Nigganon here. Just wanted to say, fuck all y'all racist asses

Nigganon here. Just wanted to say, fuck all y'all racist asses.

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Other urls found in this thread:

rite rite
so you wuz sayin
youz a KANG and shit?

would a black guy call themselves nigganon and then call other people racist?

I was sayin dat we fuck your women whiteboi

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Did you guys know tupac went to private school and was financed by a rich Jew since he was a child?

Is that why the Jews killed him when he went off-script with his politics shit?

Hol up hol up
So you wuz sayin
Hol up
You wuz sayin
My nigga hol up now
You wuz sayin you wuz kangz n shit?

>MFW the closest thing niggers ever got to an advanced first world nation was Wakanda.

>Fuck off to Liberia, faggot.

Attached: lol.png (493x402, 8K)

Built pyramids, period, we masters.

Here ya go nigger

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>yo nigga
>dont say nigga
Why do african americans do this?

was looking for this.
Thanks user, based and redpilled

>we fuck your women whiteboi

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Nigganon, I have a s n e a k i n g suspicion you are not an actual black person.

Black People did have quite a few great nations pre colonialism. Europe just happened to have the Industrial Revolution earlier and Blacks after getting independence again had a lot of catching up to do.

whattafuck man ma nigga why so wacist cmonBruh


But if y'all negroes are fucking white women, and we white folk are fucking asian women, who's fucking all of your black women?

A thread of a racism-material talking back about racism in racist forum. Yeah, this isn't Plebbit, Tumblr or Facebook. This is Jow Forums and people can actually express their intolerance towards your culture freely without the constant watch of political correct fags. You are not welcome here on this board. So fuck you too Tyrone, get back to your monkie cage while you're at it, and take those white digenerate hookers with you too!

>Be Somali
>We were at a normal advancing level till foreign intervention fucked it all up
>It was white people
Loawdy loawdy you crackers be gettin ahead a yoselves we WUz more advanced than nords in the middle ages

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You all do realise the tinder statistics show that black women do not like white men. Well the most recent one anyway.

That's fine. Black women are annoying as fuck. Let's let the white girls date the white guys it's alright.

whatcha say ya freakin honkie? ya kno wha i aint no docta buh...JUS STOP the fugin wacism man!
don b a fucken prick ya whitey u kno don say the wacism stuff coz i gun bang yo bitch if u say the wacism stuff once moar kay?
no fucken wacism jus b tolerants and piece ya dumb bitches

>I totally trolled that Tyrone on the internet BROOO I used we wuzz and SHEEITT hahaha XD shoulda seen the look on his black face XD when I did that so cool maaan Xb I warned ya Tyrone :)

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>>Jow Forums


nigga stap with da big words i no undastand
don-don confuse me okay i aint no docta jus don b wacist like whadafuk y r u so wacist ya honkey?

Does it suck to be a part of a race that can only "defend" itself by saying muh dick?

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>yeah, haha, this is Jow Forums, stupid!! This is Jow Forums, the website where you can say what the REAL world isn't AFRAID to say! We type the "n word" and there's nothing you can do about it! We are anonymos we are Legion

>HHAHAH totally trolled those niggeeez bro XD gonna tell all my Aryan frends on discord about this Xb Niggeeez patrol hahaha I used eeebonics to to trigga DAT blak guy over da interwebz XD lLOOOOL LMAAOOO SJW's AND NIGZ BTFO

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Does it suck to be part of the race that argues with people on the internet over obscure forums about the colour of dicks and how you hate and love a certain coloured dick.

I have no idea what you're getting at but I'd like to point out right quick that race is far more than skin colour

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Fuck you too nigger
obv not original

>By de way did you know dis science stuff on my picture is totally weal?
Your a fucking idiot if you don't know what I was pointing out and go stuff your Jow Forums infographs elsewhere I ain't having another one of those retarded arguments where the Jews get blamed. Now do you like Asian dicks?

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Yeah you can people many names here, if you wish to. Your point is?

>muh dick
Again? You niggers never learn

I don't like any dicks because I'm not gay, faggot

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>Nigger dick something niggers you nigger
I asked a question you tard you could've answered it, hey I know let me ask another question. Do you like mint ice-cream? Link this to dicks now faggot.
>YouTube links to retarded shit and another Jow Forums made infograph DEBUNKING SJW SCIENTISTS!1!!1!1!1!
seriously post it on Reddit you faggot at least someone there will believe this shit.

>Says fuck racist
>Race baits
Shit b8

I didn't post any youtube links you absolute spastic. I'm posting shit that disproves the patently false narrative that "le race doesn't really exist". If you are black then at least you're a prime exemplar of your race.
And Reddit would be the last place where you could discuss this shit. It's probably against their rules. Also by the way, not sure if you know this but Jow Forums is basically Jow Forums. The only other board that competes with it is /v/:

>believes first poster he replied to was the one with the Jow Forums infographic
>too dumb to refute the second infographic
>keeps taking pride in "muh dick" and pushing it after repeatedly being told that's not how you solve a conflict of ideas
must be a nigger SeemsGood

11) "UNINTELLIGIBLE GREETINGS": Two Negroes passing each other on a street or sidewalk will loudly utter unintelligible garbage back and forth and walk away smugly as if something important had just happened. It didn't. The Negro engages in a 24 hour a day effort to set itself apart from the rest of the Chimp Pack in order to be noticed by females, or by pretending it knows something that the others don't in order to give its fragile ego a boost. Typically, in a scenario like described above, Negro #1 will bellow out something like, "Hey Brutha -- Foobity Hoo, Fu Man Chu, Who Be You, CanYaDigIt?"

The second Negro, not wanting to admit that it doesn't know what the first Negro is even remotely talking about will reply in an even louder voice (to draw more attention to itself) "Summuh Fummuh, Shamma Lamma, Sweet Home Alabama, and a SideOrderO'FrenchFries"

The first Negro, unable to understand a damn thing the second Negro said, will pretend that it understands perfectly well as to not to appear stupid. It will respond in an even louder voice (again, typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and utter some more idiotic garbage. Pretty soon, they are both talking at the same time and trying to drown one another out as they continue on their separate ways -- each content that it was the victor in a verbal display of dominance and showmanship, much like two Roosters puffing and strutting around the same yard to impress the females. Stupid Negroes.....


31) "HUH? WUH?": The Negro cranium is such an under-developed relic from the Pliocene Era that it can barely keep them awake, let alone generate enough electrical activity to accomplish higher-order tasks (how many Negros have accomplished great feats of engineering, or wrote a symphony, or painted any great works of art? Answer - none. And those shoes Michael Jackson patented don't count!) In response to a sudden unexpected event like getting questioned by the police, the Negro's Simian brain simply locks up when queried for a response. For Example - when seeing a Negro fleeing from the scene of a crime, the police will usually apprehend it and ask questions like: "I'll need to see some ID. Where are you coming from?" Negro: "Huh? Wuh?" In this instance, the Negro is stalling for time in order to formulate a credible answer that will magically get it off the hook. However, since the hybrid chimpanzee brain is severely over-stressed under pressure - the Negro will simply continue to answer "Huh? Wuh?" until it sees a chance to try and run away. Stupid Negros....


32) "MUH AUNTY" (alt: "MUH CUZZIN"): These imaginary relatives are people that the Negro makes up in order to evade questioning from Law Enforcement personnel. This is a variation of the "Huh? Wuh?" ploy. When asked where a Negro got such-and-such stolen item (like the car they're riding in), or how that bag of weed somehow ended up in its pocket - the Negro claims that it belongs to "MUH AUNTY" or "MUH CUZZIN" over there on Fayette Street, and they will take the soonest opportunity to try and flee from the Authorities. Their brain power is so limited; it's like trying to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool with a garden hose when they try to come up with an explanation for anything. Negros suck!


Hmm my bad it seems you didn't post any YouTube links also no one said anything about race doesn't exist in this thread your just pushing your fucking annoying ideas into this place. I actually am black but I doubt I'm not exemplar of my race considering I only came here to derail or shitpost in a thread but got bored and took another way about it also Reddit is likely the easiest place you'll convince someone a race war is gonna happen using psuedoscience graphs off dodgy forums. I truly couldn't give a shit about Jow Forums having a higher amount of activity than Jow Forums that's like /v/ swamping Jow Forums because it has more activity, there are containment boards faggot stay in them.
>Argues with a black guy over the internet and tells him he's stupid because he didn't refute a infographic from a board that blames the Jews
The amazing cracker, next he'll scream he's being undermined by Jews anyway I'm done in this thread it should go down the shitter in about an hour but many I'll comeback if it lasts longer.

I agree

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Goddamn autocorrect

I wonder...


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what is 0.1% percent of white women thats with black guys hitting on any white women they see

This thread is racial in nature, so I'm posting racially related content. My posting of race-realism graphics and links was a response to what seemed like an implied assertion that race is only to do with skin colour in the first post I replied to - something about dick colour while you were chimping out.

It's not pseudoscience by the way. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. Although you're being inconsistent now. I'm posting evidence that race exists, so do you agree that it does or not?
Further these aren't "my ideas", they're facts that I'm posting evidence for.

Oh yeah and since Jow Forums is the biggest board next to /v/ you can expect that a lot of people on other boards will be Jow Forumsacks in the same many will be gamers. Which is another reason it's fucking dumb to assume that the knowledge of the facts I'm posting here would be restricted to a containment board.

One more thing. You realise that ignoring evidence and facts before even looking into them because you think they're made up by people who just "blame the jews" pretty much puts you on the same level as people that just blame the jews automatically?

reported and hopefully banned


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Because your a white man on the internet who likes making up stories to insult blacks SOO TRUE LOL

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It's called white power user don't disrespect it otherwise it will call you a nigger

>postin outdated meme statistics cherry picked to support their own narratives
Every time it is just the same shit

Have you ever heard of observational comedy?

crime iq stats blacks having higher T so their more aggressive and black history or a lack of one is real and realities harsh


>It's psuedoscience!!
How about actually address the points instead of sounding like a typical fucking redditor that calls everyone you disagree with a pseudointellectual

The butthurtness mash together with projection

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no problem jiggaboo

You are showcasing a kike. He is a white nigger. There are many white nigroes. Albanian nigroes, Turk nigroes, Mexican nigroes and the list goes on. So yeah, find a better picture next time Tyrone.

>he thinks those arent accurate

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Fuck you monkey.
We should hang you for giving our women the AIDS.

you retard Albanians are white they're classified as white no goddamn forum is gonna change that and Slavs are white as well also Mexicans aren't white we all knew that.

>They're accurate bro because I said so

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>Europe just happened to have the Industrial Revolution earlier
ever heard of the Renaissance? Even in the middle ages before that cathedrals popped up all over europe, where are the black man's cathedrals? blacks were behind from the get go

>East Africa never existed at any point they just appeared with ancient shit built exclusively by white people because we're amazing

holyshit really? read a fucking book

ancient greece the etruscans all pre rome