how are you faggots
Mental health thread
all of you attentionwhores are dangerous, undiagnosed autists.
one of you will be a school shooter, I can guarantee it.
Why'd you make this thread just to be a dick?
check IP count, he isnt OP
And that's a bad thing why?
The crushing stress and fog that made it feel impossible to sort through my shit has eased up significantly, trying theanine and valerian these past couple of days. I'm still in a place of seclusion and paranoia from the things that have happened before, when I was under the mistaken impression that doctors or sheer willpower were my only hope, but I think it'll be okay, if these keep on working, and I can make steps without being overwhelmed and lashing out or hiding away.
Literally on my way to my psychiatrist after waiting two months on a list. Bought valium so I could be a normal non anxiety boy. But she will probably prescribe me something fucked now because of my past history with drugs and medication in general. Years of medication and therapy have failed me. I hope everyone is doing well and can mentally adjust themselves to were they need to be. I just wanna die. :(
keep having flashbacks where I come to in some cramped position with tears in my ears and snot bubbles in my nose, having apparently just spent the last two hours sobbing and freaking out about something that happened 5 years ago
I feel like I might actually be dead all the time and every time I hang out with my roommates and some sharp noise happens, or we watch something with violence in it, or people even laugh too loud, I get extremely scared and disturbed and have to get up and leave. then I'm lonely in my room alone
thank god for benzos. I have a therapy appointment tomorrow
I really don't want to take my next injection, I'm no longer on a CTO so what happens if I don't?
You don't have to, but you'd best have a backup plan in case you have a resurgence of symptoms, because I take it you do not want to get partyv& (again?) and put on another one.
I feel you on not ever ever wanting antipsychotics (I put that in my advance directive) but if you have psychosis or another severe mental illness you need to learn to handle it somehow or doctors will "handle" it for you
i'm sad because i feel like no one will ever love me and that i'll always be alone
>tfw have weed
let the good times roll
Honestly life just feels surreal at this point.
Nothing feels real, even though I have a somewhat-almost normal life I'm still concerned with this.
When I was walking to school it hit me that nothing feels right, like it's not real, as I said.
Not sure, really, maybe it's derealisation or maybe it isn't, I should talk to my therapist about it.
if it is its minor, it can get worse though. a lot worse, its like a switch that just flips and fucks you
>how are you faggots
I'm gay. :3
Doctor's advice is for me to get diagnosed for legitimate autism
Not sure what that means for me other than how fucked i am for ever finding love and having my own family in the future
Good for you user. How does it feel to be gay? Your family knows ?
Chris Chan kind of autism? Or mark Zuckerberg kind of autism ?
you've always been fucked. a diagnosis just means you might get neetbux
t. autist
I've got bipolar 2. I went through one of the worst depressive phases today. I knew we had sleeping pills at home and was trying to find them so I could OD but gave up looking and just slept all day. Doctor said to take some anti psychotics to stop the suicidal actions and I think it's helped but I feel so incredibly lonely.
I haven't felt intimacy in a while and I miss it a lot.
>wait 3 months for autism consultation
>wait 1.5 hours in waiting room with kids pounding on walls/shrieking and foreigners having loud phone conversations
>go in room, guy comes in, dockers, ponytail
>asks me difficult questions can't answer well despite bringing an itemized list of problems and difficulties
>kept asking random broad questions like "what do you want to do" "what is your passion"
>turns out that was just the intake, *real* diagnosis appt is in October
Might be just easier to kill myself right
Feeling depressed and autistic as usual. You?
Yeah sometimes it fucks with me a lot, like how I can't recognise my physical body as my own and that gives me panic-like attacks.
It really does suck desu.
Zuckerberg kind of autism but I lack the means to capitalise on it
Hard pill to swallow but i guess so.
>tfw too old to be a school shooter now
no, they won't
it takes an extremely delusional and sociopathic individual to do something this cold and gruesome
robots are empathetic and internalize their pain
they only say they want to kill normies, but deep inside they know they're good guys
>this is all I got desu
>planning on hanging after the winter ends as it is my favorite season