>Only been on HRT 3 months
>In that time just been doing light exercise and improving diet
>Don't even crossdress or have hair grown out long and still getting referred to as a girl in public nearly every social interaction
>Getting treated better by everyone I interact with
>Have had a few guys and girls approach me asking for my number
feels good man
Only been on HRT 3 months
here's a protip: growing your hair long is like 99% of passing as a girl. i'm not trans, am over 6 feet tall, and have never made any attempt to look like a girl and throughout my time wearing my hair long i've constantly been called "ma'am" and mistaken for a girl.
Basically being a woman is easier that being man
Voice and hair are 50% of the work, clothes are 15%, height is around 15% figure and face probably 10% each.
t. Had to spend time around many trannies in mental wards. Figured out characteristics of normal passers vs hons, with my 99% accurate tranny sniffing abilities
Pretty sure your face is just feminine to begin with, if never had this happen to me and I have had long hair for extended periods of time too. Could be cause I'm 6'2 though
>Had to spend time around many trannies in mental wards
what percentage of people in mental wards are trannies?
I was in teen wards in California a few years ago. 1st hopital had 3/50 people who passed through or so. Next place that was like a rehab place that wasn't really even a proper hospital had 5/20 trannies and 7/20 or so identified as gay or bi while not being trannies. I got detained from that place for melting and biting my flesh off and starving myself and went to a 3rd place for high security out of state. There was one anorexic one there.
Pic or you're lying stop hiding behind a pic of an anime girl you degenerate.
FYI real trannies look way to masculine to pass as a girl only people who would date you are desperate gays you faggots.
>said the shilIer
>4 years on hormones and still have never been referred to as a girl in public
>want to take girl hormones to be cuter but don't want to be a tranny
Does it work like this?
thats probably what awaits me in the future too sadly
You're the fucking shill.
You want to be a sterile effeminate fuck?
Don't listen to these faggots, save yourself.
Warn the rest here.
how? even when I feel like shit and roll out of bed wearing a like 2xl t shirt and sweatpants I still don't get gendered male.
hmm another one of these threads
mc kiddly kill yourself, mcfaggot.
do as you please, please as you do.
hmm another one of these faggots (u).
I haven't taken hrt too long, and my tits are already growing too big. I already had gyno and every woman in my family has giant tits so I'm worried that they will eventually become too big to hide. They are already super visible unless I wear a jacket. I can't exactly come out right now either so fml
u r literally the faggot who is prolly gonna follow the advice ur givin to me
I think I was just one of the unlucky ones, maybe you'll turn out good though.
>warn the rest here
most trannies know they'll probably end up hideous tbhon
I wish I could be you.
>see faggot in public
>refer to him as a woman as a joke
>notice he gets a bulge after i saw it
do you live in a major city? desu I'm p sure that's why that happens to me.
>most trannies know they'll probably end up hideous tbhon
why go thru with it then?
not that soon, but like I didn't think I had any hope desu. i just didn't care since I knew I would be in a grave in a few years if I didn't do it.
fuck I'm retarded meant to reply to
Because I'd rather be an ugly androgynous freak than a hairy, gross man.
I do.
My hair is long without a beard and i have never had anyone fuck up my gender.
I see many tips and tricks on how to pass as a woman/ look like a woman/be a woman. Doesn't it all feel disingenuous and fake ? I'm not trying to be shitty, genuine curious. Like, do you have that weird sensation that you're missing something, all the time ? I'm trying to emulate what you people feel in order to understand the world around me.
desu most of what I use(d) the tips for was the know what to do because even outside of being a troon my self-perception is fucked. like most of my solutions for feeling better about how I look is breaking every camera and mirror or just let whatever surgeon I can afford just fuck my shit up. but, those protips work and make me feel less shit since most of them are generic af. idk passing in my experience is like a qol thing, unless it's passing to yourself. the missing feeling comes from a different place for me too, it's mostly just feeling like I'm missing a bugfix in my code that doesn't fuck the server up and make everyone else's life terrible after interacting with me for too long
funny how all of them cover their uggo faces
most people will be able to pass as cute if their mouth, nose, cheeks, and chin are covered up
is exactly why they wear those silly little masks.
>tfw you don't wear the haha outside of flu season or being sick
Shill garbage same thread was made yesterday
Stop using tomoko faggot. She doesn't like you or your faggotry.
Post boipukki
>tfw already doing it
it hasn't made me especially cuter but i think i look younger
that combined with the fact that i obsessively tweeze my facial hair i look way younger/softer than i should
but do i look feminine? nope i just look like a boy
although i have put on a bit subcutaneous fat but i'm still skinny as a result my hands, feet, legs etc look slightly soft
my high forehead long face and chin look so out of place with my twinkish body
and my body looks so out of place for somone who is trying to be feminine; short legs and long torso
as a male i probably look fine but the knowledge of this stuff has made me 10 times more sensitive to my anatomy
>short legs
uhhh, I think you might be a retard.
maybe stop taking hrt then you fucking degenerate.
anyway the point i was making was that it will open you up to a whole lot of tranny type nonsense even if you don't want to be a tranny
long legs are femme as fuck boiii
I guess men are on average more fem than women then.
it's attractive your thinking of, not femme
What does hrt even do? It can't possibly make you look feminine, is it just about making facial hair and body hair disappear?
worked for me that way
i wish i started hrt its too late now
Be my hrt trans gf user
is it worth to transition at 23
no lol you needed to start in your mid teens