Chad is a myth. All women care about is status and success which varies as you age but obviously good looks and genetics help with all of that.
Purely social status (school popularity
Social status again and school popularity depending on if you go to college but this time girls start caring about what family you were born into and their wealth
>25 and over
Its only about how much money you are potentially worth in the long run
Chad is a myth...
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic iz related?
It's called lookism sweetie. Attractiveness heavily influences how successful you are. Height, deep voice, even having a masculine scent all predict status and income.
Pic is related because mc might be slightly above average looking and be a super "special" guy, he still gets cucked for being a loser
What an original and not at all rehashed thesis, OP. You obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this incredibly detailed description of the ebb and flow of human courtship rituals that have been going on since mankind learned to speak. You have truly cracked the code of human interaction and should be sharing your sublime revelations in universities across the country.
Congratulations. Faggot.
I mean I'm not denying that there's always going to be someone that already knows this but you can always just move on to another thread instead of being a bitter faggot
Oh alright I didnt even notice it was Erased, that show blanked for me
Kayo should have died
t. Basement dwelling NEET who makes excuses for not trying
Threads made by bitter faggots deserve equally bitter responses. Some men support deadbeat women, and some women support deadbeat men: but I'd bet money on you either ignoring or explaining away the second half of that statement.