDR stuff can work (have tried it a few times on here and it's just too difficult).
i can say that there is, i have talked to a few. but that was a few years ago
That's cool to hear. I'm always on the look out so hopefully a cool gal pops up. I know it's gay but I've found the girls on here to be pretty understanding and generally nice.
>My fuck buddy
Go to hell you fucking bitch
Only if you put out. stop playing with my emotions reeeee
I take everything I said in this post back, you're a bad person
why bother adding f*manons when they all have 20 pointing at them at any time
Put a lid on it, you can help by sending me money you dont know jack shit about me.
I've met so many femanons like this, all came with a dick
Where do you live?
Bot bot bot
I'm also hispanic, but not Peruvian though..
We can make fun (and feel pitty for) venezuela tho
They're paying their stuff with their worthless crypto they don't sell anywhere jesus
Lmao their inflation is so high that muslims are trying to crash a plane on it
Hi I'm lonely, pretty good looking and a virgin because I suck at social things. Something tells me you're either fake or 5 countries away from me as always.
>my fuck buddy
Please be my gf, femanon
I wouldn't mind giving away my virginity, but I really don't want to travel. If only I could send my virginity over the internet.
Can you share your discord? I wanna add you before I go to sleep
can confirm, australia is a desolate wasteland
i want the same thing as OP so i may as well post here too, i live in the US so burgers are preffered.
Sometimes after work if I haven't gotten a chance to eat I like to go to a pizza place in town and have a slice and a beer before going home becuase the girl who works there remembered by name and is very good at her job which makes me feel like someone in the world knows I exist. That's the only time you'll see me in the wild. I imagine most others like me are much the same.
I'm lonely enough that it seems appealing right now but the truth is I'd probably ghost you very quickly if we even managed to strike up a conversation. Not intentionally but I often over think what to say and end up saying nothing which only compounds the issue becuase as more and more time passes I become even more uncertain.
>so burgers are preffered.
Too bad.. I'm gonna wait for another one I guess
If any femanons live in VA and want to talk, feel free to add me on Discord: PainRelievers#8858
Are you even from the best city aka Newport News? If you're not you don't stand a chance.
Add me! My discord is doritocheeto#9510
>Newport news
>best city
The Hampton Roads area is blacker than an Appalachian coal mine at midnight during a power outage.
I made a post the other day asking if a fembot would be willing to stick with my long-term and help me improve myself since I can't do it on my own. I don't want her to be my girlfriend or anything. I just need encouragement and advice and compassion. A girl actually volunteered but I stupidly rejected her, thinking it wouldn't work out. That was really dumb of me.
Where do women who are 20+ and still virgins hang out? E.g. you'd find male virgins at D&D groups and anime clubs, is there a female equivalent? IDGAF about looks, I just want to meet somebody I can relate to and who isn't sexually out of my league. Is that too much to ask?
>Where do women who are 20+ and still virgins hang out?
>hang out
they are always at home, like the rest of us
I've never seen a black person once in the 757. It's basically a safe haven for robots
i saw that thread, entertaining stuff
>fuck buddy
fuck off and die
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. My fembot friend showed up in it and bullied me.
Will you talk to me and be nice?
All I want is a slutty fembot fwb to have degenerate nsa sex with. Why is that so hard to find?
>im a little like Misaki
>my fuck buddy
First time in a very long time I've involuntarily laughed out loud while reading a post. Thanks, user.
I hope all the thirsty fags itt get catfished and added to an incel collage
its hard to believe there are no robot neets in the US up at this time. ill come back later i suppose
>Tfw gook
I'm right here please be my gf
All I want is a girl who is receptive to empathy but that can sometimes be difficult for me to express or it sometimes comes out in excess, but yanno every experience I've ever had with females usually was just them using that part of me to their benefit, to manipulate me, etc..until I became the man-beast where I took my clothes off just my fkcing undies and ran out into the woods in a psychotic break after falling out with this one bitcH. I'm ANGRY!!!! oo oo AA aa gibs me banana. I walk home, I'm ok. I'll never trust woman again maybe just for sex if that ever happens again which I've only had sex once, but that was a long time ago and I was drunk as fuck but honestly who wants to fucK with a guy who is bipolar to the point of wanting make a commitment with them. Not to mention I come across like a total assburger because I spend more of my time on fantasies and delusion than reality and when I'm not fantasizing and believing aliens have compromised my fucking asshole, I just act like the lovechild of Life and Death.
How much would youse all be its a catfisher.
fembots please add me
No, and you desperate contactfags go to fucking /soc/
>tfw have a saviour complex too
I've known a few who in uni who were completely normal and social women, but were 20+ virgins because they only ever reall bonded with other women and never men. They usually ended up getting a bf before the age of 25 though. Any older virgin women are probably hikis or really repressed and disgusted by sex.
Ugly virgins go to conventions, comic book stores, etc.
Chances are you'd be disgusted by them.
Non-ugly virgins are reclusive as fuck, there's no way to actively seek them out.
This is because if you're non-ugly but do even the least bit of socializing you're bound to have something find you.
There has to be money in some kind of social-cripple online hookup service without the risk of attracting pedophiles and rapists. If only there were some kind of hangout for weirdos.
>tfw have a saviour complex too
Where do I find girls who want to save a loser guy from himself?
the real ones sure as hell aren't going to reveal themselves
This. Only the thirsty femanons post their contact or post attention threads because they are sluts and want orbiters
I met mine on /soc/, been together 5 years, took his virginity. Just post your info, say what you want, and weed through the responses.
>can it be that simple?
i would be willing to save a guy from himself, but no one ever sends contact
my contacts right here
listen to this before you decide to post something on this thread ever again in your pathetic life, this is for all normal and underaged newphaggotz
>tfw no mentally disabled gf to comfort
Infinite suffering is the only way.
Save me fembot pls
>posting THAT
>calling people new
He's the face of everything that is wrong with new r9k
You shouldn't manipulate people like this femanon, especially weak lonely autistic losers. It's very cruel.
go back to crystal.cafe , fucking roastie
It won't work online for me though because I'm avoidant and need somebody infront of me, thats why I asked where I can find them.
So unless you live near me or are okay with travelling it won't help me but thanks for your offer.
Okay, sure, i will take the bait, i have nothing to lose at this point
[Spoiler]Sawley3#4998 [/Spoiler]
Add me op. I'm a fat ugly lonely POS. Legit a huge loser. Glopro #0056
I went asleep. Came back for a few mins
Lmao yes. Poor fucks tho. I mean I like that latinos are dying but they're doing in such a painful way
I doubt I can feel love for someone I don't know tho
That would be nice. I could have sold mine and bOUGHT FUCKING BITCOIN. Now there's no point
I don't remember my digits and I'm on the phone
Is a shame that that kind of guys is so hard to find outside of the internet, fml
K checked. I will be kind of busy at night when I go back home but we can chat a bit
I can help you if you're willing to improve
You should try it sometime. Is comfy
Sure. Reply with your discord