If youre some weak fuck who cant do 20 push ups right now

If youre some weak fuck who cant do 20 push ups right now
You had of by raised by a women or not had a good father figure in your life
Prove me wrong

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full metal jacket is a shit movie, prove me wrong.

lol imagine some retard out there doing push ups right now because of your post. Now that would be funny

I don't get you people who think that competent parenting guarantees that someone won't be a fuckup as an adult. I mean sure it makes it less likely, but theres plenty of people who fail at life despite a good upbringing.

Your life is shitty, prove me wrong
I dont need to imagine when your going to do it
>I mean sure it makes it less likely
Exactly now DROP AND GIVE ME 20

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20 is ez

what do you intend on doing if I don't?

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If you dont you just prove how much of a weak fuck you are

I'd post that infograpghic where war creates strong men strong men make prosperous times prosperous times create weak men weak men cause war. Something to that effect i'd say we are in the point where another big war will come and re-balance everything just as it always has to deny it is inhuman but to embrace it is human.

i've never been able to do a proper push up in my life. my arms just aren't strong enough

Deadhang pullups (not chinups) are better than pushups in every way.

>my arms just aren't strong enough
Well start working on that doing it right now
Yeah but everyone dont have that setup in there rooms
That sounds like a plausible theory

pic related and a fairly good chance of being more then plausible.

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I weigh 52 kg at 5'8 so I'm fairly sure I can't.
I used to be able to before but then I lost a buncha weight.
So umm, what does that make me?

Im a fatso cunt

I started doing push ups two weeks ago and went from only being able to do 8 to being able to do 3 sets of 20. I'm happy with my accomplishment. I actually did something.

>So umm, what does that make me?
A faggot, now drop and give me 20
>Im a fatso cunt
And you going to remind a fatso cunt with that mind set, drop and give me 20
Keep up the good work, strength is one of the most important parts of being a true man

ha jokes on you sir, i was actually raised by women and didnt have a single male figure in my childhood. that why im a sissy, masochistic feminine male

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> Not being able to do push-ups
I do 32 in 30 seconds and I'm skinny/nowhere near strong. I do have a physical job though. How can you be weak enough to not be able to do at least 30?

All the way down, all the way up, otherwise you're still a faggot

Aye chief

>I do have a physical job
>How can you be weak enough to not be able to do at least 30?
By not having a physical job

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Your fat n gay my friend, you do 20 push ups, or your just a weak cuck

I can't do a single push up.

im chubby and i can do 80 in a minute

As if I was already strong enough to start working on a job that demands physical strength. I was nearly dying of being exhausted after each day at work, but no pain no gain right?

One of Kubrick's best. If you think the Vietnam half of shit you suck at movies.

Do them on your knees or something. I was like that until I was about 15. Just got to force out painful half pushups for a while and you'll get there before too long. See how many you can do at once and try to get higher and steadier every day.

I can do 20 I just don't wanna

>A faggot, now drop and give me 20
I'll have to decline, as I said, I'm fairly sure I'm not physically capable enough to do them.

I could probably do 20 but I'd collapse after.
I was not raised by women cause my mother, despite living in the same house basically fucked off on raising me, and my dad is always at work, for a while it was 7 days a week, he's started taking sundays off again though.

Literally just prop your feet up on a chair before you do them and stop obsessing about range of motion and speed. Did you lock your elbows when up and touch the floor with your chest when down? Okay, that's fine, you don't need to spend 10 seconds on a single pushup to make it count.