>traps are not gay!!
>*smug wendy/earth chan face*
>*epic hentai ahegao shirt*
>T H I C C
i hope all ironic weebs fucking die
Traps are not gay!!
ya can agree traps are pretty fucking gay
take a look at nu /a/
>le traps
>reddit tier waifu
>seasonal shit
i dont understand these people, 3 years ago they wouldnt even think about traps or anything but now that its cool and trendy to be a retarded ironic weeb piece of shit these retards are actually falling for this crap, and im not saying this is on Jow Forums, most of these people are complete normalfags that spread this shit around in social media like twitter and facebook
its really fucking scary how accurate all of these pictures are, really shows how you can easily categorise these faggots for how shallow they are
Rabi Ribi doesn't deserve this
neither does touhou in the bottom right(if you actually play the games).
the point of it being there is that the vast majority of people who post touhou images dont even play the games
The funniest part about this cynic trend is that I've seen people actually take it seriously and stop liking the things accused of this. They're so shallow and insecure that as soon as someone says the thing they like is for people who aren't true anime fans, they drop it and desperately clamor to what the cool 4channers are liking. It's pathetic.
this, they are fucking braindead bandwaggoning literal reddit fags, look at /a/ and you will see it
people have to wrap themselves in irony and meta-irony and post-irony and all that shit because our culture (on and off the internet) is fucked to the point where it's unacceptable to just genuinely enjoy something. You have to be part of a group that validates that whatever something is an acceptable thing to like, and competes with and looks down on other groups that like other stuff.
Most people just naturally do that retarded high-school popularity-contest jocks v. preps v. nerds v. whatever bullshit, and once they got social media they could spread it outside of their own classroom or workplace, so now all of society is turning into that.
I don't know what constitutes a "true anime fan", but I think it's pretty obvious that most of these people just do this shit to join some sort of group to fit in, while both sides are bandwagonning retards, one is less noticeable than the other, the ironic weeb group is all over the place, while the cynics are not as vocal/popular.
It's like Rick and Morty all over again
So ironic weebs are just people that like popular weeb things? Am I getting that right? Doesn't matter if you've been watching anime and playing VNs since you were literally 12, have your room covered in merch, sleep with a dakimakura every night, and can't wait for the robowaifu revolution. Just so long as you don't like what's popular is all that matters?
>Ironic weebs are those that pretend to like popular weeb things
Fixed that for you, Ironic Weebs are basically the 2017 edition of gamer girls
The thing is, nobody knows whether they actually like the shit they claim to like or not, I know this isn't an objective approach, but usually you'd just see them posting shit because they think that the memes are funny, doesn't really matter what they like or don't like, you can assess whether a person is an ironic weeb or not by observing their behavior. Basically, they're normies that like anime because it's popular nowadays to like things that were meant for nerds. If you genuinely like the things that they also like, good on you, but the way I see it it's less so of what they like and more about how they act.
ironic weebs > unironic weebs
Not being any sort of weeb>ironic weeb>weeb
you really nailed it on the head frens. i often feel like that nowadays it is impossible to have interests you can be autistically passionate about without social media faggots saying "ew cringe". anime especially, i enjoy watching it so much and yet all i see from people now is shitposting or stuff like "haha the simpsons/spongebob/rick&morty/family guy is a great weeb show :DDDD"
desu I'd rather have all ironic weebs if I could get rid of shonenfags. also, plotfags need to go.
>kissanime is in the OP image
that website is shit and it shows that ironic weebs know nothing. masterani.me is the superior choice anyway
>Tfw unironic ironic weeb.
My autism is way greater than yours.
>tfw enjoy anime
Ironic or not, but imagine if you change your interests because someone called your tastes shit. Thats the real problem. Evetything else i dont care about.
I shaggy doggy