He considers gaming a hobby

>He considers gaming a hobby

So what did you achieve after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting stories to tell your future gf at least?

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>He considers reading books a hobby

So what did you achieve after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting stories to tell your future gf at least?

>So what did you achieve after all those hundreds of hours?
Personal enjoyment but I doubt you understand the concept

>future gf
Begone normalfag.

>Any exciting stories to tell your future gf at least?
Marina literally SEETHING after losing the fork vs spoon splatfest 10 days ago (she lost like 8 splatfests in a row worldwide including the squid vs octo one proving octoniggers aint worth shit)

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>tfw have been on the winning team in every splatfest

I hate that I like playing this game so much, despite the fact it's made for children.

Multi rank 1 gladiator titles on WoW

For years being a shut in hermit I thought I was such a cool dude bro chilling with my fellow rank 1 cool dudes, admired by tons of other people in WoW

Then I went outside around actual normal people and realized how much of beta uncool faggot I was

It killed my will to keep playing the game, knowing outside of the game I was absolutely zero status.

Problem now is I have been unable to become a normie, and I also ghosted my WoW clique, and disappeared from WoW completely and dont want to go back

Its the only game that makes me feel young, the combination of the music, colorful n aesthetic art and literally playing as a (squid)kid! I may have fun with other games but this is the only one that makes me forget im almost 23 for a while. This is what they intended after all, they even said it on a interview some months ago.
Also endolphin surge!

>Any exciting stories to tell your future gf at least?
I mean, you read stories, so yes, lol.

>future gf
why would I care about a future one when I already have a present one?

>any exciting stories
Yes. I tell them to my gf and she asks me to do it often. So much so that she herself gets into those games and plays them. Whats your point?

> what is entertainment
> what are story driven games
> what is D&D and 40k
> what is having fun with friends in games

OP is a complete brainlet.

>He considers lifting a hobby
So what bodybuilding competition did you win after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting trophies to present your future gf at least?

>He considers rock climbing a hobby
So what TV show did you appear in after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting videos to show your future gf at least?

>He considers meditation a hobby
So what transcendence state did you go through after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting experiences to teach your future gf at least?

A hobby is anything that is interesting to you.

doing something for a creature that cant love is ultimate cuckoldry

>be me
>playing csgo with freind
>last round 15-15
>only my friend and enemy left
>friend sees him
>jumps off ledge
>360 noscope
>die from fall damage
i think thats a pretty funny story to tell my future gf.

>So what did you achieve after all those hundreds of hours? Any exciting stories to tell your future gf at least?

I don't live my life to validate it to someone else. What type of faggot do you have to be to even suggest this?

I once killed 15 japs in one run in rs1

I laughed pretty hard when my friend was telling me about his adventures in online games. I'm a gril btw :)

>hundreds of stories about various retards ive met on wow

Gaming is a hobby. A shitty, retarded hobby. But it's a hobby nonetheless.

it's a good training for astral travel

>He considers gaming a hobby
As opposed to what, standing and flipping burgers for 10 hours a day?

>hundreds of hours
Try tens of thousands, OP

>an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.

3/10 bait

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