Co-workers give me a fake smile when I say "hi' to them

>co-workers give me a fake smile when I say "hi' to them

Attached: [TerribleSubs] My Little Sister Is Among Them Media Player Classic Snapshot May 15, 2000.png (529x720, 390K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how about you stop using my avatars for your shitty larp, gay NEET.

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_09. (636x720, 616K)

>HR's gonna beat the shit out of them if they don't smile enough
that's just how it works
and they're probably giant normalfags anyway, so fuck them

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is it okay if you work part time at Burger King? We miss you. The new employees get too stressed over working cashier and some aren't getting along. It would be great if you can work Sunday at least.

Sorry, i work for Amazon now. A company that actually cares for its employees.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2017.08.16_10.56.09].png (376x600, 308K)

Come on, please. We always have someone calling in sick on the weekend. We need someone with shift manager experience that never calls in sick or comes late because of a family emergency every weekend.

i forgot to mention that i still haven't been caught for opening the onahole and using it. i really dont want to go back to bk

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].kkv.png (548x710, 396K)

>A company that actually cares for its employees

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Next time don't short staff me with 2 people on a saturday night. With Amazon, i choose my hours. If i dont feel like working today, boop boop on my phone and dont have to show up. Or if i wanna get out early, boop boop on my phone and i get off without getting in trouble lmao

fuck off impostor

Attached: smug horriblesubs girl.png (708x720, 501K)

Stop fucking saying hi to me.

I guarantee you the corporate apologist Jow Forumsacks will accuse you of being a communist for posting facts

>hur dur normie falling for every work abuse newsartile on social media

Amazon is pretty nice to its workers. Not all warehouses treat the workers like slaves. And no McDonalds doesn't condone the pinch box thing. Don't believe every "worker story" on Reddit.

could you try to be funny at least?

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>my opinion is fact if I say so despite hard evidence to the contrary
Nice mental gymnastics bud

user, you know it's up to me. It's up to the regional manager rather or not I can have more than 3-4 people working at a nice. Sorry that our sales aren't good enough to meet the requirements to allow 5-6 people working at a time.

Too fucking bad. You actually lose sales because we're too fucking tired from not getting a break. Fuck burger king, Amazon is a god send compared to that shitty job.

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_23. (358x474, 227K)

fuck off, i get paid 12 dollars an hour. Thats enough for me to buy my hentai subscription

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I get paid 18 an hour, boyo. Next time do some research before talking out of your nigger ass, impostor.

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[TerribleSubs] vs [HorribleSubs]

im not here to entertain you im here to blog about my exciting life fuck off

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Shut the fuck up niggerIover.

user, you will get free food! I will even let you take a cheesecake or any PBJ sandwiches that are about to expire.

Nope. If you invested in that gay job, you better fire the nigger manager that did my schedule. He is the reason i left BK.

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both of you are stupid niggers, stupid niggers

>coworker being a needless cunt to me all week
>just take it but every day gets worse
>tell myself next shift if he says anything I'm going to smash his face in
>take knife in case things escalate
>get to work, he has the night off

Seriously think I would've killed that fucking faggot if he'd come in that night. Next shift with him is Friday, can't wait.

user we give you those hours because you are the best !!! you are available 24/7 and you never call in sick or arrive late. You're so good at the job you know how to work for 2 stations at once. Everything is always stocked and cleaned when you leave!

Too bad. I am living good off Jeff Bezo's innovative work structure.

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Alright, user. If you ever want more hours or need a job to come back to you are always welcome back.

I really wish I could burn your warehouse down you racist ass gook.

Do it and go to jail for destruction of people's property lmao fucking pussy

Attached: heh smug yui.png (590x594, 332K)

It's because you're a racist piece of shit.